Celebrate International Polar Bear Day

I havent seen a polar bear in maine for years.

Clearly that's something to worry about, eh?
WWF - Polar bear status, distribution & population


Today, polar bears are among the few large carnivores that are still found in roughly their original habitat and range--and in some places, in roughly their natural numbers.
Although most populations have returned to healthy numbers, there are differences between the populations. Some are stable, some seem to be increasing, and some are decreasing due to various pressures. As of 2013, 5 of 19 populations were in decline.
Some populations are still harvested quite heavily, and their status is uncertain.

Ten good reasons not to worry about polar bears | polarbearscience

1) Polar bears are a conservation success story. Their numbers have rebounded remarkably since 1973 and we can say for sure that there are more polar bears now than there were 40 years ago.

2) The only polar bear subpopulation that has had a statistically significant decline in recent years is the one in Western Hudson Bay

3) Polar bears in the US portion of the Chukchi Sea are in good condition and reproducing well, while sea ice in the Bering Sea has rebounded from record lows over the last ten years – good reasons not to be worried about polar bears in the Chukchi.

I'd continue, but it would embarrass the liar that started this op into lying some more
Celebrate International Polar Bear Day
In Coney Island they have the Polar Bear Club. They take dips in the Atlantic Ocean every Sunday from November through April. Great way to celebrate International Polar Bear Day.

The Coney Island Polar Bear Club is the oldest winter bathing organization in the United States. We swim in the Atlantic Ocean at Coney Island every Sunday from November through April.

Welcome to Coney Island Polar Bear Club
So Two Thumbs first gives us data showing polar bear populations are in decline, then tells us it's a big lie to be concerned about it. Very curious.

From the IUCN Polar Bear specialist group, Dec 2013

Summary of polar bear population status per 2013

Out of 19 recognized Polar Bear sub-populations, 1 is increasing, 5 are stable, 4 are declining, 9 are insufficient data.

And, exactly as predicted, it's the warmer southern areas that are seeing the declines. So chalk up yet another correct prediction from those dirty environmentalists.

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