CBS goes old Soviet Russia-style with new department that approves stories before they’re allowed to air…

Editorializing is something that ALL media outlets do. It is generally not illegal unless slanderous or defaming and then it must be proven. The first amendment protects this speech. My problem is when a sponsoring platform disallows some speech as misinformation while allowing other obviously false post to be circulated. I believe the sponsoring outlet should be obligated to post ALL SUBMISSIONS due to the provisions of Section 230.
Conservatives don't know how anything works and are absolutely stunned whenever they find out
When you stop watching and listening to anything Progressive Socialist Communist you realize the truth. Unfortunately for people to stop there are withdrawal symptoms. The whole system is like "They Live" with the Progs in control.
Ya, you got nothing.

Journalists at CBS News now have to run their questions through a racial ideology department before going to air. This is exactly how the old Soviet commissar system worked. Massive corruption.
You are acting as if this is something new. Everyone does it.

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