CBS/NYT has bad news for Trump, as race is tied post-convention

Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.

Jesus,you dumb fucken liberals still dont get it.....
What part of the anti establishment movement do you not understand?
I mean it started at the last midterm elections and you still havent caught on.
Just how much time do you need for it to sink in?
Even if all the made-up scandals about Hillary were to be true........she is well-qualified, intelligent, eloquent and speaks to the issues the American people are interested in ...
Made up scandals? That's what you need to believe? It's the spin, lies, deceit and corruption at the highest level that concerns many Americans. You've made a choice for what you stand for. Corruption means nothing to you if it gets you where you want. To imply that Trump isn't speaking on issues that matter is just more bullshit and spin from the left. It's all you have.
Yeah, Trumpf hasn't already set himself up as the leader of "the war on women"!

Fact checking Trump's history of insulting women
1) Straw man argument. This was about VOR's misogyny, I'm not claiming others aren't misogynists.

2) Using the excuse "It's okay if Liberals are misogynistic because Conservatives are also misogynistic" isn't the direction we should be going.

Your using one member's post insulting another member (who insults men and women on a regular basis) and trying to broad brush all "far left-wingers". Unless you can show some statistics showing all far LWers as misognynistic, your claim is bogus. At least I posted proof that Trump is.

More proof that far LWers are not only misogynistic, but are, indeed, conducting a war on women

On your #2.....I didn't even mention "conservatives", so your point is irrelevant.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.
LOL backattcha dimwit. Those "influential" Republicans in name only were shown the door. They are part of the problem, like Hillary.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

Trump's campaign has even started yet. Mrs. Tuzla is already spending hand over fist. Of course she has all of the establishment and corporate America behind her so she has lots and lots of other people's money to spend.

I am not sure why listening to a screeching barn owl is going to increase her popularity. She is a given, she is known, there is nothing to discover about Mrs. Tuzla.

What she will run on is how much free crap she can promise.

Why are you so bitter? HRC is doing nothing more than working within the rules set by the five conservative members of the Supreme Court who determined money in elections was an example of free speech. The R's and conservatives applauded this ruling, and now piss and moan because the power elite has (rightly) rejected Trump and put their coin on HRC.

Clinton does not promise "free crap", a comment which is nothing more than a partisan echo, thoughtless and not reality based. HRC's stump speech is about a fair deal for those who have been left behind in the Obama recovery, and still face nearly negative growth and growing debt while the elite are rolling in dough.

Why would you say that me pointing out the truth about Mrs. Tuzla makes me bitter? I think the American people are smart enough to rise up and vote the Clinton's out of our lives forever. That does not change the FACT that Mrs. Tuzla is a bought and paid for establishment shill.

Not all of the American people are smart, but enough have enough to reject neo fascism. It is not my intent to toss out that word lightly, or too use it as a pejorative. Hate and fear rhetoric is the grist of a fascist leader, and we have seen how it has been used by other demagogues in the past.

The establishment (which you are using as a pejorative) is the power elite, as they go (thanks to CU & McCutcheon) so goes the voter.
Even if all the made-up scandals about Hillary were to be true........she is well-qualified, intelligent, eloquent and speaks to the issues the American people are interested in ...
Made up scandals? That's what you need to believe? It's the spin, lies, deceit and corruption at the highest level that concerns many Americans. You've made a choice for what you stand for. Corruption means nothing to you if it gets you where you want. To imply that Trump isn't speaking on issues that matter is just more bullshit and spin from the left. It's all you have.

Yep....they're made up. When you can come up with actual charges you can claim they are true. The FBI Director, Comey, was a Republican, and he relieved Clinton of any criminal action, so for you to call him a liar just shows how far conservatives are willing to go to hold on to their myths. They are willing to eat their own.

And talk about corruption....when you can exonerate Trumpf from not ripping off people with his Fake University and bullshit real estate scam, then you can tell me that I stand for corruption. You can sugar coat Trump's corruption, but that is corruption nontheless.
Even if all the made-up scandals about Hillary were to be true........she is well-qualified, intelligent, eloquent and speaks to the issues the American people are interested in ...
Made up scandals? That's what you need to believe? It's the spin, lies, deceit and corruption at the highest level that concerns many Americans. You've made a choice for what you stand for. Corruption means nothing to you if it gets you where you want. To imply that Trump isn't speaking on issues that matter is just more bullshit and spin from the left. It's all you have.

Yep....they're made up. When you can come up with actual charges you can claim they are true. The FBI Director, Comey, was a Republican, and he relieved Clinton of any criminal action, so for you to call him a liar just shows how far conservatives are willing to go to hold on to their myths. They are willing to eat their own.

And talk about corruption....when you can exonerate Trumpf from not ripping off people with his Fake University and bullshit real estate scam, then you can tell me that I stand for corruption. You can sugar coat Trump's corruption, but that is corruption nontheless.
No they aren't made up, you are a liar. He pointed out many things she did wrong. You revealed yourself for what you are. A lying hag that will say anything.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.
LOL backattcha dimwit. Those "influential" Republicans in name only were shown the door. They are part of the problem, like Hillary. haven't shown the door to Mike Ryan.....he stood before you all at the RNC and never did endorse Trumpf.....a good sign that he doesn't think Trumpf should be the GOP candidate. Ryan, like McConnell think that they are going to manipulate Trump to do their bidding, just because Trump decided to acquiese to their demands just to gain their support. Shows how delusional you all really are.

And just because you nitwits reject any Republican that shows any evidence of having some "sense" doesn't mean that the radical base who has no real direction are the "true" Republicans.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.

Jesus,you dumb fucken liberals still dont get it.....
What part of the anti establishment movement do you not understand?
I mean it started at the last midterm elections and you still havent caught on.
Just how much time do you need for it to sink in?

