They Hate America! MSNBC Will Not Air Coverage Of Trump's 4Th of July Celebration.

"Well, I got 52% (of women voters). And I will tell you — in my opinion I might have won women. ... Hey, Hillary Clinton focused on women, and I did phenomenally well."

Donald Trump on Sunday, June 16th, 2019 in an ABC News interview

Misleading Lie. He received 52% of only white women.

The United Kingdom is "our largest (trading) partner."

Donald Trump on Tuesday, June 4th, 2019 in remarks at a business roundtable in London

Lie. The UK ranks 5th and it's not even close
"There has never been, ever before, an administration that’s been so open and transparent."

Donald Trump on Monday, May 20th, 2019 in remarks at the White House

Huge Lie.

"Drug prices are coming down, first time in 51 years because of my administration."

Donald Trump on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 in a speech at the White House

Pants on Fire Lie. Drug prices are UP 17% so far this year while inflation is just over 1%
Says Pennsylvania Republican nominee for Congress Fred Keller "was a 50-50 shot" before his landslide victory.

Donald Trump on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 in remarks in the Rose Garden

Lie. Fred won 68-32% in a heavy republican state district.

Tariffs are "paid for mostly by China, by the way, not by us."

Donald Trump on Thursday, May 9th, 2019 in remarks at the White House

Repeated Lie. He just said it again this week.
No, they simply hate Trump...if anybody hates this country you sorry pile of shit, its white mf's like you that support a man that does nothing but trash this country every chance he gets when he's around his commie white bitches have really lost your fuckin minds over this bastard.
Air Trump’s speech or you hate America. You people slay me.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

I know how you sycophants just hate it when others dare not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise. The fact that you get so emotional about it is hysterical to me. :lol:
If you were being completely honest you would agree the President Trump has been attacked by the LIB media since he announced his run for President. Every fucking word he says is taken out of context, 'edited' fabricated.
You never gave him a chance b/c he beat HRC from her 'coronation' by the Lib media.
If such a horrible stupid idiot can could beat HRC what the fuck does that say about her and her party's ability to field even a half decent candidate?
The FACT is you and your party are deeply embarrassed and so you react with anger instead of admitting to your failure.
Now you are about to run some fucking Socialist dunce against President Trump. See how that works out.

Also, I am not a member of the Democratic Party. I know you fawning flunkies like to think everyone that refuses to join you in your bootlicking must be a Democrat, but you would be wrong.
"The noise (from windmills) causes cancer."

Donald Trump on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019 in a speech to the National Republican Congressional Committee

Wow Lie.

Says his father, Fred Trump, was "born in a very wonderful place in Germany."

Donald Trump on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019 in remarks to reporters

Repeated Lie. Fred was born in NYC.

Would you watch MSNBC if they did?

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Possibly, that is if I somehow couldn't pick up Fox News!

I think people who watch MSNBC don’t want to see trump.
Probably why they won’t carry it.

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I always found the previous president’s sycophants to be retarded as well. You lickspittles are too blind to see that you’re two of a kind.
You still don't get it....Trump is payback for the left voting for Obama twice....

Trump is President b/c the Democrats nominated the worst candidate in living memory.
And the DEMs are about to commit HRC 2.0
Who in their right mind believes BP Pete is going beat Trump?
Or ANY of the other Socialist dunces?
Everyone of these Socialists is helping themselves to the DEM donor dollar pie.
By the time the DEMs settle on their candidate the DEM donor dollar pie is going to consumed.

Would you watch MSNBC if they did?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Possibly, that is if I somehow couldn't pick up Fox News!

Not to worry, I am sure Hannity will have a live show from inside Presdient's Trump colon.
I always found the previous president’s sycophants to be retarded as well. You lickspittles are too blind to see that you’re two of a kind.
You still don't get it....Trump is payback for the left voting for Obama twice....

Trump is President b/c the Democrats nominated the worst candidate in living memory.
And the DEMs are about to commit HRC 2.0
Who in their right mind believes BP Pete is going beat Trump?
Or ANY of the other Socialist dunces?
Everyone of these Socialists is helping themselves to the DEM donor dollar pie.
By the time the DEMs settle on their candidate the DEM donor dollar pie is going to consumed.

The Democrats sure do love to spend money. They GOP likes to gas on about being fiscally conservative, but only when they are the minority party or during an election.
Air Trump’s speech or you hate America. You people slay me.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

I know how you sycophants just hate it when others dare not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise. The fact that you get so emotional about it is hysterical to me. :lol:
If you were being completely honest you would agree the President Trump has been attacked by the LIB media since he announced his run for President. Every fucking word he says is taken out of context, 'edited' fabricated.
You never gave him a chance b/c he beat HRC from her 'coronation' by the Lib media.
If such a horrible stupid idiot can could beat HRC what the fuck does that say about her and her party's ability to field even a half decent candidate?
The FACT is you and your party are deeply embarrassed and so you react with anger instead of admitting to your failure.
Now you are about to run some fucking Socialist dunce against President Trump. See how that works out.

