CDC: Covid-19 greater threat to people ages 40 to 59, than people ages 60 to 79!

Once again...getting the virus isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're younger and healthy! Once you get it and develop immunity then you're not as apt to spread it to an older person or unhealthy one when they do come out of quarantine! Notice that hospitalizations are down as are deaths. The number of reported cases has risen because we're testing more people now.
And the talk about treatments and cures/vaccines has gone by the wayside now ?????????? Funny how all the talk now is about naturally getting over it, building anti-bodies of it up in us or either people are catching it from not wearing mask, not using hand sanitizer, and not wearing gloves etc, etc, to the different ages being affected by it now. The goal post is moving so rapidly, that it has got to be the most unique virus ever found upon planet earth or is it that man has become the most corrupt that he's been in along time, and ever since various times throughout our thousand's year old histories ??? Now which is it ????
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

The number of confirmed cases isn't the same as the number of cases. I've never had the corona test, but that does NOT mean that I wasn't infected. The CDC report is largely bullshit, until they can make an estimate about the total number of people infected through anti-body tests and interviews with volunteers for blood draws.
And the talk about treatments and cures/vaccines has gone by the wayside now ?????????? Funny how all the talk now is about naturally getting over it, building anti-bodies of it up in us or either people are catching it from not wearing mask, not using hand sanitizer, and not wearing gloves etc, etc, to the different ages being affected by it now. The goal post is moving so rapidly, that it has got to be the most unique virus ever found upon planet earth or is it that man has become the most corrupt that he's been in along time, and ever since various times throughout our thousand's year old histories ??? Now which is it ????
We've had virus's just as bad as this in the past, Beagle. We've never shut everything down because of them. We needed to take precautions. We needed to have the elderly and the unhealthy self quarantine. We never should have shut our economy down and had young healthy people staying out of work! We got scared by the "doom and gloom" crowd and then allowed it to become political!
We've had virus's just as bad as this in the past, Beagle. We've never shut everything down because of them. We needed to take precautions. We needed to have the elderly and the unhealthy self quarantine. We never should have shut our economy down and had young healthy people staying out of work! We got scared by the "doom and gloom" crowd and then allowed it to become political!
It became political immediately when we shut the economy down, because it was realized quickly as a crack in the ceiling on the way to getting Trump. Agree.
And the talk about treatments and cures/vaccines has gone by the wayside now ?????????? Funny how all the talk now is about naturally getting over it, building anti-bodies of it up in us or either people are catching it from not wearing mask, not using hand sanitizer, and not wearing gloves etc, etc, to the different ages being affected by it now. The goal post is moving so rapidly, that it has got to be the most unique virus ever found upon planet earth or is it that man has become the most corrupt that he's been in along time, and ever since various times throughout our thousand's year old histories ??? Now which is it ????
I think that depends on the talk you're listening to. Just a few days ago it was announced a drug that has been around for decades, Dexamethasone was found to reduce deaths from covid-19. Only a month ago, remdesivir was found to reduce deaths and shorten hospital stays. Information about the status of over 50 vaccines in development and testing appears on the Net from time to time.

The data supporting the fact that the primary method of transfer of the virus is from person to person through the air remains unchanged. Obviously, there are many methods you can us to stop that from occurring, staying home, quarantining, wearing a mask, plastic shield, better ventilation and being outdoors, and social distancing. Wearing masks and social distancing is the easiest method and most universal.

There are a number of secondary methods by which the virus might transferred such as transfer from surfaces to your face. This is where the hand-washing and sanitizers come in. There has been little if any scientific data as to how common this is. If you never touch face, then it's pretty uncommon but since almost everyone touches their faces many times a day, it seems reasonable precaution.

There are other possible methods. One being covid 19 exist in stool of some people who are infected. It is theorized that a person using a public toilet may pass gas which contains the virus and could transfer it through the air to people crowded in the restroom. To me, this seems a bet a stretch. More likely it's been method to keep people at home. Not having a place to take a shit or pee is pretty good reason for staying a home for lot of folks.