Being anti-establishment and therefore electing an idiot to lead the country isn't exactly a smart much time do you need for that to sink in?
Your using one member's post insulting another member (who insults men and women on a regular basis) and trying to broad brush all "far left-wingers". Unless you can show some statistics showing all far LWers as misognynistic, your claim is bogus. At least I posted proof that Trump is.
Proof of VOR's misogyny was in his post. You're mad at me for pointing out that fact. Sure Trump has made several misogynistic statements, but what is interesting to me is you are not denying VOR is a misogynistic Liberal. You're only saying "Well, Trump is one too!"

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck about Trump and will be voting my consciousness by voting Libertarian. Sorry, I can't hold my nose long enough to vote for either Trump nor Hillary.
You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.
LOL backattcha dimwit. Those "influential" Republicans in name only were shown the door. They are part of the problem, like Hillary. haven't shown the door to Mike Ryan.....he stood before you all at the RNC and never did endorse Trumpf.....a good sign that he doesn't think Trumpf should be the GOP candidate. Ryan, like McConnell think that they are going to manipulate Trump to do their bidding, just because Trump decided to acquiese to their demands just to gain their support. Shows how delusional you all really are.

And just because you nitwits reject any Republican that shows any evidence of having some "sense" doesn't mean that the radical base who has no real direction are the "true" Republicans.
You don't get to define what makes sense for others. You're a lying hag that will say anything. Corrupt, dishonest and full of smears. It's all you have. You must be a real joy to be with in person!
You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.

Jesus,you dumb fucken liberals still dont get it.....
What part of the anti establishment movement do you not understand?
I mean it started at the last midterm elections and you still havent caught on.
Just how much time do you need for it to sink in?

Being anti-establishment and therefore electing an idiot to lead the country isn't exactly a smart much time do you need for that to sink in?
How many idiots create billion dollar empires? You're a lying dishonest hag, period. And probably payed to spam this board, I wouldn't doubt it.
throw in that the socialists are self imploding & we are feeling pretty good

You need to listen to "real" news and not the rants of Faux News. Democrats are not the ones that are must have had your "rose-colored" glasses on while watching the RNC.
Donald Trump failed to take the lead against Hillary Clinton in a poll (CBS/NYT) conducted July 22-24, after the Republican convention was over.
42% for Clinton 42% for Trump
With the Democratic convention likely to give Clinton a boost, this is bad news for Trump and those wishing that he become President of the United States:
Poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied going into Democratic convention

You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.

Jesus,you dumb fucken liberals still dont get it.....
What part of the anti establishment movement do you not understand?
I mean it started at the last midterm elections and you still havent caught on.
Just how much time do you need for it to sink in?

Anti government, anti establishment, anti regulation, anti UN, anti immigration, anti rights for LGBT, anti taxation, anti gun control, anti abortion, anti this, that and seemingly everything defines the Crazy Right Wing which today seems to dominate the Republican Party.

What are you for? What do you support?
throw in that the socialists are self imploding & we are feeling pretty good

You need to listen to "real" news and not the rants of Faux News. Democrats are not the ones that are must have had your "rose-colored" glasses on while watching the RNC.
The dems are having problems. Your lies and smears can't cover it up, shit stain. Slinging your soiled diaper around won't hide it.
You might want to rethink that...

Trump bump in polls.jpg
You might want to rethink the boost thing with old noodle head stepping down in disgrace and bernie supporters going on an email induced rampage....just sayin.

No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.

Jesus,you dumb fucken liberals still dont get it.....
What part of the anti establishment movement do you not understand?
I mean it started at the last midterm elections and you still havent caught on.
Just how much time do you need for it to sink in?

Being anti-establishment and therefore electing an idiot to lead the country isn't exactly a smart much time do you need for that to sink in?

Considering you want the most despicable liar on the planet as president.....
No one ever said the Democratic Party didn't have an idiot fringe, and any supporter of Sen. Sanders who doesn't vote for HRC is part of that extreme element. I listened to a Bernie supporter being interviewed yesterday, and he was as foolish as those who support Trump. The good thing about the D Party, as opposed to the R's, our fringe is a very small minority of unsophisticated and concrete thinkers, and that set is the majority in the Party of David Duke and The Donald.

Apparently you're all idiots considering you still support dems in light of the email release.

Bwahahaha, says the idiot who still supports Trump when many influential Republicans (i.e. H W Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Mich Gov Rick Snyder, Ohio Gov John Kasich, Mass Gov. Charles Baker, Az Sen Jeff Flake, Ill Sen. Mark Kirk, NV. Sen. Dean Heller, NY Rep Mark Hanna, SC Mark Sanford, etc, etc,) have vowed to not vote for Trump.
LOL backattcha dimwit. Those "influential" Republicans in name only were shown the door. They are part of the problem, like Hillary. haven't shown the door to Mike Ryan.....he stood before you all at the RNC and never did endorse Trumpf.....a good sign that he doesn't think Trumpf should be the GOP candidate. Ryan, like McConnell think that they are going to manipulate Trump to do their bidding, just because Trump decided to acquiese to their demands just to gain their support. Shows how delusional you all really are.

And just because you nitwits reject any Republican that shows any evidence of having some "sense" doesn't mean that the radical base who has no real direction are the "true" Republicans.
You don't get to define what makes sense for others. You're a lying hag that will say anything. Corrupt, dishonest and full of smears. It's all you have. You must be a real joy to be with in person!

Well, for sure, you can't get the senseless to acknowledge've proven that. That you won't acknowledge true corruption but deflect it to others is all you have. And, I can see that you're really angry....making it personal and hurling insults is always a sign that the person feels defeated.

I feel sorry for you that you have no other choice than Trumpf. It would make me mad, too.

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