cdc director: second ebola patient is reason to panic

She was masked and supposedly protected from it being airborne as

she obviously BROKE protocol for protection ''some how'', and they need to figure it they know more about how it was spread....
Incorrect. Just because she was infected does NOT mean that she broke protocol at all. That sounds like an attempt to blame her for contracting the illness and that is not acceptable. Breaking protocol is but one possibility - and the LEAST likely in something with this much focus. More likely, IMHO, is that there is an error in protocol that is not covering all the bases. That is, of course, why treating people here needs to be done early BEFORE a breakout - it tests protocols and our ability to treat before a real problem exists. There is also the possibility that there was nothing wrong at all and she STILL got sick. That is always a possibility with communicable diseases - there is nothing in the medical world that is 100 percent.
Well, I guess we need to figure that out, as in yesterday! Even if airborne, with her gear and masks did she catch it? Gees, we truly need to study this disease more, and find a cure, and a vaccination if possible...

have you heard anything on that front....? Has congress done anything to fund more research and development?

Yeah, Obama appointed an ebola czar some years ago. Do you know why she isn't talking?

Because about 3 years back, she was busted for funneling money earmarked for ebola vaccination research into a company backed by a bigtime Dem supporter.

She's still on the job...but in hiding.
Read the article and it seems the need to panic is all in your mind. Courageous people usually don't panic about things, they keep a cool head and lead the panic stricken jellyfish out of danger.
Courageous people can die just as easily as chickenshits.

The people who contracted Ebola were the "brave" ones who thought if they followed protocol they would be okay. It's not panicking to take steps to avoid it, it's just smart. Looks like even the careful ones didn't realize what they were up against.

One of the dangers is that people believe it's hard to contract. Obama said you can't get it by sitting next to someone on a bus, but he didn't mention that you can get it if the infected person coughs or sneezes and you breathe in the 'spray' or the person can leave the germs for others to pick up when they touch things. The Ebola virus can survive quite a while on objects, so touching things containing he virus, then touching your own mouth is all it takes. If people aren't taking precautions, they better hope they don't get anywhere near a patient or something the person touched.

Big difference between panicking and being proactive. Don't listen to those who roll their eyes and act like it's nothing to be concerned over. I don't panic when I get into a car because I fear crashing, I wear my seatbelt and drive defensively because I want to avoid having a reason to panic.

The left is using the same approach to this that they did for people avoiding AIDS. They don't like telling people to do their best to avoid things and pretend that a few precautions are all that is necessary. Wear a condom and you're safe if your partner has aids. Believe Obama that you can't get Ebola by being near a sick person and you'll be fine. The usual excuse is that they don't want to cause a panic and they chastise people for their concerns and claim they are panicking. If you equate caution with panic and ridicule people for being protective of their health, you must be a liberal. I'm sure Obama's handlers wouldn't let him or his family within a mile of anyone who is sick, but yet they claim the rest of us needn't be so careful.

One of the dangers is that people believe it's hard to contract.

and why did they believe that

because the government fed them a line of bs
Keep in mind that if conservatives ran the country there would be no CDC,

and hospitals would be thoroughly unregulated.

IOW, you'd be on your own...
Your thread title is a downright lie. The CDC director did not say there is a reason to panic. You are a fear monger, "fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end. The feared object or subject is sometimes exaggerated, and the pattern of fear mongering is usually one of repetition, in order to continuously reinforce the intended effects of this tactic."

People like you are contemptible.
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?

You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
She was masked and supposedly protected from it being airborne as

she obviously BROKE protocol for protection ''some how'', and they need to figure it they know more about how it was spread....
Incorrect. Just because she was infected does NOT mean that she broke protocol at all. That sounds like an attempt to blame her for contracting the illness and that is not acceptable. Breaking protocol is but one possibility - and the LEAST likely in something with this much focus. More likely, IMHO, is that there is an error in protocol that is not covering all the bases. That is, of course, why treating people here needs to be done early BEFORE a breakout - it tests protocols and our ability to treat before a real problem exists. There is also the possibility that there was nothing wrong at all and she STILL got sick. That is always a possibility with communicable diseases - there is nothing in the medical world that is 100 percent.
Well, I guess we need to figure that out, as in yesterday! Even if airborne, with her gear and masks did she catch it? Gees, we truly need to study this disease more, and find a cure, and a vaccination if possible...

have you heard anything on that front....? Has congress done anything to fund more research and development?

Yeah, Obama appointed an ebola czar some years ago. Do you know why she isn't talking?

Because about 3 years back, she was busted for funneling money earmarked for ebola vaccination research into a company backed by a bigtime Dem supporter.

She's still on the job...but in hiding.

"the most transparent administration ever"
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?

You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?

You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol

So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
Keep in mind that if conservatives ran the country there would be no CDC,

and hospitals would be thoroughly unregulated.

