Censorship on Campus.

That you're a liar comes as no surprise.

From your cited article:

“While doing so, the students were approached multiple times by school administrators and campus police who all asked the students to move to a different area of campus.”

The school administration had no issue with students passing out copies of the Constitution, the issue concerned the venue. Such venue restrictions are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way violate the First Amendment. The school afforded students ample other means to express their views, where jurisdictions are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on where citizens gather (see, e.g., Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984)).

What's disgusting is your lie and effort to propagate that lie, as the university in fact did not 'threaten' students because they were passing out the Constitution.

Shocking!!! Irrational drama queen started another thread based on a lie. :biggrin:
College campuses are private property, no matter whether or not people are allowed to walk there.
How is a campus private property when their very existence is only made possible with tax dollars and tax payer funded loans to the students?

The same is true of every military base in the country.
Umm, so?

I am pointing out that the fact that a college may receive funding from tax dollars does not make it "public".
That you're a liar comes as no surprise.

From your cited article:

“While doing so, the students were approached multiple times by school administrators and campus police who all asked the students to move to a different area of campus.”

The school administration had no issue with students passing out copies of the Constitution, the issue concerned the venue. Such venue restrictions are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way violate the First Amendment. The school afforded students ample other means to express their views, where jurisdictions are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on where citizens gather (see, e.g., Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984)).

What's disgusting is your lie and effort to propagate that lie, as the university in fact did not 'threaten' students because they were passing out the Constitution.

Shocking!!! Irrational drama queen started another thread based on a lie. :biggrin:

Free Speech zones on and off campus has caused suppression of the the 1st amendment in cases and Federal Courts have overruled in these cases.............

Again, I ask for court cases that rule contrary to those I've posted.

The most prominent examples were those created by the United States Secret Service for President George W. Bush and other members of his administration.[3] Though free speech zones existed in limited forms prior to the Presidency of George W. Bush; it was during Bush's presidency that their scope was greatly expanded.[4]

Many colleges and universities earlier instituted free speech zone rules during the Vietnam-era protests of the 1960s and 1970s. In recent years, a number of them have revised or removed these restrictions following student protests and lawsuits.

Whatever- but RW blowhards just make propaganda against commie colleges. Ridiculous.

The most prominent examples were those created by the United States Secret Service for President George W. Bush and other members of his administration.[3] Though free speech zones existed in limited forms prior to the Presidency of George W. Bush; it was during Bush's presidency that their scope was greatly expanded.[4]

Many colleges and universities earlier instituted free speech zone rules during the Vietnam-era protests of the 1960s and 1970s. In recent years, a number of them have revised or removed these restrictions following student protests and lawsuits.

Whatever- but RW blowhards just make propaganda against commie colleges. Ridiculous.

It's too bad you RWnuts hate the Supreme Court, otherwise you could support taking this to the court as a free speech issue,

without looking like fools.
That means Booosh started "Free" speech zones to censor free speech. Same with colleges in the anti war period. AND I'm betting much worse in red states...now reformed in Texas and Va. Where else lol...
It's too bad you RWnuts hate the Supreme Court, otherwise you could support taking this to the court as a free speech issue,

without looking like fools.

Sounds like you are talking about the far left theat you follow without question or hesitation. But then again anyone not far left is automatically a "RWnut"

Sounds like some annoying dweebs were blocking traffic in a common area.

Get the fuck outta the way loser -- hold meeting, get permission, hold a rally.

NO ONE likes cold calls, unsolicited phone calls, NO ONE likes some asswipe with a clipboard interrupting your day.

I bet that you did not say this during that whole now defunct Occupy movement..
That you're a liar comes as no surprise.

From your cited article:

“While doing so, the students were approached multiple times by school administrators and campus police who all asked the students to move to a different area of campus.”

The school administration had no issue with students passing out copies of the Constitution, the issue concerned the venue. Such venue restrictions are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way violate the First Amendment. The school afforded students ample other means to express their views, where jurisdictions are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on where citizens gather (see, e.g., Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984)).

What's disgusting is your lie and effort to propagate that lie, as the university in fact did not 'threaten' students because they were passing out the Constitution.

Shocking!!! Irrational drama queen started another thread based on a lie. :biggrin:

War on Women?
College campuses are private property, no matter whether or not people are allowed to walk there.
How is a campus private property when their very existence is only made possible with tax dollars and tax payer funded loans to the students?

The same is true of every military base in the country.
Umm, so?

I am pointing out that the fact that a college may receive funding from tax dollars does not make it "public".
Really? So a military base isn't considered "public" because they are after all defending the nation which most of us recognize as needing a bit of privacy. But for that same reason you think college's should be run the same way since the student's are doing...what again?

I'm pretty sure you could hand out copies of the Constitution on any military base and not be told to move to a free speech zone. Why isn't that true for college's?

Sounds like some annoying dweebs were blocking traffic in a common area.

Get the fuck outta the way loser -- hold meeting, get permission, hold a rally.

NO ONE likes cold calls, unsolicited phone calls, NO ONE likes some asswipe with a clipboard interrupting your day.
Dweeb's and losers... for giving people a copy of the Constitution. Wow.
Amazing what the propaganda machine will do to get these 4 bozos in the "news"...
What exactly is in the Constitution that is propaganda?

I keep asking you for details yet you never have any. Can you at least try with this one?
Nobody said the constitution is full of propaganda, just hater dupes like you lol...
College campuses are private property, no matter whether or not people are allowed to walk there.
How is a campus private property when their very existence is only made possible with tax dollars and tax payer funded loans to the students?

The same is true of every military base in the country.
Umm, so?

I am pointing out that the fact that a college may receive funding from tax dollars does not make it "public".

The fact that it was created by the state government and that it's run by the state government makes it an arm of the state government and therefore "public."
College campuses are private property, no matter whether or not people are allowed to walk there.
How is a campus private property when their very existence is only made possible with tax dollars and tax payer funded loans to the students?

The same is true of every military base in the country.

Very poor analogy, the purpose of a military base is not for free public discourse and education - it houses disciplined soldiers whose function is to preserve , protect and defend the liberties of the Students who were exercising their Constitutional rights , from ALL enemies foreign and domestic.- much to the chagrin of those who seek to deny them - [Such as the Academia Nuts - who fancy themselves "educators" ]

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