Censorship By Omission

So you think you live in a 'free society'?

You're an idiot.

A Free Society can not exist without a free press. And we have anything but in this country.

And a free press is the only thing that stands between us and power hungry POLITICIANS.

Why haven't POLITICIANS done anything about this?

POLITICS, you think?

You think maybe it would be POLITICALLY incorrect to show Balcks in a negative light?

Like that Australian Baseball player that was senselessly murdered by BLACK kids doing essentially the same thing.

Why haven't POLITICIANS made a bigger deal out of this? Do you think for one goddam minute that if this were reversed, if white kids (and adults) were going around beating up Blacks that POLITICIANS in every corner of the Country wouldn't be going out of their fucking minds?

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See | HEAVY

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See



It's not isolated, people. It's an epidemic.

And what do our Nations POLITICIANS have to say about it?


Never gonna speak the truth. Might offend a particular voting block. Want to end this? Start carrying. A group of young blacks approaches - be ready to shoot.

4 or 5 of them get their brains blown out - no more "knockout game".

Now, lest I be called a racist - the same goes for white kids as well. I just haven't heard of any white punks doing this (yet).

That's the problem.... They will.

They copy everything Blacks do, like they're cool or something.

Just in case you haven't noticed :dunno:

As to carrying..... That won't do you a lot of good. If they come at you from behind and hit you first, you're not going to have a chance.

And then, there's a real good chance you just put a gun on the street in the hands of psychopathic punk.

Don't walk in places you're not familiar with. Don't walk alone. If you do walk with someone, it should be a man and make sure you're separated by several feet.

But for heaven's sake, don't suspect Blacks, because......

I'm not entirely certain how this is evidence that we do not have a free press. :confused:

Other than FNC, you got a link showing it's covered by a major news organization in prime time, on the front page or even on morning shows?

Sure, it will be covered because the AP is reporting it. But that's not it, that's not the issue.

Are they making it a Big Deal™....?

Of course not. They're burying it.

I could be wrong. But I so seldom am :dunno:
So you think you live in a 'free society'?

You're an idiot.

A Free Society can not exist without a free press. And we have anything but in this country.

And a free press is the only thing that stands between us and power hungry POLITICIANS.

Why haven't POLITICIANS done anything about this?

POLITICS, you think?

You think maybe it would be POLITICALLY incorrect to show Balcks in a negative light?

Like that Australian Baseball player that was senselessly murdered by BLACK kids doing essentially the same thing.

Why haven't POLITICIANS made a bigger deal out of this? Do you think for one goddam minute that if this were reversed, if white kids (and adults) were going around beating up Blacks that POLITICIANS in every corner of the Country wouldn't be going out of their fucking minds?

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See | HEAVY

Knockout Game Videos: The Shocking Footage You Need to See



It's not isolated, people. It's an epidemic.

And what do our Nations POLITICIANS have to say about it?


Never gonna speak the truth. Might offend a particular voting block. Want to end this? Start carrying. A group of young blacks approaches - be ready to shoot.

4 or 5 of them get their brains blown out - no more "knockout game".

Now, lest I be called a racist - the same goes for white kids as well. I just haven't heard of any white punks doing this (yet).

That's the problem.... They will.

They copy everything Blacks do, like they're cool or something.

Just in case you haven't noticed :dunno:

As to carrying..... That won't do you a lot of good. If they come at you from behind and hit you first, you're not going to have a chance.

And then, there's a real good chance you just put a gun on the street in the hands of psychopathic punk.

Don't walk in places you're not familiar with. Don't walk alone. If you do walk with someone, it should be a man and make sure you're separated by several feet.

But for heaven's sake, don't suspect Blacks, because......


Understood. I look at things a tad differently. When I'm out with my Wife I always take a tactical approach to everything (damned training). I always try to be aware of my surroundings, exits for egress and possible scenarios that might put me or my Wife in danger……all this to go to I-Hop…..:lol:

But seriously, we live in a strange time. There have always been punks. But walking up to a defenseless person, knocking them out and then laughing about it is beyond me.

