CBS Poll:Americans not buying Liberal lie that conservative "rhetoric" caused shootin


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Poll: Most Americans Feel Rhetoric, Tucson Shooting Unrelated

Nearly six in 10 Americans say the country's heated political rhetoric is not to blame for the Tucson shooting rampage that left six dead and critically wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll.

In the wake of the shooting, much focus has been put on the harsh tone of politics in Washington and around the country, particularly after a contentious midterm election. Rhetoric and imagery from both Republicans and Democrats have included gun-related metaphors, but the majority of the country isn't connecting the shooting to politics.
The lone suspect in the attack, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, had expressed in recent years a deep-seated distrust of the government and personal animosity toward Giffords, according to evidence collected by authorities, YouTube videos he made and accounts from former acquaintances.


Overall, 57 percent of respondents said the harsh political tone had nothing to do with the shooting, compared to 32 percent who felt it did. Republicans were more likely to feel the two were unrelated - 69 percent said rhetoric was not to blame; 19 percent said it played a part. Democrats were more split on the issue - 49 percent saw no connection; 42 percent said there was.

Read all here: Poll: Most Americans Feel Rhetoric, Tucson Shooting Unrelated - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In other words, you disgusting liberal vultures who tried to profit from this horrible tragedy DID NOT SUCCEED!

It's a huge fail, and this shameless behavior will be remember by voters.

Thank you liberals for exposing, ONCE AGAIN, exactly who you are.

In trying to smear the Tea Party, the only thing you accomplishes was revealing yourselves.

Good job!
Uh oh!

Liberals have been stunned into silence.

What can they say to the shocker that another liberal smear is a fail?

Why is it, when only far right, individuals (non elected officials) were blogging about Muslims and the connection to the Fort Hood masacre, our President hit the airwaves saying we should not rush to judgement...

but when elected officials, congresspeople and senators and many memebers of the media rushed to judgement, he was silent?
You can never stun a liberal into silence. They're just reconoitering for their next move.
Why is it, when only far right, individuals (non elected officials) were blogging about Muslims and the connection to the Fort Hood masacre, our President hit the airwaves saying we should not rush to judgement...

but when elected officials, congresspeople and senators and many memebers of the media rushed to judgement, he was silent?

A. He didn't hear about it.

B. It didn't bother him.

C. He agrees with them.
Of course the PEOPLE aren't buying it. They can see through the DIRTY POLITICS that the Left-Progressives-Democrats are using with the HELP OF THE Lamestream media to score Political points and DESTROY Palin all rolled into one.
Truth isn't subject to a vote.

Politics however, tend to be.

That explains much, I think, about the process and why we are so typically asked to sign onto the lies we are constantly exposed to.

And you partisans fall for it every damned time, too.

Honestly, I marvel at how utterly dense partisans are.
Of course the PEOPLE aren't buying it. They can see through the DIRTY POLITICS that the Left-Progressives-Democrats are using with the HELP OF THE Lamestream media to score Political points and DESTROY Palin all rolled into one.

Actually, I would expect the left to blog about it and spread it around just as I would expect the right to blog about it and spread it around if the tables were turned. It is what citizens do.

I am more concerned that elected reps and senators are guilty of it and our President refuses to tell them to retract.

It seems he is more interested in protecting the reputation and well being of one group (Muslims) and not another group (conservatives)...I thought it was his role to govern all of us equally....????.....
Truth isn't subject to a vote.

Politics however, tend to be.

That explains much, I think, about the process and why we are so typically asked to sign onto the lies we are constantly exposed to.

And you partisans fall for it every damned time, too.

Honestly, I marvel at how utterly dense partisans are.

No, this is what happens when you try to sell Americans a version of reality that's different from what they see.
Why is it, when only far right, individuals (non elected officials) were blogging about Muslims and the connection to the Fort Hood masacre, our President hit the airwaves saying we should not rush to judgement...

but when elected officials, congresspeople and senators and many memebers of the media rushed to judgement, he was silent?