Antibodies that destroy covid 19 are manufactured by the body due to infection of covid 19. How long and how difficult it is depends on a person's immune system. Hopefully a vaccine will become available that buildups antibodies without having to catch it.
My view of COVID is that it has to work its way through the population until there aren't enough new hosts available and that is dies off. The mitigation efforts, like shutdowns did slow it down so the health care system wasn't overwhelmed.

And that's all that can be expected, it can't be stopped and no one knows if President Trump will ever find a cure for it.

In any event, an indefinite shutdown would drag out the virus for too long and make the curve too flat. If Biden were to get in and shut down the American economy for 5 years , that will not be good.
My view of COVID is that it has to work its way through the population until there aren't enough new hosts available and that is dies off. The mitigation efforts, like shutdowns did slow it down so the health care system wasn't overwhelmed.

And that's all that can be expected, it can't be stopped and no one knows if President Trump will ever find a cure for it.

In any event, an indefinite shutdown would drag out the virus for too long and make the curve too flat. If Biden were to get in and shut down the American economy for 5 years , that will not be good.
Can't shut the economy down again... No way. If it is found that forces were in play to destroy Trump through destroying his economic gains by way of some sinister plan, then severe justice must be taken.
My view of COVID is that it has to work its way through the population until there aren't enough new hosts available and that is dies off. The mitigation efforts, like shutdowns did slow it down so the health care system wasn't overwhelmed.

And that's all that can be expected, it can't be stopped and no one knows if President Trump will ever find a cure for it.

In any event, an indefinite shutdown would drag out the virus for too long and make the curve too flat. If Biden were to get in and shut down the American economy for 5 years , that will not be good.
Letting the virus just work it's way through country is waiting for herd immunity. That will come after 70% of the population is infected abut 230 million. We have only about 2.3 million total know cases which means without a vaccine we've got many years to go. If we knew there would be no vaccine we could relax all regulations and if the people in the country were stupid enough to continue life as normal as the death toll zooms past a million, then we would probably be done with it in a couple years. However, common sense tells us that is not going to happen.
Letting the virus just work it's way through country is waiting for herd immunity. That will come after 70% of the population is infected abut 230 million. We have only about 2.3 million total know cases which means without a vaccine we've got many years to go.

2.3 Million confirmed cases means several times that number in Total cases.

If there are 49 unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one, that puts our current number of cases at 115 million.

I don't know if there are 49 or 19 or 99 unconfirmed cases out there for every confirmed one, but its peculiar that no estimations have been made on this factor, which is pretty important.

BTW, there might never be a vaccine for this. They've been working 40 years on an aids vaccine and so far nothing. Even longer on vaccines for cancer, cirrhosis and copd . And still bupkis.
2.3 Million confirmed cases means several times that number in Total cases.

If there are 49 unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one, that puts our current number of cases at 115 million.

I don't know if there are 49 or 19 or 99 unconfirmed cases out there for every confirmed one, but its peculiar that no estimations have been made on this factor, which is pretty important.

BTW, there might never be a vaccine for this. They've been working 40 years on an aids vaccine and so far nothing. Even longer on vaccines for cancer, cirrhosis and copd . And still bupkis.
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

The article is purposefully vague, the rates of “incidents” is higher for 40-59, meaning they are getting sick more often. That does NOT mean they are being hospitalized and dying at higher rates than older people.

Don’t know why that would surprise anyone, 40-59 year olds are going back to work, old people are retired and can stay isolated.

Just more scare mongering tactics by Fake News. They want our economy to fail so they are trying to scare people into going back home to “be safe” when there is no real threat to them.
My view of COVID is that it has to work its way through the population until there aren't enough new hosts available and that is dies off. The mitigation efforts, like shutdowns did slow it down so the health care system wasn't overwhelmed.

And that's all that can be expected, it can't be stopped and no one knows if President Trump will ever find a cure for it.

In any event, an indefinite shutdown would drag out the virus for too long and make the curve too flat. If Biden were to get in and shut down the American economy for 5 years , that will not be good.

Your herd immunity theory won't work until there is a vaccine and even then just like the flu vaccine probably will be less than 40% effective.
Your herd immunity theory won't work until there is a vaccine and even then just like the flu vaccine probably will be less than 40% effective.

