cdc director: second ebola patient is reason to panic

Obama's administration really has an ability to pick the wrong choice routinely.
If you knew a fucking thing about communicable disease then you would know how ignorant it is to spread blame around, might as well blame Obama for bear attacks or birds pooping on your car. We have crowded the world with humans who like to travel, nothing would have prevented Ebola from spreading to America, we just have to deal with it.

Some libs around here repeatedly said it would never reach the US and that it wasn't much of a concern. Why the cavalier attitude when Obama wasn't restricting travel or putting the quarantine rules back into place?
Who said Ebola would never reach the USA?

LINK pretty please.

I haven't read any liberal posts on this board that said that we would never have a case of Ebola in America, so where are you getting this from?
If anyone had asked me beforehand I would have said it was a certainty. Communicable diseases are like the weather. You cannot control them you build shelter and hope the roof does not leak. Similarly with Ebola or any disease you take what precautions you can without causing undue misery and ride it out.
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
They even knew in Texas this person had Ebola and the transmission happened during care. How more easily can this spread when an unsuspecting medical community faces this in more rural areas? There was a survey of Nurses nationally and most feel unprepared with over a third reporting a lack of protective garb.

anyone heard anything about the dudes

that power washed all the victims vomit

off the parking lot

without one lick of protective equipment
Nurses union admitted over 80% of hospitals have no protocols or training to deal with all means fly in more and then blame the locals, may they land in your backyard.
Watch for a nationwide quarantine requiring everyone to stay in their homes for about a week or two in early November. With no mail service; no internet.

Now why would anyone want that, hmmmmmmmm?
Paranoia is such an ugly emotion. Been trying to bring a voice of calm to these threads but as usual you scardy-cats see the voice of reason as the enemy. I have never understood why people so stubbornly wallow in phantom fear. Quit treating worst-case scenarios as certain outcomes, that simple little philosophy serves a person well in any serious situation.
All this poo-pooing by left-wing mouthpieces here sounds exactly like the litany in San Francisco when queers were dropping dead from a mysterious illness no one had yet isolated. I was there.

The truth of the matter is that the left, because of its very makeup of self-absorbed, juvenile, tunnel vision degenerates, doesn't give a fuck if five million Americans drop dead of an epidemic, just so long as it isn't them who drops dead of the epidemic.

I direct your attention back to San Francisco, when the only people affected/infected by the AIDS epidemic were democrats, liberals. Did they display five cents worth of self-discipline or empathy for their fellow man by containing the epidemic? Fuck no! Fare warning.
Or as they say in The (former) White House:

"The sky is falling"
"The sky is FALLING"
We must run tell CNN!
Some libs voted in this thread saying the threats of Ebola of ISIS are mostly in the imagination of foolish Americans

Claims you can't contract the disease easily. This despite medical personnel, presumably taking all precautions, coming down with it.

Ebola is not swine flu. Ebola has almost zero potential to spread in the U.S. Calm down.
Obama's administration really has an ability to pick the wrong choice routinely.
If you knew a fucking thing about communicable disease then you would know how ignorant it is to spread blame around, might as well blame Obama for bear attacks or birds pooping on your car. We have crowded the world with humans who like to travel, nothing would have prevented Ebola from spreading to America, we just have to deal with it.

Some libs around here repeatedly said it would never reach the US and that it wasn't much of a concern. Why the cavalier attitude when Obama wasn't restricting travel or putting the quarantine rules back into place?
Who said Ebola would never reach the USA?

LINK pretty please.

I haven't read any liberal posts on this board that said that we would never have a case of Ebola in America, so where are you getting this from?
A medical professional well aware of the danger and using proper protective gear contracted the disease in a hospital. Leftys on this board claimed we had nothing to worry about that the threat was no big thing, that we should not quarantine nor stop passengers from effected countries from entering the US. They claimed we would have no trouble with an occasional case and that our medical services had nothing to fear.
All this poo-pooing by left-wing mouthpieces here sounds exactly like the litany in San Francisco when queers were dropping dead from a mysterious illness no one had yet isolated. I was there.

The truth of the matter is that the left, because of its very makeup of self-absorbed, juvenile, tunnel vision degenerates, doesn't give a fuck if five million Americans drop dead of an epidemic, just so long as it isn't them who drops dead of the epidemic.

