Censorship By Omission


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
So you think you live in a 'free society'?

You're an idiot.

A Free Society can not exist without a free press. And we have anything but in this country.

And a free press is the only thing that stands between us and power hungry POLITICIANS.

Why haven't POLITICIANS done anything about this?

POLITICS, you think?

You think maybe it would be POLITICALLY incorrect to show Balcks in a negative light?

Like that Australian Baseball player that was senselessly murdered by BLACK kids doing essentially the same thing.

Why haven't POLITICIANS made a bigger deal out of this? Do you think for one goddam minute that if this were reversed, if white kids (and adults) were going around beating up Blacks that POLITICIANS in every corner of the Country wouldn't be going out of their fucking minds?

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See | HEAVY

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See



It's not isolated, people. It's an epidemic.

And what do our Nations POLITICIANS have to say about it?

The last thing you want is to have politicians "doing something about the press". The key is in education. Kids have to be taught to understand the difference between truth and propaganda. Unfortunately the democrat party has succeeded in producing generation after generation of lock step liberals. The truth is out there in the freeist Country in the world but you have to look a little harder.
No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.
No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.

FNC. It's the only reliable news outlet.

So you think it's okay that black kids go around playing the knockout game?

Here's a 16 year old girl as a victim. You're so tough, I bet you wouldn't have to sneak up on her, huh?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GT0SbPxsK5s]Blacks bring White knock out game to London - YouTube[/ame]

Obviously, you do.

78 Year Old Midwood Woman Becomes Latest Victim In Game of ?Knockout? | BrooklyNews.com | Lastest Brooklyn News

The 78-year-old woman was walking passed Friends Field on East 5th and Avenue L in the afternoon when she was approached by an African-American male who she said was approximately 20 years old. The man said nothing, hit her in the head, and left.

Know who they say is the best target? Pregnant women with kids. Easy hit, guaranteed to go down.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qF9lV319yg4]New Jersey Teens come up with a new game called "Knockout" - YouTube[/ame]

How about the game called 'knockout the Jew' or 'Jew knockout'?

I bet you think that ones HI-larious.

You're a scumbag, so I expect you to stick up for your fellow scumbags

At the University of Illinois in Champaign, the game has a different name: Polar Bear Hunting. But with dozens of examples, including a local TV reporter, the black mobs play by the same rules: Find a defenseless white or Asian person, and punch them in the face until your arms are tired. Or they are knocked out. Or dead.

In Chicago last year, two black people killed a Mexican immigrant and grandfather as he was collecting cans in a downtown alley. The local press had trouble talking about the race of the perpetrators, but Mexican national news did not: Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #87: Spanish edition.

CNN however, was eager to report that the families of the black people arrested and later convicted of the crime after posting it on Facebook were good boys who were just playing a “prank that got out of hand.”

In St. Cloud, Minn., a car full of black people came upon a college student in an alley walking two girls home from the library. The car screeched to a stop, one man got out and hit 20-year old Colton Gleason in the face. He died. His attacker was convicted earlier this year after the jury rejected his defense that Colton and the two female college students he was walking home actually hit their car.

In March of this year, six black people were convicted in the stabbing death of Matthew Chew in New London, Conn. The headline tells the story: 25-year-old victim loses Knockout Game.

In Pittsburgh last year, several black people were caught on video punching a teacher in the face as they passed each other in an alley. That happened twice: Earlier that year, another teacher was almost killed as he slipped and fell in traffic while fleeing the Knockout Game, on video.

Last year in Meriden, Conn., DeAndre Felton and his 10 of his friends thought they found an easy mark for a bit of the old Knockout Game. They chose the wrong guy: He pulled a knife and killed DeAndre and wounded one other attacker. The attackers’ parents said their children were innocent, just like Trayvon Martin in Florida.

In St. Louis earlier this year, a black person was sentenced to life for the Knockout Game death of a 72-year old Vietnamese immigrant.

In St. Louis alone, a judge said one person was responsible for 300 episodes of the Knockout Game.

In Oklahoma earlier this year, an accused killer of the Australian college student Chris Lane tweeted that he was “playing golf” and hitting “woods” prior to the murder earlier this month. Woods is short for “peckerwoods:” White people. The Knockout Game.

He said he did that five times since the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin.

Read more at Surprise! Media finally wake up to Knockout Game

Here's a video of knockout game participants.

Know whaere I had to go to find it?


Knockout game is killing innocent civilians | News.com.au
Obviously, the left on this Board is against all kinds of violence.

Unless it's committed by one of their favored groups.

Ever notice that? Black people do get a pass but so do groups like Occupy Wall Street. And Code Pink. And at least twenty other RADICALLY VIOLENT groups that have moved into the main stream dimocrap party.

So the fact that they're not very excited by a few White People getting murdered or knocked out by one of their favored groups is no surprise.

So next time I call a dimocrap a lying, hypocrite scumbag, you'll know why.

You'll also know that I'm being truthful.

The people doing this?

