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Cementing Our Support with Gaza

Beirut Daily Star, Lebanon: Hamas and Fatah A Bigger Threat to the Palestinians than Israel
It is a damning indication of just how bad things have become in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip when Fatah militants there must look to Israel for protection from their Palestinian rivals.

The Jewish state announced on Monday that it would help a group of 150 Fatah fighters who had fled weekend clashes in Gaza relocate to the West Bank, after determining that they would face "imminent danger" if they were to return home.

The scenes of Israel coming to the rescue of Palestinians after a bout of Arab fratricide were reminiscent of the events of Black September, during which scores of Palestinians sought asylum in Israel to escape King Hussein's crackdown on the Palestine Liberation Organization.
The only difference this time around is that instead of seeking refuge from a heavy-handed Arab crackdown, Palestinians are fleeing from the murderous hands of their own Palestinian brothers.

Achievement of the Palestinian cause requires that all factions maintain a semblance of orderliness and keep their eyes on the price of independent statehood. In this both Fatah and Hamas have been miserable failures. Both have put partisan interests ahead of national ones and therefore have failed to maintain anything like a united Palestinian front.
Even the mediation attempts of Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia have not been enough to curb the political infighting and internecine bloodshed that have served to further threaten the Palestinians' very right to existence.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza has been deteriorating since the international community callously decided to punish an entire people for having exercised their democratic rights in the legislative elections of January 2006.
But the Hamas movement is now exacerbating the situation by undermining the rule of law in the territory. After accusing its Fatah rivals of carrying out a deadly bombing late last week that killed five Hamas leaders and a little girl, the Islamist party launched what can be only be described as a witch-hunt, rounding up some 200 Fatah activists.

Fatah provided an equally bad example of governance in the West Bank when it retaliated against the move by rounding up scores of people it branded "Hamas activists," including many judges, students and activists who have no known affiliation with the Islamist party.
On both sides of divided Palestine, civilians must now add Fatah and Hamas to the long list of threats to their security and wellbeing.

The events of the last week are just the most recent example of how the situation in the Occupied Territories has gone from bad to worse under the watchful eyes of elected Palestinian "representatives."
Hundreds of people were killed last year when the two groups allowed their rivalry to degenerate into street violence. Hundreds more were prevented from going about their normal activities such as attending school, going to work or expressing political views.

Over the past few days the two Palestinian factions seem to be close to repeated the same disastrous mistakes. We have seen Palestinians denigrating the legitimacy of other Palestinians, Palestinians making war on other Palestinians, and Palestinians arresting other Palestinians, while the Jewish state has come to the rescue of those Palestinians who fear for their lives. Israel has never looked so good.
The Daily Star - Editorial - Hamas and Fatah are a bigger threat to the Palestinians than Israel
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AMY GOODMAN: And the reports that the US is arming Fatah?


AMY GOODMAN: Can you elaborate on that?

LAILA EL-HADDAD: Yeah, I mean, it’s—again, it is no hidden agenda. It’s not any kind of conspiracy. It’s something that’s been very open and reported openly in the press, but again, the media has chosen not to necessarily concentrate on this particular aspect.

Over the past, I think it might have been, two years or so, especially, particularly in the period right before the elections, the US began funding Mohammad Dahlan, specifically, personally, in hopes to stave off a Hamas election victory, and then, following the election victory, Hamas’s election, continued to fund both Mohammad Dahlan and Mahmoud Abbas, the security forces, and training and arming them, as well. And the sum has reached something to the effect of $84 million.

And just a day ago, when the latest clashes began, in fact, Israel authorized the opening of Rafah crossing, which is closed—the only civilian passage in and out of Gaza, and it’s closed at least 50% of the time, according to the UN. But they authorized that to be open specifically to allow the entry of at least 450 members of the Badr Brigades, which is the elite Fatah brigades that were trained in Jordan with US funding. So again, it’s very clear and out in the open. And just about a week or two ago, the plan was elaborated on in a Jordanian newspaper, before being whisked off the presses—again, the latest plan to arm and fund and try to overthrow or see the downfall, at least, of the unity government.

Gaza Is Burning: Laila El-Hadded Reports on How Recent Fighting in Gaza has Paralyzed Civilian Life
Hamas: We Desire Death For Ourselves and Our Children Like You Desire Life...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWIDZ7Jpdqg]YouTube - Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life"[/ame]
You don't even speak Arabic.

These MEMRI clips you keep posting are filled with mistranslations and twisted meanings, and taken completely out of context.

There is nothing about "enemies of Allah" in this clip. The meaning of Fathi Hammad's words is not "we desire death like you desire life;" he's saying "we don't fear death and we will fight you to the death."