These animals say it's because they are "bored". BORED@!!@!!. Funny thing about approaching the "wrong person" and trying to knock them out - you will NOT be bored very long…..
It must be rough being a conservative, always soiling yourself every time you see a black person.

Those poor conservatives have made their own hell. And we can't pull them out of it. They're free to leave it whenever they want, but they seem to enjoy residing there.
It must be rough being a conservative, always soiling yourself every time you see a black person.

Those poor conservatives have made their own hell. And we can't pull them out of it. They're free to leave it whenever they want, but they seem to enjoy residing there.

I have been black since the day I was born……I AM however, 69 years of age. These animals search folks like me out - old. Us Old people have to worry about this sort of crap - now more than ever before - sonny.

Don't throw your racist garbage at me.
It must be rough being a conservative, always soiling yourself every time you see a black person.

Those poor conservatives have made their own hell. And we can't pull them out of it. They're free to leave it whenever they want, but they seem to enjoy residing there.

I have been black since the day I was born……I AM however, 69 years of age. These animals search folks like me out - old. Us Old people have to worry about this sort of crap - now more than ever before - sonny.

Don't throw your racist garbage at me.

Try to forgive them, if you can.

It's a reflexive action for them, like breathing.

It must be rough being a conservative, always soiling yourself every time you see a black person.

Those poor conservatives have made their own hell. And we can't pull them out of it. They're free to leave it whenever they want, but they seem to enjoy residing there.

I have been black since the day I was born……I AM however, 69 years of age. These animals search folks like me out - old. Us Old people have to worry about this sort of crap - now more than ever before - sonny.

Don't throw your racist garbage at me.

Try to forgive them, if you can.

It's a reflexive action for them, like breathing.


Understood. Being programmed with propaganda from birth must be hard to let go of...
I'm not entirely certain how this is evidence that we do not have a free press. :confused:

Other than FNC, you got a link showing it's covered by a major news organization in prime time, on the front page or even on morning shows?

Sure, it will be covered because the AP is reporting it. But that's not it, that's not the issue.

Are they making it a Big Deal™....?

Of course not. They're burying it.

I could be wrong. But I so seldom am :dunno:

If it's being covered by the media, including major news organizations, how is it not a free press?

Is the press being threatened, coerced or pressured into burying the story? Is that what you are saying?

Or is it, instead, that some media organizations have decided on their own not to run the story as a major headline?

There is a huge difference between a crappy press and one that isn't free. ;)
"The press" has always been biased, manipulative, and agenda-driven. This is nothing new. They just haven't been this shamelessly blatant about it in a while. Fortunately, ordinary citizens have never had access to more, or a greater variety of, information than we do now. That means it's on us. If you know the media is nothing but a bunch of dishonest, partisan shills (at best), then it's up to us to seek out the details, dig through the spin, and reach our own conclusions. Individuals aren't going to be objective either, but we don't have to depend on the whores at CBS or MSNBC (for example) for our information. Now, if we turn out to be too lazy to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens, then we've no one to blame but ourselves.
I'm not entirely certain how this is evidence that we do not have a free press. :confused:

Other than FNC, you got a link showing it's covered by a major news organization in prime time, on the front page or even on morning shows?

Sure, it will be covered because the AP is reporting it. But that's not it, that's not the issue.

Are they making it a Big Deal™....?

Of course not. They're burying it.

I could be wrong. But I so seldom am :dunno:

If it's being covered by the media, including major news organizations, how is it not a free press?

Is the press being threatened, coerced or pressured into burying the story? Is that what you are saying?

Or is it, instead, that some media organizations have decided on their own not to run the story as a major headline?

There is a huge difference between a crappy press and one that isn't free. ;)

It isn't that it isn't a free press. It is that we don't have a press when the focus is to be a P.R. organization for a certain side and your mission is to protect that side while demonizing the other. And it is done in subtle ways:

1. Making sure any facts you don't want emphasized are deep in the story where most folks won't bother to see them while what you want emphasized in in the first two paragraphs. (The honest media puts an unembellished who, what, where, when, how, and why into the first two paragraphs. Our media has not followed that rule for a very long time.)

