Celebrity Hell: The TV Medicine [Bad Journalism]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does this modern world of indulgence-imagery in the media make you worry about the importance of responsible journalism?

This fiction-omen was inspired by The Insider and Kids.

What do you think?


"An African-American single-mother (named Holly) sits at home on a Saturday afternoon, since she doesn't have a work-shift at a local diner that day, to watch TV with her son (Daniel) who is overweight, since he eats too much candy/chocolate. Holly is shocked to see news-stories that day about an indulgent celebrity Halloween party the previous Friday night involving super-celebrity Leo DiCaprio and a bevy of costumed beautiful ladies hop into his luxurious chauffeur-driven truck. Holly turns to her son Daniel and wonders what her son is thinking about the proverbial 'American Dream'."


"Here, Leo is dressed in a gorilla-mask and is escorting his lovely ladies into his truck, as photojournalists capture the Halloween nightclub-party exit 'scene.' Holly and her son Daniel see these images of celebrity indulgence on American TV, and Holly wonders what Daniel will be watching in private while she's at work. Even Holly admits that the image of Leo escorting the costumed beautiful women into his truck intrigues her natural curiosity about 'celebrity society'."


"Holly decides to buy her son Daniel a Ouija-board, a play-game designed to use subconscious imagination to pretend-play the 'supernatural incantation' of afterlife spirits. Holly tells Daniel that she wants her son to use the Ouija-board to entertain himself and try to 'converse' with the spirits of prominent/prestigious African-American figures in U.S. history such as Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and Booker T. Washington while she's working at the diner (instead of wasting time watching 'junk-food' TV and eating too much chocolate!)."


"Daniel is of course curious about new age media-access 'technologies' and 'toys' such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and YouTube and how everyone wields a mobile phone on which they can download sports-videos and entertainment. These video-accessible phones even come with small desk-stands now, so consumers can sit back and watch videos on their 'phone-televisions.' In other words, Daniel is not only fascinated by indulgence-images on TV but also all the 'wondrous toys' that offer unlimited access to modern entertainment."


"If Daniel grows up in an America that is 'over-run' with images of crazy parties coordinated by wealth/fame indulging celebrities and glitterati, he'll think less and less about Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Tracy Chapman and more about Notorious B.I.G., African-American Playboy nude models, and NBA fat-cat superstars like LeBron James. Is this the America we want Daniel to embrace as a minority political activist? When did the era of Booker T. Washington give way to the era of Foxy Brown?"


"Meanwhile, an Algerian-American radical living in Washington named Ajay Satan is dressing up as a 'vigilante' and blogging on the Internet about pornography and censorship in the age of media and capitalism. Ajay believes that the underworld spirit of Medusa (ancient mythological demon-deity of hypnosis/obsession) will 'surface' in these times to draw men even closer towards moral apathy and media irresponsibility. Ajay also blogs that he'd rather see super-celebrity Leo DiCaprio in a fantastic justice-pensive comic book adapted movie about the heroic masked urban vigilante Batman (DC Comics) tackling a nefarious modern-day L.A. crime-syndicate 'gargoyle' named Black Mask (with DiCaprio portraying Black Mask!). Is Ajay's 'idealism' naive?"


"Some months later, Holly and Daniel are watching TV, and they see the news-story of a mysterious man dressed as Black Mask (DC Comics) approaching a nightclub party parking lot filled with celebrities and using a silencer-pistol to shoot/kill three beautiful women who were handing off the arms of super-celebrity Leo DiCaprio. The Black Mask 'killer' is in fact Ajay Satan, and he says to reporters after his arrest that he hopes this news story will receive as much coverage as numerous stories about celebrities doing drugs and beating women without any recompense or justice. Holly cheers for Ajay but secretly mourns his death. She tells her son Daniel to watch the new Denzel Washington justice-daydream film The Equalizer."


"Ajay was incorrect that Medusa would emerge as a 'Harlot of Babylon' in these troubled times, but instead, the underworld spirit of Jason Voorhees emerges, leaping out of the 'metaphysical plane' of the human imagination (and movies!) and becoming a real-life urban menace. Jason kills countless people in the L.A. area and takes them to a forest where he burns their skulls. Holly and Daniel see the news-stories about Jason and pray that someone 'like' Ajay Satan shows up to redeem this 'modern world'."


TRUMP: What do you make of this Jason, Carter?
CARTER: He's a real force from Hell, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Maybe the Apocalypse is near...
CARTER: The police are on the case, sir!
TRUMP: Well, at least we're not plagued by Medusa.
CARTER: Jason is evil enough.
TRUMP: What we need now more than anything is good journalism.
CARTER: Consumerism creates a 'natural demand' for candy.
TRUMP: I know Playboy is hypnotic, but we need to reach educators.
CARTER: Many feel you simply don't care about minorities/immigrants.
TRUMP: Well, the Republican Party has the ill-repute of being 'stingy.'
CARTER: Many TrumpUSA supporters hope you'll spread optimism about media.
TRUMP: Hey, I managed an Atlantic City casino, so I know about entertainment!
CARTER: Americans want a Ross Perot brain on a Howard Hughes body.
TRUMP: Isn't that what I am?
CARTER: Maybe the FBI should establish a unit of 'street-vigilantes.'
TRUMP: That would at least make for a cool new movie theme!
CARTER: Hail to the media.




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