CBS/NYT has bad news for Trump, as race is tied post-convention

Powell and Rice were culpable (look up the word if you don't know its meaning) for the deaths of every American (and many Iraqis) for fear mongering during the effort to justify the invasion of Iraq:

"Condi Rice discusses Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities with Wolf Blitzer on Jan, 10th, 2003 and she infamously said: "there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.""
Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'

And Powell's dog and pony show before the UN and the world:

But those were not criminal acts, those we can reserve for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld!

1. Straw man argument.

2. Completely off topic attempt to derail the point.

3. Bring up Iraq War.

4. Blame Bush.

Congrats! You just proved yourself to be a LW fanatic!.....again.

See post #97

1. You wouldn't know a straw man from a soda straw.
2. Responsive to the posts you chose not to post (i.e. a lie by omission)
3. Comporting e-mails v. the deaths of thousands seems fair & provides perspective.
4. Bush and Cheney - the buck stops at the top.
See post #97.
Why bother? You've been caught lying and derailing before and now you've been caught again. You're the LWL who labeled me a far RWer even though that's obviously not true. You're the one who replied to my post asking Mertex if Powell and Rice had been negligent with classified material in her post that they did the same "wrong" as Hillary did with her emails. Yet all you can do is piss yourself and jump around like a nutjob screaming lies and trying to derail the conversation away from the fact that the FBI found Hillary negligent in her handling of classified material.

Powell and Rice were culpable (look up the word if you don't know its meaning) for the deaths of every American (and many Iraqis) for fear mongering during the effort to justify the invasion of Iraq:

"Condi Rice discusses Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities with Wolf Blitzer on Jan, 10th, 2003 and she infamously said: "there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.""
Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'

And Powell's dog and pony show before the UN and the world:

But those were not criminal acts, those we can reserve for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld!

1. Straw man argument.

2. Completely off topic attempt to derail the point.

3. Bring up Iraq War.

4. Blame Bush.

Congrats! You just proved yourself to be a LW fanatic!.....again.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

I thought Hillary was far out in front.

A tie is an improvement on that.

YOu are off message. Beware. The mob could turn on you in a flash.
See post #97.
Why bother? You've been caught lying and derailing before and now you've been caught again. You're the LWL who labeled me a far RWer even though that's obviously not true. You're the one who replied to my post asking Mertex if Powell and Rice had been negligent with classified material in her post that they did the same "wrong" as Hillary did with her emails. Yet all you can do is piss yourself and jump around like a nutjob screaming lies and trying to derail the conversation away from the fact that the FBI found Hillary negligent in her handling of classified material.

Powell and Rice were culpable (look up the word if you don't know its meaning) for the deaths of every American (and many Iraqis) for fear mongering during the effort to justify the invasion of Iraq:

"Condi Rice discusses Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities with Wolf Blitzer on Jan, 10th, 2003 and she infamously said: "there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.""
Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'

And Powell's dog and pony show before the UN and the world:

But those were not criminal acts, those we can reserve for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld!

1. Straw man argument.

2. Completely off topic attempt to derail the point.

3. Bring up Iraq War.

4. Blame Bush.

Congrats! You just proved yourself to be a LW fanatic!.....again.

Thanks for sharing. The FBI Director did not find HRC acted with the intent to commit a crime; so far no damage has been shown to harm the US do to her use of a private server. However, the FBI director went far afield, showing himself to be a self righteous / judgmental partisan in his speech to the nation.

To err is human, unless of course you are a Bush who will never admit to making a mistake (ask him, he'll admit he can't think of one).

Oh, and fuck off. And that's exactly what her first act should be, telling the FBI director to fuck off and resign.
...Oh, and fuck off. And that's exactly what her first act should be, telling the FBI director to fuck off and resign.
Nice. An expected response of a highly partisan political fanatic. Thanks for confirming everything I think about you.
I agree with most of your post but take exception to your feeling sorry for iceweasel, of course having empathy for someone mentally challenged is a sign of your humanity, but his dishonesty and pathological anger preclude any softness in my heart for that dirt bag.

Why are you being so nice to iceweasel?

It is always polite to be nice to the feeble-minded.
Well, at least you like yourself....:lol:

Oh, you're so feeble-minded you didn't even understand my post. And, the operative word is "nice" not "like" you failed surprise, feeble-mind.:badgrin::badgrin:
You don't get to define what makes sense for others. You're a lying hag that will say anything. Corrupt, dishonest and full of smears. It's all you have. You must be a real joy to be with in person!

Well, for sure, you can't get the senseless to acknowledge've proven that. That you won't acknowledge true corruption but deflect it to others is all you have. And, I can see that you're really angry....making it personal and hurling insults is always a sign that the person feels defeated.

I feel sorry for you that you have no other choice than Trumpf. It would make me mad, too.

I agree with most of your post but take exception to your feeling sorry for iceweasel, of course having empathy for someone mentally challenged is a sign of your humanity, but his dishonesty and pathological anger preclude any softness in my heart for that dirt bag.
I have no empathy for you...:lol:

No surprise there.....I, on the other hand, feel really sorry for you and him. Must suck to have Trump as your candidate.
And here she is, still slinging her shit filled diaper around.

Bwahahaha....Weasel just proved himself to be the typical Republican angry white man.