2. Make sure only flattering photos are used for your side while unflattering ones are chosen for the opposition.

3. Make sure that unflattering or suggestive adjectives or other qualifiers are used with names of the opposition; i.e. extreme rightwing talkshow host ******. If the story is negative about a Republican, be sure an (R) follows the name but leave the R off if the story is in any way flattering to the person. Follow the reverse strategy for Democxrats.

4. Report negative stories about Democrats once and then move on. But if it is a conservative or Republican, keep it on the front page or lead story as long as possible.

And so it goes.
It must be rough being a conservative, always soiling yourself every time you see a black person.

Those poor conservatives have made their own hell. And we can't pull them out of it. They're free to leave it whenever they want, but they seem to enjoy residing there.

I have been black since the day I was born……I AM however, 69 years of age. These animals search folks like me out - old. Us Old people have to worry about this sort of crap - now more than ever before - sonny.

Don't throw your racist garbage at me.

The biggest victim of Black crime is Black Society
It must be rough being a conservative, always soiling yourself every time you see a black person.

Those poor conservatives have made their own hell. And we can't pull them out of it. They're free to leave it whenever they want, but they seem to enjoy residing there.

I have been black since the day I was born……I AM however, 69 years of age. These animals search folks like me out - old. Us Old people have to worry about this sort of crap - now more than ever before - sonny.

Don't throw your racist garbage at me.

The biggest victim of Black crime is Black Society

On a variety of levels.

No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.

We have a mixed press.
Sensational things rise up quickly into the 24-hour news cycle, like this knock-out thing. Incidents which are recorded on someone's iPhone gets priority over a verbal or written story.
Major political events are veiled and clouded because the mainstream press is owned by large corporate interests who want to keep the public in the dark, like mushrooms.
So you think you live in a 'free society'?

You're an idiot.

No, we in fact live in a free society.

And in addition to being an idiot, you’re also ignorant.

The First Amendment guarantee of a free press places restrictions on government only with regard to subjecting media outlets to prior restraint.

There is no law, ordinance, or like measure passed by any governing body that prohibits any private entity from disseminating the videos in question; consequently, there is no ‘censorship,’ by ‘omission’ or otherwise.

Moreover, there is no evidence that the videos are being ‘suppressed’ or that the alleged ‘suppression’ is motivated by a desire to not portray African-Americans in a negative light.
No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.

In one of the other threads about this, I posted about a sport called ****** Knocking in which whites drive roads where blacks walk and use long poles sticking out of their cars to kill them.

Any rw's post that they believe that is and was reprehensible? And, that it should be a crime?

Not even one rw posted against that activity.

Is it reported by the media?


Why would anyone bother refuting that...since it exists only in the dank, fetid depths of your alleged mind?
No free press. Hmmmmm...then I wonder how you heard about these darkies behaving badly.

In one of the other threads about this, I posted about a sport called ****** Knocking in which whites drive roads where blacks walk and use long poles sticking out of their cars to kill them.

Any rw's post that they believe that is and was reprehensible? And, that it should be a crime?

Not even one rw posted against that activity.

Is it reported by the media?


Just as the Trayvon murder was not reported until his parents got the attention of civil rights leaders. And, just as his murderer was released the night of the murder.

You're a lying bitch.

The deplorable game of '****** knocking' is simply pranking a black family by ringing their doorbell and running away.

Urban Dictionary: ****** knocking

You're a lying fuck

But you're a dimocrap..... What else is new?

More often called "ding-dong-ditch", and done to all ethnicities.
CBS news reported on the "game" just last night.

At one point in the report, they referred to the game as "polar bearing", a name given to it by black teens and used to describe the knocking out of white people.

Sorry to burst your little bubble there professor.

Anything to change the focus off of the Obamacare train-wreak........


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