CDC: Covid-19 greater threat to people ages 40 to 59, than people ages 60 to 79!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."


Amazing how suddenly those working age are suddenly the threat when it is proven the ones that don’t recover are seniors.
Wonder what they have been promised...
The CDC is as credible as in not at all.

Little wonder that the DNC propagandists cited them.

Ok, so what source would you site as being more credible on this particular issue? Donald Trump or a graduate of Trump University?
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

Because all the 60+ year olds are already dead and people in their 50s believe that at worst they will suffer from a fever for a week.
Amazing how suddenly those working age are suddenly the threat when it is proven the ones that don’t recover are seniors.
Wonder what they have been promised...

New data shows that people age 40 to 59 are suffering more than those age 60 to 79. Its still the worse overall for those above 80, but the idea that people in their 40s and 50s are nearly immune is grossly inaccurate. They are just as vulnerable as anyone else except those over the age of 80.

Also, there is no real such thing as a "working age". There are people in their 90s and over 100 that are still working.

Its from the Centers For Disease Control. If you want to pretend that its fake, do so at your own risk.

Seeing people at younger ages have worse reactions to virus's is not uncommon. The 1918 pandemic had the worst impact on people in their 20s and 30s.
Are older people not contracting the virus because they're still sheltering at home? I find this study to be highly doubtful at best. It simply doesn't make sense that older people wouldn't be at greater risk from a virus!
The CDC is as credible as in not at all.

Little wonder that the DNC propagandists cited them.

Ok, so what source would you site as being more credible on this particular issue? Donald Trump or a graduate of Trump University?
If you don't know that I hold every aspect of the federal bureaucracy in equally low regard, and have had for decades, you need a reality check.

In this particular case, the CDC has moved the goalposts on the commievirus so many times, that it's a woder that they don't have Allied Van Lines on retainer.....They're as shitty a source for any of this as the CCP.
Once again...getting the virus isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're younger and healthy! Once you get it and develop immunity then you're not as apt to spread it to an older person or unhealthy one when they do come out of quarantine! Notice that hospitalizations are down as are deaths. The number of reported cases has risen because we're testing more people now.
If you're someone that wants to see the economy stay in the tank then the message you're pushing is that cases are increasing in some places. If you're someone that wants to see the economy rebound then your message is that treatment of the virus has gotten much better and the number of people dying from Covid 19 is way down!
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

Most people age 70-79 are not working, have far less contact with others than the 40 to 59 age group. People in the 40-59 age groups are often still raising children or have older children living at home which makes infection more likely.
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

Most people age 70-79 are not working, have far less contact with others than the 40 to 59 age group. People in the 40-59 age groups are often still raising children or have older children living at home which makes infection more likely.

Thank you for stating what you would expect to be fucking obvious.

Its from the Centers For Disease Control. If you want to pretend that its fake, do so at your own risk.

Seeing people at younger ages have worse reactions to virus's is not uncommon. The 1918 pandemic had the worst impact on people in their 20s and 30s.
Are older people not contracting the virus because they're still sheltering at home? I find this study to be highly doubtful at best. It simply doesn't make sense that older people wouldn't be at greater risk from a virus!

During the 1918 pandemic, the age group that was most at risk from the virus were those in their 20s and 30s, in terms of chances for survival if the contracted it.

Viruses can have different effects on different age groups. Sometimes its because certain generations received some level of protection or immunity from pathogens in the past.
The CDC is as credible as in not at all.

Little wonder that the DNC propagandists cited them.

Ok, so what source would you site as being more credible on this particular issue? Donald Trump or a graduate of Trump University?
If you don't know that I hold every aspect of the federal bureaucracy in equally low regard, and have had for decades, you need a reality check.

In this particular case, the CDC has moved the goalposts on the commievirus so many times, that it's a woder that they don't have Allied Van Lines on retainer.....They're as shitty a source for any of this as the CCP.

So what is your source?
Once again...getting the virus isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're younger and healthy! Once you get it and develop immunity then you're not as apt to spread it to an older person or unhealthy one when they do come out of quarantine! Notice that hospitalizations are down as are deaths. The number of reported cases has risen because we're testing more people now.

1. The state with the most testing is New York, and the number of new cases there is WAY down. Just because you test more does not mean cases go up. New Zealand and Taiwan are testing more than they ever have, and they are lucky if they find one confirmed infection in a week.

2. There is no proof that getting infected actually makes you immune at this time.

3. Spread is the chief threat and makes the population that is at risk of death or serious illness more in danger. We want to be like New Zealand with ZERO ACTIVE CASES, then you can return to normal. Right now the United States, thanks to Trump, has the 10th highest number infections in the world on a per capita basis.

4. There is no such thing as a "safe" age. Even people who survive infection may have their lungs scarred which could lead to a deadly condition a few years later.
If you're someone that wants to see the economy stay in the tank then the message you're pushing is that cases are increasing in some places. If you're someone that wants to see the economy rebound then your message is that treatment of the virus has gotten much better and the number of people dying from Covid 19 is way down!

Just because a person does not die immediately from Covid-19 does not mean their out of the woods. If their lungs are scarred from the infection, they could potentially die from a lung condition a few years from now.

If you want to SAVE THE ECONOMY, you lock down until you have rid the population of the virus. That is what Taiwan and New Zealand did. The economy will NEVER return to normal as long as you allow the infection to spread.
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

Most people age 70-79 are not working, have far less contact with others than the 40 to 59 age group. People in the 40-59 age groups are often still raising children or have older children living at home which makes infection more likely.

The number of people age 70 to 79 working grows every year and its projected to keep growing indefinitely. Considering how poor the savings rate is, you can expect people more and more people to continue to work for the rest of their lives. Its what people did before the 20th century anyway. Retirement is a 20th century concept.

People who are age 70 to 79 come into contact with people of all ages. They live in Condo's, neighborhoods, and many other places all over America. Generational isolation is a myth and can't some how be directed to happen.

That's why New Zealand and Taiwan did the best thing for all people that are vulnerable of any age. Those countries have largely eliminated the virus through restrictions and lock downs.
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

Most people age 70-79 are not working, have far less contact with others than the 40 to 59 age group. People in the 40-59 age groups are often still raising children or have older children living at home which makes infection more likely.

Thank you for stating what you would expect to be fucking obvious.

I know you think everyone that is 65 and over is isolated from the general population in a retirement home or nursing home, but that is far from reality. People of all ages work and the percentage that are over 70 that continue to work grows every year.

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