I don't care who they are, what color skin they have or how old they are.

They need to be taken out of the gene pool -- PERMANENTLY.

Preferably by locking them up in a maximum security prison for life.

These people aren't human being, they're troglodytes. Worse than that. I bet even they didn't hurt people for the sheer FUN of it.

And where's our resident dimocrap scum to condemn this?

I mentioned this on the "Phony Scandals?" thread and those on the Left ignored it there too. Just as you see this barely mentioned on the Network News or major newspapers if it is mentioned at all.

If this was white kids seeking out random black people to attack in this way, can't you imagine the sound and fury that would result? It would lead every news telecast; it would be emblazoned on the front pages of every newspaper. Barack Obama would have commented numerous times by now how such racism must be condemned and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be rallying the troops to demand that Congress act to condemn this and to bring the full force of the government to come down on the perpetrators and achieve justice for the victims of such heinous hate crimes.

There would have been thousands of threads across the internet condemning the racist thugs.

And what do we hear except on Fox News and conservative talk radio? Mostly crickets.

That should be infuriating to everybody. But already our leftist friends are desperately trying to change the subject or blow it off as unworthy of discussion.
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I mentioned this on the "Phony Scandals?" thread and those on the Left ignored it there too. Just as you see this barely mentioned on the Network News or major newspapers if it is mentioned at all.

If this was white kids seeking out random black people to attack in this way, can't you imagine the sound and fury that would result? It would lead every news telecast; it would be emblazoned on the front pages of every newspaper. Barack Obama would have commented numerous times by now how such racism must be condemned and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be rallying the troops to demand that Congress act to condemn this and to bring the full force of the government to come down on the perpetrators and achieve justice for the victims of such heinous hate crimes.

There would have been thousands of threads across the internet condemning the racist thugs.

And what do we hear except on Fox News and conservative talk radio? Mostly crickets.

That should be infuriating to everybody. But already our leftist friends are desperately trying to change the subject or blow it off as unworthy of discussion.

If this keeps up, the ground under the feet of the PC Police will shrink to nothing. And they still won't treat it like they would if the skin colors were reversed.

The decay continues.

No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.

In one of the other threads about this, I posted about a sport called ****** Knocking in which whites drive roads where blacks walk and use long poles sticking out of their cars to kill them.

Any rw's post that they believe that is and was reprehensible? And, that it should be a crime?

Not even one rw posted against that activity.

Is it reported by the media?


Just as the Trayvon murder was not reported until his parents got the attention of civil rights leaders. And, just as his murderer was released the night of the murder.
I mentioned this on the "Phony Scandals?" thread and those on the Left ignored it there too. Just as you see this barely mentioned on the Network News or major newspapers if it is mentioned at all.

If this was white kids seeking out random black people to attack in this way, can't you imagine the sound and fury that would result? It would lead every news telecast; it would be emblazoned on the front pages of every newspaper. Barack Obama would have commented numerous times by now how such racism must be condemned and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be rallying the troops to demand that Congress act to condemn this and to bring the full force of the government to come down on the perpetrators and achieve justice for the victims of such heinous hate crimes.

There would have been thousands of threads across the internet condemning the racist thugs.

And what do we hear except on Fox News and conservative talk radio? Mostly crickets.

That should be infuriating to everybody. But already our leftist friends are desperately trying to change the subject or blow it off as unworthy of discussion.

No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.

In one of the other threads about this, I posted about a sport called ****** Knocking in which whites drive roads where blacks walk and use long poles sticking out of their cars to kill them.

Any rw's post that they believe that is and was reprehensible? And, that it should be a crime?

Not even one rw posted against that activity.

Is it reported by the media?


Just as the Trayvon murder was not reported until his parents got the attention of civil rights leaders. And, just as his murderer was released the night of the murder.

You're a lying bitch.

The deplorable game of '****** knocking' is simply pranking a black family by ringing their doorbell and running away.

Urban Dictionary: ****** knocking

You're a lying fuck

But you're a dimocrap..... What else is new?
No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.

In one of the other threads about this, I posted about a sport called ****** Knocking in which whites drive roads where blacks walk and use long poles sticking out of their cars to kill them.

Any rw's post that they believe that is and was reprehensible? And, that it should be a crime?

Not even one rw posted against that activity.

Is it reported by the media?


Just as the Trayvon murder was not reported until his parents got the attention of civil rights leaders. And, just as his murderer was released the night of the murder.

You're a lying bitch.

The deplorable game of '****** knocking' is simply pranking a black family by ringing their doorbell and running away.

Urban Dictionary: ****** knocking

You're a lying fuck

But you're a dimocrap..... What else is new?

It is the classic technique right out of the Alinsky playbok. They quickly scramble to dig up an incident of white on black crime and hold it up as evidence that the "knock out game' is no big deal and can be ignored. Let's focus on the racist whitey and just ignore all that other stuff.
In one of the other threads about this, I posted about a sport called ****** Knocking in which whites drive roads where blacks walk and use long poles sticking out of their cars to kill them.

