CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”

They freaked out over a 98.5 percent survival rate with covid

"Vaccine" killing people ....well it's just a small percentage what's the big deal

They're to retarded

I’m still angry at people that were saying children are immune. Obviously, children are NOT immune. Especially with the virus evolving and getting worse.

So even if children can’t get the vaccination, everyone around them should be vaccinated just to protect the children.
How fucking stupid are USMB Conservatives?

Don‘t wear masks
Don’t Social Distance
Don’t vaccinate

No wonder the world laughs at us
Masks don't stop the virus..............
and who doesnt' socially distance (hint: the lib riots)
and apparently the vaccines kill and enable those who get the shot to get the virus and spread it.
How fucking stupid are USMB Conservatives?

Don‘t wear masks
Don’t Social Distance
Don’t vaccinate

No wonder the world laughs at us
Masks don't stop the virus..............
and who doesnt' socially distance (hint: the lib riots)
and apparently the vaccines kill and enable those who get the shot to get the virus and spread it.


Jumps in to show how stupid USMB Conservatives are
How fucking stupid are USMB Conservatives?

Don‘t wear masks
Don’t Social Distance
Don’t vaccinate

No wonder the world laughs at us
Masks don't stop the virus..............
and who doesnt' socially distance (hint: the lib riots)
and apparently the vaccines kill and enable those who get the shot to get the virus and spread it.


Jumps in to show how stupid USMB Conservatives are
You don't like the truth....
Masks don't stop the virus..

Libs have been the ones getting together throwing huge parties called riots where they burn and loot and spread germs all over the place...Do you want to argue this

and the medical literature is repeatedly showing that vaccinated people are going home with their family members then catching the virus---so much so it has become obvious that the vaccinations aren't just leading to the deaths of the vaccinate in there gene modified "vaccines" but family members such as children who didn't get vaccinated then conveniently catch the disease. The story of the youngest death in hawaii being a prime example.

You libs name calling has gotten so boring and predicatable.
March 26, 2021
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CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”
Total Views : 18,984

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.”

The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

Besides the recorded 2,050 deaths, there were 7,485 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 826 permanent disabilities, and 4450 hospitalizations.

All links highlighted

Cucks leftwingers and fake centrist
Be sure to get your shots

Rush out and get yours today!

Watch how quick the leftards quit calling it the "Biden Vaccine", and start calling it the "Trump Vaccine."

That’s a given. :up:
How fucking stupid are USMB Conservatives?

Don‘t wear masks
Don’t Social Distance
Don’t vaccinate

No wonder the world laughs at us
Masks don't stop the virus..............
and who doesnt' socially distance (hint: the lib riots)
and apparently the vaccines kill and enable those who get the shot to get the virus and spread it.
He is a troll from Langley,do yourself a favor,put him on ignore,he is not worth the effort,Langley has him and surada trolling in full force on this thread.
March 26, 2021
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CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”
Total Views : 18,984

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.”

The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

Besides the recorded 2,050 deaths, there were 7,485 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 826 permanent disabilities, and 4450 hospitalizations.

All links highlighted

Cucks leftwingers and fake centrist
Be sure to get your shots

Rush out and get yours today!
609,551 Americans dead, 34,043,227 Americans with adverse effects from the Covid, thanks to the lies of Donald Trump. There were deaths from the polio vaccines, and also from the smallpox vaccinations, but many orders of magnitude lower than the deaths from those diseases. And now both are almost eradicated. You are posting shit, and you know it.
March 26, 2021
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CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”
Total Views : 18,984

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.”

The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

Besides the recorded 2,050 deaths, there were 7,485 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 826 permanent disabilities, and 4450 hospitalizations.

All links highlighted

Cucks leftwingers and fake centrist
Be sure to get your shots

Rush out and get yours today!

What is
Typical brain dead response. Rather than worry about the source of information, why not look into the information yourself and confirm it? That’s what a normal person would do
March 26, 2021
Print This Post Print This Post
CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”
Total Views : 18,984

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.”

The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

Besides the recorded 2,050 deaths, there were 7,485 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 826 permanent disabilities, and 4450 hospitalizations.

