CDCs “confusing” messaging on vaccines.

Count the reports that mentioned actual mutations of the variants. Very few. An engineered dumbing-down by the dem-owned media but also world media Otherwise, the prisoners would know that BioNTech referenced position 477, a highly flexible region, as relevant regarding future vaccine design (Feb 2021). This includes forthcoming boosters. Will it jump from deer into humans the way it did with Danish and Dutch minks.
Actually I think they’ve recorded 2000 variants. Most aren’t as viable.
Worked fine for me

Studies show people with natural immunity from an infection can be more susceptible to certain variants than people who are vaccinated, particularly to variants of concern like Gamma from Brazil or Beta from South Africa.

In Brazil, one study found the effectiveness of natural immunity against the Gamma variant dropped from about 90 percent to about 60 percent. Early research on the Delta variant discovered in India shows it is similarly elusive to natural immunity, although mRNA vaccines remain highly effective against it.

However, once someone with natural immunity gets vaccinated, the research in Science found they generate about 100 times more antibodies to the Beta variant than people with natural immunity alone, and about 25 times more antibodies than vaccination alone.
Look at my Immunity and Vaccines for dummies post...and then try to explain to me how if natural immunity isn’t working on some strains than why would a vaccine (which uses the bodies own immune system) work?
Every year

Every year how many people get the flu vaccine depending on which strain of the flu hits us the vaccine is either very effective or not very effective. The efficacy varies greatly. Covid keeps mutating, the efficacy of the vaccine keeps changing. They still work, but not as well because the virus is getting stronger.

It's all over for the Vaccine Cult.

She should be anyway…I grew up in Lansing, and can’t believe what she has done.

She's the worst. Even worse than Granholm if you can believe it. Luckily, her numbers are plummeting

Our son is a proud graduate of MSU, Dec 2019 :)
It goes on to say that it could be BOTH...but that if you DO get won't get very sick if you get sick at all...IF you're vaccinated
Cool. Very similar to being unvaccinated.
Here is the deal. I think before you have mentioned you have a preexisting condition that might be aggravated by Covid, or make covid worse. For your sake, and all our sake, I wish we had a vaccine like the polio or smallpox vaccines. If we did I would take it. But we don't. We have THESE vaccines. They are "leaky". We might as well not argue about polio and small pox vaccines because these are not it. They are more like flu vaccines--but a lot worse. They have a LOT more side effects. I do not remember having my employer schedule days off for flu vaccines because the expected side effects were so life-impacting. I don't remember hearing about blood clots, myocarditis, GBS, bell's palsy and all kind of other issues with flu vaccines.

These are just not good vaccines. I'm sorry about that. I wish they were. Don't be mad at the unvaccinated for that. Be mad at the government and Big Pharma who could be pursuing a LOT of other avenues to get this under control.
ALL vaccines are subject to breakthrough infection but even if there is a breakthrough you are still more protected than if you were not vaccinated.
Hey assholes, anyone remember the saying you can't cure the common cold?

COVID is a cold, that's what coronavirus is.

If it's an old saying you can bet it's a true saying.

So now with egg on faces, we're going make all your dreams come true with just one shot, for every variance in existence. Boy will this do a lot for your immune systems (COUGH!). You've been had.

COVID is the greatest cancel event since the great flood, it canceled out the flu, and probably canceled out flu shots too, because now it's "COVID".
People don't end up on ventilators from the common cold
Cool. Very similar to being unvaccinated.
Over 95% of hospitalized covid patients are UNvaccinated genius

Wanna figure those odds?

If I get covid now my chances of getting really sick are a LOT lower than yours.

And guess what? You WILL get the virus because the Delta variant is SO fucking contagious

I MIGHT get it...but again...if I do I have a much smaller chance of getting very sick.
Over 95% of hospitalized covid patients are UNvaccinated genius

Wanna figure those odds?

If I get covid now my chances of getting really sick are a LOT lower than yours.

And guess what? You WILL get the virus because the Delta variant is SO fucking contagious

I MIGHT get it...but again...if I do I have a much smaller chance of getting very sick.
Guess what genius? Before the vaccine was developed 100% of the people who contracted covid and hospitalized were UNvaccinated, and 99% of those people survived.

I think I'll take my chances.
Guess what genius? Before the vaccine was developed 100% of the people who contracted covid and hospitalized were UNvaccinated, and 99% of those people survived.

I think I'll take my chances.
You are 20X more likely to get seriously sick or die than I...because I have been vaccinated.

And guess what?

Once you get it and end up in the hospital? It's too late to get vaxxed.
You are 20X more likely to get seriously sick or die than I...because I have been vaccinated.

And guess what?

Once you get it and end up in the hospital? It's too late to get vaxxed.

20X !!!!!!! LOL

I'm not scared, not even a little.
Actually I think they’ve recorded 2000 variants. Most aren’t as viable.
The point is that the media having mentioned variants, kept the prisoners dumbed down by not naming the amino acids that define a variant.
You are 20X more likely to get seriously sick or die than I...because I have been vaccinated.

And guess what?

Once you get it and end up in the hospital? It's too late to get vaxxed.
Actually no you’re not. The vaccine isn’t working on the delta. This is why they’re talking about boosters already. That’s the whole point of this thread.

On top of that the case fatality rate (not infection fatality rate which is much much lower) is .08% for the delta. That’s common cold levels. Tell us, why is it so imperative that we take a shot that has our body produce billions of the cytotoxic spike protein, that’s doesn’t actually work against the delta, over a cold?
Still spouting lies StupidSue?

Memory cells and T cells continue to protect even as antibodies slightly fade
Delta does not have the ‘fentanyl’ mutation (K417N/T), which may influence antibody statistics and permanence depending on each particular patient. More on T cells is here:

Convergent Epitope-Specific T Cell Responses
’....BnT162b2 vaccination elicits potent spike-specific T-cell responses in naive individuals and also triggers the recall T cell response in previously infected individuals, further boosting spike-specific responses but altering their differentiation state. Overall, our study demonstrates the potential of mRNA vaccines to induce, maintain, and shape T cell memory through vaccination and revaccination.’

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