Also, I am not a member of the Democratic Party. I know you fawning flunkies like to think everyone that refuses to join you in your bootlicking must be a Democrat, but you would be wrong.
How far up BONOBO's asshole did the LIB media have their tongues for eight years?
Ever worked for someone who you did not like but knew at least you'd have a job to go to the next day?
There are some things I don't like about Trump but compared to HRC I'll take Trump.
Air Trump’s speech or you hate America. You people slay me.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

I know how you sycophants just hate it when others dare not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise. The fact that you get so emotional about it is hysterical to me. :lol:
If you were being completely honest you would agree the President Trump has been attacked by the LIB media since he announced his run for President. Every fucking word he says is taken out of context, 'edited' fabricated.
You never gave him a chance b/c he beat HRC from her 'coronation' by the Lib media.
If such a horrible stupid idiot can could beat HRC what the fuck does that say about her and her party's ability to field even a half decent candidate?
The FACT is you and your party are deeply embarrassed and so you react with anger instead of admitting to your failure.
Now you are about to run some fucking Socialist dunce against President Trump. See how that works out.

Also, I am not a member of the Democratic Party. I know you fawning flunkies like to think everyone that refuses to join you in your bootlicking must be a Democrat, but you would be wrong.
How far up BONOBO's asshole did the LIB media have their tongues for eight years?
Ever worked for someone who you did not like but knew at least you'd have a job to go to the next day?
There are some things I don't like about Trump but compared to HRC I'll take Trump.

Make no mistake, the conservative media has their tongue up President Trump's asshole just as much. I didn't vote for either of the clowns in 2016 as neither earned my vote.

Obama demanded that everyone stay in lock step for him... Now its not ok if your not bashing Trump.. FUCK OFF liberal trash..

I know how you sycophants just hate it when others dare not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise. The fact that you get so emotional about it is hysterical to me. :lol:
If you were being completely honest you would agree the President Trump has been attacked by the LIB media since he announced his run for President. Every fucking word he says is taken out of context, 'edited' fabricated.
You never gave him a chance b/c he beat HRC from her 'coronation' by the Lib media.
If such a horrible stupid idiot can could beat HRC what the fuck does that say about her and her party's ability to field even a half decent candidate?
The FACT is you and your party are deeply embarrassed and so you react with anger instead of admitting to your failure.
Now you are about to run some fucking Socialist dunce against President Trump. See how that works out.

Also, I am not a member of the Democratic Party. I know you fawning flunkies like to think everyone that refuses to join you in your bootlicking must be a Democrat, but you would be wrong.
How far up BONOBO's asshole did the LIB media have their tongues for eight years?
Ever worked for someone who you did not like but knew at least you'd have a job to go to the next day?
There are some things I don't like about Trump but compared to HRC I'll take Trump.

Make no mistake, the conservative media has their tongue up President Trump's asshole just as much. I didn't vote for either of the clowns in 2016 as neither earned my vote.
It's damn hard to find anyone who speaks English to fess up to voting for the Beast.
Yes, I am sure Hillary was a non-factor in the whole affair.
The factor was the damage Obama policies brought on the dem middle class...they jumped to Trump in an attempt to change the course of the nation...and they are still with him....they will stay with him until the dems stop sounding like anti American jackals....

Does the election in 2018 back up your assertion?
I know how you sycophants just hate it when others dare not shower President Trump in a constant barrage of praise. The fact that you get so emotional about it is hysterical to me. :lol:
If you were being completely honest you would agree the President Trump has been attacked by the LIB media since he announced his run for President. Every fucking word he says is taken out of context, 'edited' fabricated.
You never gave him a chance b/c he beat HRC from her 'coronation' by the Lib media.
If such a horrible stupid idiot can could beat HRC what the fuck does that say about her and her party's ability to field even a half decent candidate?
The FACT is you and your party are deeply embarrassed and so you react with anger instead of admitting to your failure.
Now you are about to run some fucking Socialist dunce against President Trump. See how that works out.

Also, I am not a member of the Democratic Party. I know you fawning flunkies like to think everyone that refuses to join you in your bootlicking must be a Democrat, but you would be wrong.
How far up BONOBO's asshole did the LIB media have their tongues for eight years?
Ever worked for someone who you did not like but knew at least you'd have a job to go to the next day?
There are some things I don't like about Trump but compared to HRC I'll take Trump.

Make no mistake, the conservative media has their tongue up President Trump's asshole just as much. I didn't vote for either of the clowns in 2016 as neither earned my vote.
It's damn hard to find anyone who speaks English to fess up to voting for the Beast.

I voted for Hillary Clinton.

Who is the beast?

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