CBS/NYT has bad news for Trump, as race is tied post-convention

Has there ever been a candidate that was on the verge of an indictment with so many scandals swimming about?

Hillary was on the "verge of an indictment" only in the minds of dimwitted conservatives. And, scandals are not fact....just scandals. Especially Republican/conservative brewed scandals. When conservatives come to that realization, they will have stepped a little closer to reality.
Jesus,you dumb fucken liberals still dont get it.....
What part of the anti establishment movement do you not understand?
I mean it started at the last midterm elections and you still havent caught on.
Just how much time do you need for it to sink in?

Being anti-establishment and therefore electing an idiot to lead the country isn't exactly a smart much time do you need for that to sink in?

Considering you want the most despicable liar on the planet as president.....

You truly are delusional. Want to know who the biggest liar is? Keep drinking the KoolAid.

It’s been a banner year for political whoppers — and for one teller of tall tales in particular: Donald Trump.

In the 12 years of’s existence, we’ve never seen his match.

He stands out not only for the sheer number of his factually false claims, but also for his brazen refusals to admit error when proven wrong.

The ‘King of Whoppers': Donald Trump

Deflect much?
Gee tampax, how witty....:lol:
Has there ever been a candidate that was on the verge of an indictment with so many scandals swimming about?

Hillary was on the "verge of an indictment" only in the minds of dimwitted conservatives. And, scandals are not fact....just scandals. Especially Republican/conservative brewed scandals. When conservatives come to that realization, they will have stepped a little closer to reality.

Let me rephrase, with the DOJ and FBI firmly in the back pocket of Obama, she was never on the verge of an indictment.

My bad.
Being anti-establishment and therefore electing an idiot to lead the country isn't exactly a smart much time do you need for that to sink in?

Considering you want the most despicable liar on the planet as president.....

You truly are delusional. Want to know who the biggest liar is? Keep drinking the KoolAid.

It’s been a banner year for political whoppers — and for one teller of tall tales in particular: Donald Trump.

In the 12 years of’s existence, we’ve never seen his match.

He stands out not only for the sheer number of his factually false claims, but also for his brazen refusals to admit error when proven wrong.

The ‘King of Whoppers': Donald Trump

Deflect much?
Gee tampax, how witty....:lol:

Yeah, because "tampax" was real Steve Martin material. haven't shown the door to Mike Ryan.....he stood before you all at the RNC and never did endorse Trumpf.....a good sign that he doesn't think Trumpf should be the GOP candidate. Ryan, like McConnell think that they are going to manipulate Trump to do their bidding, just because Trump decided to acquiese to their demands just to gain their support. Shows how delusional you all really are.

And just because you nitwits reject any Republican that shows any evidence of having some "sense" doesn't mean that the radical base who has no real direction are the "true" Republicans.
You don't get to define what makes sense for others. You're a lying hag that will say anything. Corrupt, dishonest and full of smears. It's all you have. You must be a real joy to be with in person!

Well, for sure, you can't get the senseless to acknowledge've proven that. That you won't acknowledge true corruption but deflect it to others is all you have. And, I can see that you're really angry....making it personal and hurling insults is always a sign that the person feels defeated.

I feel sorry for you that you have no other choice than Trumpf. It would make me mad, too.

I agree with most of your post but take exception to your feeling sorry for iceweasel, of course having empathy for someone mentally challenged is a sign of your humanity, but his dishonesty and pathological anger preclude any softness in my heart for that dirt bag.
I have no empathy for you...:lol:

No surprise there.....I, on the other hand, feel really sorry for you and him. Must suck to have Trump as your candidate.
And here she is, still slinging her shit filled diaper around.
I agree with most of your post but take exception to your feeling sorry for iceweasel, of course having empathy for someone mentally challenged is a sign of your humanity, but his dishonesty and pathological anger preclude any softness in my heart for that dirt bag.

Why are you being so nice to iceweasel?

It is always polite to be nice to the feeble-minded.
Yeah, you're just a nice as Hillary.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

History? Liberals study history? Like the history of socialism and Marxism? LOL

Anyhew, let's look at history, shall we?

Has there ever been a candidate that was on the verge of an indictment with so many scandals swimming about?