IOW, you'd be on your own...
Provide a link that supports your above claim, please. I'd be interested in confirmation of your contention that this would be the case. Thanks.
When people were wanting Obama to take measures when he was doing nothing, many on the left made snide remarks that we were spreading fear and worrying about something that wouldn't affect us. One poster said Ebola couldn't be compared to swine flu, which Bush was criticized for not doing more about. Now we had a hospital unprepared to deal with one single Ebola patient and others saying they don't have the necessary supplies to protect staff. Shouldn't preparation have been a priority, just in case?

Why don't you look through the threads on Ebola and see the way some of us were talked down to for worrying that it would reach here and potentially cause a problem. The epidemic in Africa started with one or two patients. While I wouldn't expect them to be prepared, there is no excuse for us not to be. The first patient diagnosed died because he didn't get enough care at the first signs. That points to hospitals not being prepared to watch for Ebola and the job of the CDC is to ensure that medical personnel are informed and ready.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?

You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol

So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
We could have an Ebola outbreak, thanks Obama, he could've done a lot more, but he has no clue what he is doing. Have you heard there us an Ebola alert for New York? If it gets there millions could die. You and Obama will be to blame. Should've stopped flights coming here a long time ago.
My advice to everyone is to get some plastic and duct tape, tightly seal all windows and doors after barricading them with stout boards screwed securely to the door frame and stay tuned to Fox news for further instructions. We will survive this plague of biblical proportions but only if we take the most extreme measures to insure the purity of our precious bodily fluids.
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?

You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol

So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
We could have an Ebola outbreak, thanks Obama, he could've done a lot more, but he has no clue what he is doing. Have you heard there us an Ebola alert for New York? If it gets there millions could die. You and Obama will be to blame. Should've stopped flights coming here a long time ago.

Why are you dependent on the government cradle to grave to protect you from disease?
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?

You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol

So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
We could have an Ebola outbreak, thanks Obama, he could've done a lot more, but he has no clue what he is doing. Have you heard there us an Ebola alert for New York? If it gets there millions could die. You and Obama will be to blame. Should've stopped flights coming here a long time ago.

Why are you dependent on the government cradle to grave to protect you from disease?

silly one ever said anything like that..smoke, mirrors, drama, lies and after day after's comical.
My advice to everyone is to get some plastic and duct tape, tightly seal all windows and doors after barricading them with stout boards screwed securely to the door frame and stay tuned to Fox news for further instructions. We will survive this plague of biblical proportions but only if we take the most extreme measures to insure the purity of our precious bodily fluids.

lol, great reference.
You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol

So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
We could have an Ebola outbreak, thanks Obama, he could've done a lot more, but he has no clue what he is doing. Have you heard there us an Ebola alert for New York? If it gets there millions could die. You and Obama will be to blame. Should've stopped flights coming here a long time ago.

Why are you dependent on the government cradle to grave to protect you from disease?

silly one ever said anything like that..smoke, mirrors, drama, lies and after day after's comical.

Ok, so why are you attacking Obama and the federal government if healthcare is none of the federal government's business.
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol

So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
We could have an Ebola outbreak, thanks Obama, he could've done a lot more, but he has no clue what he is doing. Have you heard there us an Ebola alert for New York? If it gets there millions could die. You and Obama will be to blame. Should've stopped flights coming here a long time ago.

Why are you dependent on the government cradle to grave to protect you from disease?

silly one ever said anything like that..smoke, mirrors, drama, lies and after day after's comical.

Ok, so why are you attacking Obama and the federal government if healthcare is none of the federal government's business.

Nobody said any of that, either.

more smoke, mirrors, drama, lies and distortion... weak...very weak...
Fighting disease has always been a trial-and-error process where people die before an effective strategy is developed after a lengthy period of time and people will still die. We in America are spoiled by our relative lack of deadly pathogens compared with other parts of the world, it is not possible to keep them all out all of time.
Did you say the same with Bush and swine flu?

You people are obsessed with Bush. lol
That would be a no, thanks for participating. Lol

So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
We could have an Ebola outbreak, thanks Obama, he could've done a lot more, but he has no clue what he is doing. Have you heard there us an Ebola alert for New York? If it gets there millions could die. You and Obama will be to blame. Should've stopped flights coming here a long time ago.

I thought healthcare was none of the federal government's business?

Are you now agreeing with me that the nation's health is a national security issue and that therefore the federal government has the full constitutional authority to involve itself in the nation's health to whatever degree it deems necessary?
So you're only criticizing Obama as some sort of weird payback because somewhere someone criticized Bush about the swine flu?

lol. You don't have a legitimate criticism, you're basically just being a child.

Of course, what's new?
We could have an Ebola outbreak, thanks Obama, he could've done a lot more, but he has no clue what he is doing. Have you heard there us an Ebola alert for New York? If it gets there millions could die. You and Obama will be to blame. Should've stopped flights coming here a long time ago.

Why are you dependent on the government cradle to grave to protect you from disease?

silly one ever said anything like that..smoke, mirrors, drama, lies and after day after's comical.

Ok, so why are you attacking Obama and the federal government if healthcare is none of the federal government's business.

Nobody said any of that, either.

more smoke, mirrors, drama, lies and distortion... weak...very weak...

Oh really? Nobody ever challenged the constitutionality of the federal government making health policy?

Are you sure you want to go with that?

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