I direct your attention back to San Francisco, when the only people affected/infected by the AIDS epidemic were democrats, liberals. Did they display five cents worth of self-discipline or empathy for their fellow man by containing the epidemic? Fuck no! Fare warning.
That poo-pooing you so hate are reasonable people telling you quit pissing your pants in unreasoning fear. We now know how to avoid AIDS transmission and have very effective drugs to treat it and no pants-pissing made that happen, deliberative action by cool heads did that. Also making Ebola into a partisan issue is absolutely retarded.
All this poo-pooing by left-wing mouthpieces here sounds exactly like the litany in San Francisco when queers were dropping dead from a mysterious illness no one had yet isolated. I was there.

The truth of the matter is that the left, because of its very makeup of self-absorbed, juvenile, tunnel vision degenerates, doesn't give a fuck if five million Americans drop dead of an epidemic, just so long as it isn't them who drops dead of the epidemic.

I direct your attention back to San Francisco, when the only people affected/infected by the AIDS epidemic were democrats, liberals. Did they display five cents worth of self-discipline or empathy for their fellow man by containing the epidemic? Fuck no! Fare warning.
That poo-pooing you so hate are reasonable people telling you quit pissing your pants in unreasoning fear. We now know how to avoid AIDS transmission and have very effective drugs to treat it and no pants-pissing made that happen, deliberative action by cool heads did that. Also making Ebola into a partisan issue is absolutely retarded.
What part of A trained medical professional properly protected from body fluids escaped your pea brain? A person that knew the risk and took what was considered appropriate precautions still came down with the virus. Meanwhile we allow open travel from the infected Countries to our Country. Nothing to worry about indeed.
All this poo-pooing by left-wing mouthpieces here sounds exactly like the litany in San Francisco when queers were dropping dead from a mysterious illness no one had yet isolated. I was there.

The truth of the matter is that the left, because of its very makeup of self-absorbed, juvenile, tunnel vision degenerates, doesn't give a fuck if five million Americans drop dead of an epidemic, just so long as it isn't them who drops dead of the epidemic.

I direct your attention back to San Francisco, when the only people affected/infected by the AIDS epidemic were democrats, liberals. Did they display five cents worth of self-discipline or empathy for their fellow man by containing the epidemic? Fuck no! Fare warning.
That poo-pooing you so hate are reasonable people telling you quit pissing your pants in unreasoning fear. We now know how to avoid AIDS transmission and have very effective drugs to treat it and no pants-pissing made that happen, deliberative action by cool heads did that. Also making Ebola into a partisan issue is absolutely retarded.

You know, avoiding pregnancy is probably easier than avoiding AIDS, yet you guys are always in a panic that there won't be enough funding for abortions.

No one is running around in a panic about Ebola, but smart people know that you can't just do nothing and hope for the best. All we got was words saying not to worry as it continues to spread and kill people.

What is the plan anyway? I assume Obama has one after the way he criticized Bush for not being prepared in the event Avian flu were to arrive here. We never had a problem, so something must have worked but that didn't stop Dems from pissing their pants as they kept criticizing.

Dems made everything partisan during the Bush years and excuse Obama for making worse mistakes. Dems understated the threat from Ebola because they knew the Obama administration wasn't on top of things. If Bush were in office, he would be accused of racism considering how many blacks died from this because it was allowed to get out of hand.
All this poo-pooing by left-wing mouthpieces here sounds exactly like the litany in San Francisco when queers were dropping dead from a mysterious illness no one had yet isolated. I was there.

The truth of the matter is that the left, because of its very makeup of self-absorbed, juvenile, tunnel vision degenerates, doesn't give a fuck if five million Americans drop dead of an epidemic, just so long as it isn't them who drops dead of the epidemic.

I direct your attention back to San Francisco, when the only people affected/infected by the AIDS epidemic were democrats, liberals. Did they display five cents worth of self-discipline or empathy for their fellow man by containing the epidemic? Fuck no! Fare warning.
That poo-pooing you so hate are reasonable people telling you quit pissing your pants in unreasoning fear. We now know how to avoid AIDS transmission and have very effective drugs to treat it and no pants-pissing made that happen, deliberative action by cool heads did that. Also making Ebola into a partisan issue is absolutely retarded.
What part of A trained medical professional properly protected from body fluids escaped your pea brain? A person that knew the risk and took what was considered appropriate precautions still came down with the virus. Meanwhile we allow open travel from the infected Countries to our Country. Nothing to worry about indeed.
She was masked and supposedly protected from it being airborne as

she obviously BROKE protocol for protection ''some how'', and they need to figure it they know more about how it was spread....
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Spoiled? What an ugly way to describe all the hard work, the research, the billions of dollars we spent to advance the control of diseases.

Trial and error? Sure, back in the 19th and 20th century we learned much through trial and error.

All our trial and error has been thrown out the door by our current government, which Obama leads.

This is not negligence, it is deliberate.

Obama must be impeached and jailed.

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