Celebrities beg electors to be ‘heroes’ and vote against Trump

I hear he and Putin are working jointly on getting frick'n lasers attached to the heads of mutant seabass.

Maybe they'll attach one to your head to assist you in your neverending search for a clue.

How would a laser help anyone find a clue?

Go back to sleep Snowflake, it's going to be OK.

lol, you're trying to pretend your post made sense? Fuckinay man you are sad.

It's called illustrating absurdity by being absurd. Talk about needing a clue.

I agree with half of that. You are an absurdity.

Lighten up Francis..... your heads gonna explode!
This is a coup de ta and those trying to steal the election should be put in prison for treason. They attack the our Republican. Those who don't like the election can move to Kenya. They are terrible terrible people.

Celebrities beg electors to be ‘heroes’ and vote against Trump | New York Post
These wouldn't happen to be the same celebrities,
I'm waiting to finish packing and fucking move to another country,
like they promised to do if Trump were elected....are they?
So this is why you RWnuts were soft on Romney? Because he saw Russia as a threat?

If we're so in love with Russia, why would be soft on him?

Because Romney in 2012 said Russia was our greatest threat. I wouldn't be surprised if I could go back and find you agreeing with that.

Well, then wouldn't we be hard n him them?

BTW... check out one of Putin's new weapons systems. I hear Trump is bankrolling it!!

How about these socialist asshole celebrities back their talk and get the fuck out of America
Wolf on CNN this evening was nothing but how Russia stole the election from Hillary and Putin personally approved it, its settled science, the entire Federal government agrees, blah blah. Fucking Nazi propaganda at its finest.
Just me or are all these celebrities unemployed?

How much you figure Mike Moore paid them?
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No one listended to the Hollywood loons during the campaign why would they think their opinions matter anymore now than they did then? The Hollywood celebrities belief in their importance is truly astounding.

I know right! These people are so narcissistic they actually think the common man gives a rats ass about their opinions.

Irony alert. Your opinions are comically stupid.

Not sure if serious......
I've never thought my opinions were so important that the rest of America should follow.....how about you?

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