Oh, and there are more e-mails that will be released.

Guilty until proved innocent, the ideology of a fascist, who no doubt will vote for Trump.
Has there ever been a candidate that was on the verge of an indictment with so many scandals swimming about?

Hillary was on the "verge of an indictment" only in the minds of dimwitted conservatives. And, scandals are not fact....just scandals. Especially Republican/conservative brewed scandals. When conservatives come to that realization, they will have stepped a little closer to reality.
Are you on Hitlery's payroll? I mean anyone spewing such absolute GARBAGE about Hitlery must be getting PAID to do it.

She is being PROTECTED by obama, lynch and comey, and no amount of your spin, misinformation and LIES can hide that fact. We all know that if the radical in the white house and his corrupt administration was HONEST, Hitlery would be facing PRISON.

Ya know your BULL SHIT would go a lot further over at the DU or the Daily KOS.
Has there ever been a candidate that was on the verge of an indictment with so many scandals swimming about?

Hillary was on the "verge of an indictment" only in the minds of dimwitted conservatives. And, scandals are not fact....just scandals. Especially Republican/conservative brewed scandals. When conservatives come to that realization, they will have stepped a little closer to reality.

Let me rephrase, with the DOJ and FBI firmly in the back pocket of Obama, she was never on the verge of an indictment.

My bad.

Written by ^^^ a member of the tin foil hat army.
Don't be surprised if Clinton actually loses some ground to Trump after the Democratic Convention. She stinks, and after the Wikileaks stuff, more folks know it.
Nobody said that what Hillary did wasn't "wrong"....but there is a difference between wrong and criminal.....apparently you aren't intelligent enough to figure that out. Powell and Rice and others have done the same "wrong" and nobody is calling them corrupt. You're a hypocrite....not very smart hypocrite, at that.
Were Powell and Rice also negligent with classified material and sent it through their private emails even though they should have known better?
Let me rephrase, with the DOJ and FBI firmly in the back pocket of Obama, she was never on the verge of an indictment.

My bad.
The DOJ and FBI are staffed by thousands of loyal, patriotic and duty-bound public servants. They can hardly be "firmly in the back pocket of Obama".
Polls before the DNC convention has even started are useless. Well, polls in general are useless. I guess the polls in late September and October have some validity. But all that really matters is November..
Polls before the DNC convention has even started are useless. Well, polls in general are useless. I guess the polls in late September and October have some validity. But all that really matters is November..

Polls are fiction. They often only reflect what a particular entity wants the result to be. I don't think there's any actual polling taking place. I think they make it all up. They're fictions designed to shape opinion. That's how i see them anyway.
Nobody said that what Hillary did wasn't "wrong"....but there is a difference between wrong and criminal.....apparently you aren't intelligent enough to figure that out. Powell and Rice and others have done the same "wrong" and nobody is calling them corrupt. You're a hypocrite....not very smart hypocrite, at that.
Were Powell and Rice also negligent with classified material and sent it through their private emails even though they should have known better?

Powell and Rice were culpable (look up the word if you don't know its meaning) for the deaths of every American (and many Iraqis) for fear mongering during the effort to justify the invasion of Iraq:

"Condi Rice discusses Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities with Wolf Blitzer on Jan, 10th, 2003 and she infamously said: "there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.""
Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'

And Powell's dog and pony show before the UN and the world:

But those were not criminal acts, those we can reserve for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld!
I can't help but think the fat lady is screeching.

Welcome President Trump! :)
Powell and Rice were culpable (look up the word if you don't know its meaning) for the deaths of every American (and many Iraqis) for fear mongering during the effort to justify the invasion of Iraq:

"Condi Rice discusses Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities with Wolf Blitzer on Jan, 10th, 2003 and she infamously said: "there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.""
Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'

And Powell's dog and pony show before the UN and the world:

But those were not criminal acts, those we can reserve for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld!

1. Straw man argument.

2. Completely off topic attempt to derail the point.

3. Bring up Iraq War.

4. Blame Bush.

Congrats! You just proved yourself to be a LW fanatic!.....again.
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He was behind...

Now he is ahead according some polls.

And this is bad news?

The delusions are strong.
I'll be back with the poll numbers after they reflect Hillary's convention bump....

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