Any rw's post that they believe that is and was reprehensible? And, that it should be a crime?

Not even one rw posted against that activity.

Is it reported by the media?


Just as the Trayvon murder was not reported until his parents got the attention of civil rights leaders. And, just as his murderer was released the night of the murder.

You're a lying bitch.

The deplorable game of '****** knocking' is simply pranking a black family by ringing their doorbell and running away.

Urban Dictionary: ****** knocking

You're a lying fuck

But you're a dimocrap..... What else is new?

It is the classic technique right out of the Alinsky playbok. They quickly scramble to dig up an incident of white on black crime and hold it up as evidence that the "knock out game' is no big deal and can be ignored. Let's focus on the racist whitey and just ignore all that other stuff.

Yeah, and no POLITICIANS paid any attention to the Trayvon Martin death.

Well, unless you count the president.

And the former domestic terrorist and current Congressman, Bobby Rush (D-ouchebag, Chicgao) taking the House Floor with a hoody on.

And every network running the story 24/7 365 for 2 years and every newspaper running it on the front page every ther day for 2 years.

I mean, nobody really paid any attention to that, did they?

dimocraps are lying scumbags. ALL of them. Top to bottom, inside out, the tall the short, the young the old, the fat, the thin, the women and the shemales....

dimocraps are scum.

This game needs to be condemned and STOPPED.

Now. Not tomorrow. Now, before anybody else is senselessly murdered

More deadly "knockout game" attacks being reported across U.S. | KMOV.com St. Louis

Will dimocraps do anything?

Of course not. They're the scum of the Earth.

And yeah, they do control the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Maybe the only decent network in the Country, FNC, can shame the gubmint into doing something.

I doubt it, though
CBS news reported on the "game" just last night.

At one point in the report, they referred to the game as "polar bearing", a name given to it by black teens and used to describe the knocking out of white people.

Sorry to burst your little bubble there professor.
Yes they are reporting it in passing. Once or at the most twice. But it isn't front page news night after night, it isn't held up as hate crime or race crime. They aren't staying on the story as any unusual big deal.

And the usual characters--our fearless leader, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson--are not on television condemning it are they? They are all completely silent. It is only if it is white on black that they are outraged. The othe way around? Not worth their time. Not even if it is epidemic and spreading among black youth. Not even if it is not one or two isolated incidents but a planned actvity.
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Yes they are reporting it in passing. Once or at the most twice. But it isn't front page news night after night, it isn't held up as hate crime or race crime. They aren't staying on the story as any unusual big deal.

And the usual characters--our fearless leader, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson--are not on television condemning it are they? They are all completely silent. It is only if it is white on black that they are outraged. The othe way around? Not worth their time. Not even if it is epidemic and spreading among black youth. Not even if it is not one or two isolated incidents but a planned actvity.

The LOCAL Media are reporting it. And I usually respect LOCAL Media because they see their jobs and they do it.

It's hard work, what they do. Sitting in boring Council meetings all day, interviewing idiot local pols.

But the national DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

Not so much.

Here's a report from a local source

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uM7IGvVcJuQ]@WZ - YouTube[/ame]
Nobody can be sure just yet -- If ever, but Congresswoman Grace Meng may have been the victim of a 'knockout game' attack.

You'll have to google for it. The only people reporting on it are the alternative media. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is too cowardly to do it.

Oh, they'll report the attack and call it a mugging, but they won't report that her tote wasn't even taken.

Her handbag was, but I think that was taken after the attacker had fled the scene by a passerby or a witness.

Police are 'investigating' :lmao: some other mysterious incidents in which women suddenly find themselves unconscious.

Could "Knockout Game" be spreading to DC? - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG

Personally, I think it's Karl Rove. Or the ghost of Reagan. Yeah, that's it.

Certainly not gangs of feral black kids. Couldn't have that getting around
So you think you live in a 'free society'?

You're an idiot.

A Free Society can not exist without a free press. And we have anything but in this country.

And a free press is the only thing that stands between us and power hungry POLITICIANS.

Why haven't POLITICIANS done anything about this?

POLITICS, you think?

You think maybe it would be POLITICALLY incorrect to show Balcks in a negative light?

Like that Australian Baseball player that was senselessly murdered by BLACK kids doing essentially the same thing.

Why haven't POLITICIANS made a bigger deal out of this? Do you think for one goddam minute that if this were reversed, if white kids (and adults) were going around beating up Blacks that POLITICIANS in every corner of the Country wouldn't be going out of their fucking minds?

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See | HEAVY

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See



It's not isolated, people. It's an epidemic.

And what do our Nations POLITICIANS have to say about it?


Never gonna speak the truth. Might offend a particular voting block. Want to end this? Start carrying. A group of young blacks approaches - be ready to shoot.

4 or 5 of them get their brains blown out - no more "knockout game".

Now, lest I be called a racist - the same goes for white kids as well. I just haven't heard of any white punks doing this (yet).

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