Polar Bears Forced onto Land Losing Weight

Well shit, upon careful examination of the "study" the OP needs to go and feed himself to the polar bears.....Sigh, tough break for the OP. ;)

I appreciate all the passionate response. Does anyone have any comments about the study's methodology or conclusions?
Why, yes I do.

The methodology was incredibly cruel. Watching those poor innocent bears risk starvation when the experimenters could have easily fed them? All to prove some point about “global warming” which has been debunked due to Chinese overfishing?

You support that?

It is also cruel to waste money on watching bears get hungry when children are starving. Not due to global warming but to government mismanagement and malfeasance.
So, among seven different posters: 1srelluc, JGalt, luiza, Blues Man, Hang On Sloopy, AMart and Flash we find not a single bit of science. What were you hoping to accomplish? Did you think the argument would be taken by the wittiest repartee?

Here the thing....

20 years ago the climate nutters shoved the polar bear shit down everybody's throat.
Overreach by progressives...as per usual.


Nobody cares about the polar bears in 2024...know it's a ruse.
I think the biggest problem with any melting sea ice would be its effect on the jet stream.

That would be a bit of a sticky wicket...
I find topics such as natural resources more interesting than any of america's societal issues. Those are meaningless to this citizen.
Looks like the undersea Arctic volcanoes were silent this year...


the Arctic sea ice takes center stage, showcasing a noteworthy ranking as the third-highest in the last 10 years.
So, among seven different posters: 1srelluc, JGalt, luiza, Blues Man, Hang On Sloopy, AMart and Flash we find not a single bit of science. What were you hoping to accomplish? Did you think the argument would be taken by the wittiest repartee?

What is the global population of polar bears over the years?

Why not show that chart?
So, among seven different posters: 1srelluc, JGalt, luiza, Blues Man, Hang On Sloopy, AMart and Flash we find not a single bit of science. What were you hoping to accomplish? Did you think the argument would be taken by the wittiest repartee?

Speaking of not a shred of science how much is temperature expected to decrease for each imaginary 10PPM reduction in atmospheric CO2?

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