There might never be a vaccine, hun. So are you suggesting that the country should stay locked down permanently because of this.

They still don't have an aids vaccine after 40 years you know. None for emphysema or cirrhosis either.
"CDC report offers detailed demographic breakdown of who is getting coronavirus
By Andrea Kane and Paul LeBlanc, CNN"

"Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon June 15, 2020"

"New numbers released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a comprehensive picture of who in the United States has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and how they fared."

"The report found that the incidence rate is 403.6 cases per 100,000, with men and women getting sick at almost the same rate. But the percentages of males who were hospitalized (16%), admitted to the ICU (3%) and who died (6%) were higher than were those for females (12%, 2% and 5%, respectively)."

"The rate was highest among people 80 and older and lowest among children 9 and younger. But the relationship between age and incidence rate was not a straight line: It was higher among peoples age 40-49 years and 50-59 years than among those age 60-69 years and 70-79 years."

It doesn't say that COVID is a greater threat to those aged 40-49. It says the rate of incidence is greater. This is probably because people aged 40-49 are out working while those aged 70-79 are retired and at home.

The rate of mortality is higher for those aged 70-79 than it is for those aged 40-49. That is the threat.
There might never be a vaccine, hun. So are you suggesting that the country should stay locked down permanently because of this.

They still don't have an aids vaccine after 40 years you know. None for emphysema or cirrhosis either.

I never suggested the country be shut down in March nor do I now but I do suggest everyone wearing a mask. I stated there is really no such thing as herd immunity unless there is a vaccine and then it's iffy. But aids, most of emphysema or cirrhosis can be prevented and somewhat controlled.
I'd like to know why the CDC doesn't issue reports for the radio on other diseases. COVID19 isn't the only disease out there, it isn't the most prevalent and it isn't the most deadly. Most of the time its pretty self limited.

Why doesn't Lester Holt or Fredo get on TV and talk about "49 new cases of Emphysema were reported in PA today, along with 13 new deaths from cirrhosis and 116 new hemorrhoid cases in Ohio? Shouldn't these other diseases be given equal booking? Isn't it prejudiced to treat non-Chinese based diseases as less important?
The article is purposefully vague, the rates of “incidents” is higher for 40-59, meaning they are getting sick more often. That does NOT mean they are being hospitalized and dying at higher rates than older people.

Don’t know why that would surprise anyone, 40-59 year olds are going back to work, old people are retired and can stay isolated.

Just more scare mongering tactics by Fake News. They want our economy to fail so they are trying to scare people into going back home to “be safe” when there is no real threat to them.
I do believe that politics are heavily involved in all of this. Can't hardly trust anything or anyone anymore.
2.3 Million confirmed cases means several times that number in Total cases.

If there are 49 unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one, that puts our current number of cases at 115 million.

I don't know if there are 49 or 19 or 99 unconfirmed cases out there for every confirmed one, but its peculiar that no estimations have been made on this factor, which is pretty important.

BTW, there might never be a vaccine for this. They've been working 40 years on an aids vaccine and so far nothing. Even longer on vaccines for cancer, cirrhosis and copd . And still bupkis.
How can unconfirmed cases be estimated? Without testing there is no way of knowing it's covid?
I'd like to know why the CDC doesn't issue reports for the radio on other diseases. COVID19 isn't the only disease out there, it isn't the most prevalent and it isn't the most deadly. Most of the time its pretty self limited.

Why doesn't Lester Holt or Fredo get on TV and talk about "49 new cases of Emphysema were reported in PA today, along with 13 new deaths from cirrhosis and 116 new hemorrhoid cases in Ohio? Shouldn't these other diseases be given equal booking? Isn't it prejudiced to treat non-Chinese based diseases as less important?
Absolutely.... Thanks.

It doesn't play into the narratives, so those diseases are just going to have to be discriminated against untill November is done. Amazing ain't it ??? Yes it is.
How can unconfirmed cases be estimated? Without testing there is no way of knowing it's covid?

Test a statistical sample of residents to get a percentage of the population that have antibodies. Compare it to the number who died.

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