Will someone on the left please offer me their HONEST sentiments on the above stated observation?
Here you go.

You want to blast liberals for politicizing this event...and that's exactly what you are doing.

Liberals haven't come out as a group saying this...get the fuck over yourself.

You're just as fucking bad as the people you're complaining of here on this thread.
Why is it, when only far right, individuals (non elected officials) were blogging about Muslims and the connection to the Fort Hood masacre, our President hit the airwaves saying we should not rush to judgement...

but when elected officials, congresspeople and senators and many memebers of the media rushed to judgement, he was silent?

^^^^ Post of the Week!
Truth isn't subject to a vote.

Politics however, tend to be.

That explains much, I think, about the process and why we are so typically asked to sign onto the lies we are constantly exposed to.

And you partisans fall for it every damned time, too.

Honestly, I marvel at how utterly dense partisans are.

Oh how I agree with you! Maybe they aren't so dense, however but wearing blinders so they cannot see all the facts. Hate to think our population has such a low IQ.
Here you go.

You want to blast liberals for politicizing this event...and that's exactly what you are doing.

Liberals haven't come out as a group saying this...get the fuck over yourself.

You're just as fucking bad as the people you're complaining of here on this thread.

No...I just want to know why our president refused to act as a leader and tell the elected pooliticians to retract their rush to judegement.

He had no problem telling bloggers to stop subsequent to the Fort Hood masacre.
Why is it, when only far right, individuals (non elected officials) were blogging about Muslims and the connection to the Fort Hood masacre, our President hit the airwaves saying we should not rush to judgement...

but when elected officials, congresspeople and senators and many memebers of the media rushed to judgement, he was silent?

Because a majority weren't laying the actual blame on anyone, simply using the opportunity to speak out against the hateful rhetoric which applies even if he WASN'T inspired by it, because he made an attack on Public Officials and was proven via his youtube channel to be very anti establishment and very conspiracy-driven,

and then of course people's comments about rhetoric are sent through the spin factory, and thus accused of laying the actual blame. You know how it works, man.

If you had listened closely, you'd know.

I'm not dismissing those few who did lay the ACTUAL blame, mind you, but I'm just being real which is unique to these situations, as you see here. I will subsequently be accused of laying the blame, watch, and then you'll see my point.
Here you go.

You want to blast liberals for politicizing this event...and that's exactly what you are doing.

Liberals haven't come out as a group saying this...get the fuck over yourself.

You're just as fucking bad as the people you're complaining of here on this thread.

Why is it, when only far right, individuals (non elected officials) were blogging about Muslims and the connection to the Fort Hood masacre, our President hit the airwaves saying we should not rush to judgement...

but when elected officials, congresspeople and senators and many memebers of the media rushed to judgement, he was silent?

Because a majority weren't laying the actual blame on anyone, simply using the opportunity to speak out against the hateful rhetoric which applies even if he WASN'T inspired by it, because he made an attack on Public Officials and was proven via his youtube channel to be very anti establishment and very conspiracy-driven,

and then of course people's comments about rhetoric are sent through the spin factory, and thus accused of laying the actual blame. You know how it works, man.

If you had listened closely, you'd know.

I'm not dismissing those few who did lay the ACTUAL blame, mind you, but I'm just being real which is unique to these situations, as you see here. I will subsequently be accused of laying the blame, watch, and then you'll see my point.


Were you sleeping next to Rip Van Winkle until 2 minutes ago?
Here you go.

You want to blast liberals for politicizing this event...and that's exactly what you are doing.

Liberals haven't come out as a group saying this...get the fuck over yourself.

You're just as fucking bad as the people you're complaining of here on this thread.

It's a little late now to whine about "politicizing" this tragedy. A WHOLE segment of people have BEEN ACCUSED (Republican, the Tea Party, etc.) as the cause for this, NOW those people are STANDING UP TO THIS SLANDER. That is just how it is.

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