All links highlighted

Cucks leftwingers and fake centrist
Be sure to get your shots

Rush out and get yours today!

What is
Typical brain dead response. Rather than worry about the source of information, why not look into the information yourself and confirm it? That’s what a normal person would do

March 26, 2021
Print This Post Print This Post
CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”
Total Views : 18,984

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.”

The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

Besides the recorded 2,050 deaths, there were 7,485 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 826 permanent disabilities, and 4450 hospitalizations.

All links highlighted

Cucks leftwingers and fake centrist
Be sure to get your shots

Rush out and get yours today!

What is
Typical brain dead response. Rather than worry about the source of information, why not look into the information yourself and confirm it? That’s what a normal person would do

Makes sense.....a global pandemic killing millions just to keep Trump from getting elected

Where do Conservatives find these people?

I’m still angry at people that were saying children are immune. Obviously, children are NOT immune. Especially with the virus evolving and getting worse.

So even if children can’t get the vaccination, everyone around them should be vaccinated just to protect the children.
Get a grip................the virus does very very little to children. Practically nothing. Most children have an immunity or some sort of mechanism that keeps the symptoms from doing most anything to them even if they manage to catch it. The vaccine will do more long term damage to the children than the virus---------

I’m still angry at people that were saying children are immune. Obviously, children are NOT immune. Especially with the virus evolving and getting worse.

So even if children can’t get the vaccination, everyone around them should be vaccinated just to protect the children.
I absolutely agree with you, rddean! Everybody of all ages must be vaccinated. Nobody should be left out.
How fucking stupid are USMB Conservatives?

Don‘t wear masks
Don’t Social Distance
Don’t vaccinate

No wonder the world laughs at us

Troll alert!

You going to ignore the CDC today?

Latest spin by Medical Kidnap: CNA Nursing Home ...
Feb 01, 2021 · Medical Kidnap is into conspiracy theory involving Big Pharma and genocide of the old with vaccine. It is not Covid-19 that kills but the vaccine. The vaccine is designed to kill. Throw Bill Gate into
Oh, what BS! The vaccine is designed to prevent, or at least minimize the chances of getting a horrible disease, being hospitalized, being intubated, and dying from Covid-19, which is a hell of a lot more contagious, and a hell of a lot deadlier than the flu(s) that hit us every fall and winter.

I’m still angry at people that were saying children are immune. Obviously, children are NOT immune. Especially with the virus evolving and getting worse.

So even if children can’t get the vaccination, everyone around them should be vaccinated just to protect the children.
I absolutely agree with you, rddean! Everybody of all ages must be vaccinated. Nobody should be left out.
I second that! Nobody, regardless of age, is immune to coming down with this horrible disease.
LA la la la la

You'll always have a place in the temp pool boys

Jesus fuckin christ you faggits roflmao

Anyway ...or rather meanwhile
Golly gee I wonder why the national news isn't picking this up

The Cleveland Clinic recently studied the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccination among people who caught the virus and those who haven’t.

The study finds that anyone who previously tested positive for a SARS-CoV-2 infection did not get additional benefits from the vaccine, which suggests the vaccines should be prioritized to people who haven’t gotten the infection.

The clinic says this research provides insight into how the immune system protects the body once a COVID-19 infection is confirmed.

During the study that was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic

All progressives must absolutely take as many shots as possible...
I hear Pfizer is rolling out pink hats with thier company logo for delta boosters

Delta variant
The next boogeyman
Delta (dipshit) variant. As of Jun 2021, there have been 353,341 mutations of SARS-CoV-2. No variant deviates from the original viral sequence by more than 0.3%. Therefore, a new strain of the original is not a cause for concern.
March 26, 2021
Print This Post Print This Post
CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”
Total Views : 18,984

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.”

The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

Besides the recorded 2,050 deaths, there were 7,485 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 826 permanent disabilities, and 4450 hospitalizations.

All links highlighted

Cucks leftwingers and fake centrist
Be sure to get your shots

Rush out and get yours today!
Oh, Bullshit!

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