Wallowing in his own poop.....he thinks someone is slinging it at him....poor demented soul.
Has there ever been a candidate that was on the verge of an indictment with so many scandals swimming about?

Hillary was on the "verge of an indictment" only in the minds of dimwitted conservatives. And, scandals are not fact....just scandals. Especially Republican/conservative brewed scandals. When conservatives come to that realization, they will have stepped a little closer to reality.

Let me rephrase, with the DOJ and FBI firmly in the back pocket of Obama, she was never on the verge of an indictment.

My bad.

Why is it Republicans always think the system is rigged when a Democrat is found innocent....but the system works well when a Republican like GW Bush destroys a million e-mails and nothing is said about it.....when more embassies are blown up under his and Reagan's watch, and conservatives say nothing about it, when we're attacked on our own soil under Bush's watch, and nobody says anything about it?

Hypocrites much?
Being anti-establishment and therefore electing an idiot to lead the country isn't exactly a smart much time do you need for that to sink in?

Considering you want the most despicable liar on the planet as president.....

You truly are delusional. Want to know who the biggest liar is? Keep drinking the KoolAid.

It’s been a banner year for political whoppers — and for one teller of tall tales in particular: Donald Trump.

In the 12 years of’s existence, we’ve never seen his match.

He stands out not only for the sheer number of his factually false claims, but also for his brazen refusals to admit error when proven wrong.

The ‘King of Whoppers': Donald Trump

Deflect much?
Gee tampax, how witty....:lol:

Oh my, another junior high idiot trying to be funny.......or maybe just an old man with a wasted brain?
Has there ever been a candidate that was on the verge of an indictment with so many scandals swimming about?

Hillary was on the "verge of an indictment" only in the minds of dimwitted conservatives. And, scandals are not fact....just scandals. Especially Republican/conservative brewed scandals. When conservatives come to that realization, they will have stepped a little closer to reality.
Are you on Hitlery's payroll? I mean anyone spewing such absolute GARBAGE about Hitlery must be getting PAID to do it.
Running out of quips? Sounds like it.

She is being PROTECTED by obama, lynch and comey, and no amount of your spin, misinformation and LIES can hide that fact. We all know that if the radical in the white house and his corrupt administration was HONEST, Hitlery would be facing PRISON.
You listen to too much Faux News and Rush Limbaugh. The only ones that are claiming that are the idiots who have swallowed Trump's bullshit and have talked themselves into voting for him after dissing him left and right when he first came on as one of the clowns in your clown van.

Ya know your BULL SHIT would go a lot further over at the DU or the Daily KOS.

You sound really scared.....actually petrified.....because your Orange Orangutan doesn't know much and he's your only choice........Bwahahaha....must suck to be in your shoes.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

Trump being tied at this point is bad for him? Are you insane?
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

Trump being tied at this point is bad for him? Are you insane?
Of course it's bad considering Hillary hasn't gotten her convention bump yet. Hell, even McCain pulled ahead of Obama by double digits in at least one poll following the RNC. If the best Trump can do is break even, he's schlonged.
Nobody said that what Hillary did wasn't "wrong"....but there is a difference between wrong and criminal.....apparently you aren't intelligent enough to figure that out. Powell and Rice and others have done the same "wrong" and nobody is calling them corrupt. You're a hypocrite....not very smart hypocrite, at that.
Were Powell and Rice also negligent with classified material and sent it through their private emails even though they should have known better?

Geez, did you even bother to check? Of course not....most conservatives are so damn arrogant they think they are always right.....well, guess what?

Eat some

Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Powell and Rice were culpable (look up the word if you don't know its meaning) for the deaths of every American (and many Iraqis) for fear mongering during the effort to justify the invasion of Iraq:

"Condi Rice discusses Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities with Wolf Blitzer on Jan, 10th, 2003 and she infamously said: "there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.""
Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'

And Powell's dog and pony show before the UN and the world:

But those were not criminal acts, those we can reserve for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld!

1. Straw man argument.

2. Completely off topic attempt to derail the point.

3. Bring up Iraq War.

4. Blame Bush.

Congrats! You just proved yourself to be a LW fanatic!.....again.

Bwahahaha....and I just proved you to be a RW didn't even bother to check.

Linick's findings will be seen as helpful to Clinton, because they show that past secretaries of state and senior officials used personal accounts to conduct government business and occasionally allowed secrets to spill into the insecure traffic.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Geez, did you even bother to check? Of course not....most conservatives are so damn arrogant they think they are always right.....well, guess what?

Eat some

Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Are you bitter? Vindictive? From your link:

""I wish they would release them," Powell said, "so that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, 'What's the issue?'"

Powell said he has read the two messages in question, having been made aware of the letter. The messages originated with ambassadors -- one in the Philippines, the other in Europe. He said they were first circulated on unclassified State Department systems, and sent to his personal account by his assistant.

"They were unclassified at the time, and they are, in my judgment, still unclassified," he said.
Bwahahaha....and I just proved you to be a RW didn't even bother to check...
Why should I when all I did was ask you? You're not only making a mountain out of a molehill, but like Wry Catcher you are proving yourself to be a highly partisan individual who is so extreme, anyone to the opposite side of them is labeled a fanatic.

If you are such moderate or even a simply moderate liberal, and not an extremist, please tell me at what RW issues you support.

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