Hammad is saying that the Palestinian people have been under assault from Israelis for so long and have seen so many of their people murdered by the IDF - that now facing death in this conflict has become as if "normal" for them. He is saying that the elderly, the women and the children have all been targeted over and over, and all Palestinian people are facing death every single day, and none of them are afraid to give their lives for their country.
You don't even speak Arabic.

These MEMRI clips you keep posting are filled with mistranslations and twisted meanings, and taken completely out of context.

There is nothing about "enemies of Allah" in this clip. The meaning of Fathi Hammad's words is not "we desire death like you desire life;" he's saying "we don't fear death and we will fight you to the death."

Hammad is saying that the Palestinian people have been under assault from Israelis for so long and have seen so many of their people murdered by the IDF - that now facing death in this conflict has become as if "normal" for them. He is saying that the elderly, the women and the children have all been targeted over and over, and all Palestinian people are facing death every single day, and none of them are afraid to give their lives for their country.

I have heard on several occasions that MEMRI fudges on its translations. One of the most blatant is when they "translated" Ahmadinijad into saying that Iran was going to wipe Israel off the map. Propagandists are still using that debunked line and it still is used to rattle sabers against Iran.

As I have stated previously, MEMRI is a card carrying member of Israel's BS machine. They have zero credibility.
I have heard on several occasions that MEMRI fudges on its translations. One of the most blatant is when they "translated" Ahmadinijad into saying that Iran was going to wipe Israel off the map. Propagandists are still using that debunked line and it still is used to rattle sabers against Iran.

As I have stated previously, MEMRI is a card carrying member of Israel's BS machine. They have zero credibility.

Exactly. MEMRI and Palestine Media Watch (PMW) are just branches of the Zio propaganda machine, on a mission to convince the world that Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims are subhuman creatures so it's ok for Israel to slaughter them and take their land.

Anyone can do just 5 minutes of research on these organizations and easily find their connections to right-wing elements of the Israeli government, the Israeli military and the Israeli settlement enterprise, as well as the neo-con warmongers in the U.S. who pressed for the war against Iraq. Many of them are the same people now clamoring for a U.S. strike on Iran.
I have heard on several occasions that MEMRI fudges on its translations. One of the most blatant is when they "translated" Ahmadinijad into saying that Iran was going to wipe Israel off the map. Propagandists are still using that debunked line and it still is used to rattle sabers against Iran.

As I have stated previously, MEMRI is a card carrying member of Israel's BS machine. They have zero credibility.

Exactly. MEMRI and Palestine Media Watch (PMW) are just branches of the Zio propaganda machine, on a mission to convince the world that Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims are subhuman creatures so it's ok for Israel to slaughter them and take their land.

Anyone can do just 5 minutes of research on these organizations and easily find their connections to right-wing elements of the Israeli government, the Israeli military and the Israeli settlement enterprise, as well as the neo-con warmongers in the U.S. who pressed for the war against Iraq. Many of them are the same people now clamoring for a U.S. strike on Iran.

Sucks when we all learn what demented Arab Muslim savages are really saying, eh?

Such as, "We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWIDZ7Jpdqg]YouTube - Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life"[/ame]

Allah Fuckbar!
I have heard on several occasions that MEMRI fudges on its translations. One of the most blatant is when they "translated" Ahmadinijad into saying that Iran was going to wipe Israel off the map. Propagandists are still using that debunked line and it still is used to rattle sabers against Iran.

As I have stated previously, MEMRI is a card carrying member of Israel's BS machine. They have zero credibility.

Exactly. MEMRI and Palestine Media Watch (PMW) are just branches of the Zio propaganda machine, on a mission to convince the world that Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims are subhuman creatures so it's ok for Israel to slaughter them and take their land.

Anyone can do just 5 minutes of research on these organizations and easily find their connections to right-wing elements of the Israeli government, the Israeli military and the Israeli settlement enterprise, as well as the neo-con warmongers in the U.S. who pressed for the war against Iraq. Many of them are the same people now clamoring for a U.S. strike on Iran.

Sucks when we all learn what demented Arab Muslim savages are really saying, eh?

Such as, "We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWIDZ7Jpdqg]YouTube - Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life"[/ame]

Allah Fuckbar!

MEMRI, PMW, CAMERA, etc., etc., etc., all lie for a living. Wasn't there something about that in the ten commandments?
Hammad is saying that the Palestinian people have been under assault from Israelis for so long and have seen so many of their people murdered by the IDF - that now facing death in this conflict has become as if "normal" for them. He is saying that the elderly, the women and the children have all been targeted over and over, and all Palestinian people are facing death every single day, and none of them are afraid to give their lives for their country.

