CDC says you mix and match Booster shots


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
This is absurd. They’ve done no long term studies of this, yet they are telling you to do it and declaring it’s “safe”.

How many of you good vaxxed sheep are going to do this experiment?

I know more people that have had serious adverse reactions to the vaccines than have even had a serious case of WuFlu, much less anyone that actually died from it.

Fauci is a member of the the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Anyone who views that it is acceptable to have millions and millions die for biological experiments is about as satanic and evil as you can get. The difference is he smiles as a buddy to us all. Friendly fascism that forces you to their dictums or suffer the consequences. Biden has lied hundreds of times already.
The next time your doctor has you bent over a table, with his bratwurst sized finger up your ass checking your prostrate, say "hey doc? what do you think about me getting the Moderna shot instead of Johnson and Johnson?"

Your doctor stops making money off of you if you die so he has a vested interest in your survival.

Going to Facebook to get your medical information is retarded.
This is absurd. They’ve done no long term studies of this, yet they are telling you to do it and declaring it’s “safe”.

How many of you good vaxxed sheep are going to do this experiment?

I know more people that have had serious adverse reactions to the vaccines than have even had a serious case of WuFlu, much less anyone that actually died from it.

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not me ....i will wait for one from the vax i already have....
I bet you Fauci‘s favorite drink is drink is Long Island ice tea.

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