Maybe, Hammad needs to get his head out of his camel's ass and realize that Israel is entitled, under international law, to respond militarily to Hamas aggression, violence and terrorism perpetrated against Israeli civilians.

Hamas's charter, its clerics and leaders, explicitly call for the destruction of Israel and genocide against Jews.

Hamas, in fact, was formed to destroy Israel.

This shouldn't be too difficult to comprehend, even for an ignorant Arab Muslim animal.

Every war and conflict between Arabs and Israelis has been initiated and provoked by Arab Muslim monsters since the 7th century when Muhammad the Pedophile Prophet beheaded 800 Medinan Jews.

Making everyone's lives miserable is the reason Arabs and Muslims exist.

Allah Fuckbar.
Hammad is saying that the Palestinian people have been under assault from Israelis for so long and have seen so many of their people murdered by the IDF - that now facing death in this conflict has become as if "normal" for them. He is saying that the elderly, the women and the children have all been targeted over and over, and all Palestinian people are facing death every single day, and none of them are afraid to give their lives for their country.

Maybe, Hammad needs to get his head out of his camel's ass and realize that Israel is entitled, under international law, to respond militarily to Hamas aggression, violence and terrorism perpetrated against Israeli civilians.

Hamas's charter, its clerics and leaders, explicitly call for the destruction of Israel and genocide against Jews.

Hamas, in fact, was formed to destroy Israel.

This shouldn't be too difficult to comprehend, even for an ignorant Arab Muslim animal.

Every war and conflict between Arabs and Israelis has been initiated and provoked by Arab Muslim monsters since the 7th century when Muhammad the Pedophile Prophet beheaded 800 Medinan Jews.

Making everyone's lives miserable is the reason Arabs and Muslims exist.

And, there is no such group as Palestinians. They're just regular Arab trash.

Allah Fuckbar.
Maybe, Hammad needs to get his head out of his camel's ass and realize that Israel is entitled, under international law, to respond militarily to Hamas aggression, violence and terrorism perpetrated against Israeli civilians.

Hamas and all other resistance groups in Palestine and around the world have the legal right under international law to resist occupation.

Hamas's charter, its clerics and leaders, explicitly call for the destruction of Israel and genocide against Jews.

The facts on the ground show that Hamas has no animosity to the Jews.

Hamas, in fact, was formed to destroy Israel.

Yes, indeed it was.
Anyone can do just 5 minutes of research on these organizations and easily find their connections to right-wing elements of the Israeli government, the Israeli military and the Israeli settlement enterprise, as well as the neo-con warmongers in the U.S. who pressed for the war against Iraq. Many of them are the same people now clamoring for a U.S. strike on Iran.

Abdullah, the Israeli "settlement enterprise" is entirely permissable under international law. Judea and Samaria is ancestral Jewish land. Arabs are from Arabia.

Arab trash go home!

The only warmongers are Arabs and Muslims who have been warring with the world since the cult of Islam was invented in the 7th century.

The Pedophile Prophet Muhammad was a warmonger. He even went to war with his own Arab people in Mecca, Medina and throughout Arabia.

Muslims have gone to war with much of the world in invading Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East...
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When Arabs and Muslims are not warmongering with others, they are warmongering with one another, like the 8 year Iran Iraq war that killed 1 million people, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the Lebanese civil war killing 250,000 people, the Algerian civil war killing 250,000 people and the Syrian massacre at Hama killing 20,000 Syrians.

Today, out of 25 wars and conflicts around the world, Muslims are involved in 21 of them...

Afghanistan: Radical Fundamentalist Muslim terrorist groups vs. non-Muslims
Bosnia: Serbian Orthodox Christians vs. Muslims
Côte d'Ivoire: Muslims vs. Christians
Cyprus: Christians vs Muslims
East Timor: Christians vs Muslims
India: Animists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims & Sikhs
Indonesia, province of Ambon: Christians vs Muslims
Iraq: Kurds, Shiite Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Western armed forces
Kashmir: Hindus & Muslims
Kosovo: Serbian Orthodox Christians vs. Muslims
Kurdistan: Christians vs Muslims
Macedonia: Macedonian Orthodox Christians vs Muslims
Middle East: Jews, Muslims, & Christians
Nigeria: Christians, Animists & Muslims
Northern Ireland: Protestants, Catholics
Pakistan: Suni & Shi'ite Muslims
Philippines: Christians vs Muslims
Russia: Chechnya Russian Orthodox Christians vs Muslims
Somalia: Wahhabi and Sufi Muslims
South Africa: Animists & "Witches"
Sri Lanka: Buddhists & Hindus
Sudan: Animists, Christians & Muslims
Thailand: Buddhists & Muslims
Tibet: Buddhists & Communists
Uganda: Animists, Christians, & Muslims

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