Censorship on Campus.

"Open to the public" and "public" are not the same thing. I think if you did a little research, you'd find that the college specifically has the ability to remove anyone's permission to be on the campus, making them trespassers.

Can it remove students from campus? I think not.

Colleges most certainly CAN remove students from campus.

Not without them committing some kind of violation.

Like handing out copies of the COTUS in violation of campus codes, perhaps?

Depends on the situation and place..............Is it a public domain area as a sidewalk or a street, or classified as a residential area as the University claims.........

There are pros and cons to this.............and the con would be a VOCAL protest there could cause problems that would disrupt the sleep or studying of students at their home......aka dorm.................but that didn't happen here in this case.
How do you know? When did the Pub propaganda machine cover anything but their side lol?
Again, how would you like if someone stood on the sidewalk outside your home and offered you ANYTHING every time you came or went?

They are college students, I'm fairly certain most of them could manage to find a copy of the COTUS without these people standing outside their dorms offering them if they so desired.

I don't live outside a dorm room on a University. That is an apples to oranges argument.

The question I asked earlier/comment is under the law would this side walk and street be classified as a Free Speech Zone or not.......It is on a campus, and I've provided one court case where Texas Tech LOST in Free Speech Zones.............

And if you've ever been on a University campus you'd realize that there are always more than one side walk anyway.......

I see no violation or REASON to not allow them to pass the copy out.

And I've also shown a similar but not the same court case showing how Grace beat a Court House No Free Speech Zone as the sign was classified as a Flag.............The Constitution would be in that same catagory.

To me, this shouldn't have been a problem as these students were NOT DISTURBING the Peace there. Had they had loud speeches and caused civil discourse then I wouldn't be saying this.

I understand both sides of the equation. It is not cut and dry on their policy, as other Universities have lost the court case for similar reasons.......And could win via other examples where they disrupted others.

This case didn't disrupt jack squat.

Some how I imagine that if they were instead asking for signatures on a petition to legalize gay marriage your opinion would change. No, in fact I'm 100% sure of it.

Oh, also it is an APPLES to APPLES comparison if you have ANY public right away abutting your property. That means if you have a sidewalk in your front yard, that's public property, moreso than on a college campus in fact.

I don't care what you imagine and I would not change my opinion on their ability to pass out that material even though I'd say they have the right to be retards...........

And my property is not a University............

What if they giving out coupons to a pizza place.........Would you be for or against it, and then change the subject ot solicitation over Free Speech..........I guarantee you that there are probably food coupons all over that campus.................

Again, these people didn't cause any real problem at all by handing the stuff out.........

We could go to a parking lot at a store, and find cases for and against the right of the Salvation army to ring a bell and collect money around Christmas.........Are you annoyed by this, and should they be thrown off that property as it's not a public place or is it a public place. Courts have differed on that opinion.......

I have posted cases for my opinions both for and against the University. Where is your legal documents supporting your position...........

Are you just not very smart, or what?

The sidewalk in front of your house is NOT your property. Thus I could form a protest there and try to hand you literature every time you left your house or came home. Tell me you wouldn't be calling the police....

I would knock you flat out by the way, on a campus I'd tell you to go take a long walk off a short bridge if I didn't like what you were preaching.

I had a neighbor actually get dirt off the front part of my property, saying it wasn't my property but the cities...........after a simple argument I reminded him if he did it again he would go to jail.

It is an EASEMENT OF MY PROPERTY....not meaning I GAVE MY PROPERTY AWAY............So a sidewalk EASEMENT is in NO WAY PUBLIC LAND.

You're an idiot. I accept that fact and will move on.
I don't live outside a dorm room on a University. That is an apples to oranges argument.

The question I asked earlier/comment is under the law would this side walk and street be classified as a Free Speech Zone or not.......It is on a campus, and I've provided one court case where Texas Tech LOST in Free Speech Zones.............

And if you've ever been on a University campus you'd realize that there are always more than one side walk anyway.......

I see no violation or REASON to not allow them to pass the copy out.

And I've also shown a similar but not the same court case showing how Grace beat a Court House No Free Speech Zone as the sign was classified as a Flag.............The Constitution would be in that same catagory.

To me, this shouldn't have been a problem as these students were NOT DISTURBING the Peace there. Had they had loud speeches and caused civil discourse then I wouldn't be saying this.

I understand both sides of the equation. It is not cut and dry on their policy, as other Universities have lost the court case for similar reasons.......And could win via other examples where they disrupted others.

This case didn't disrupt jack squat.

Some how I imagine that if they were instead asking for signatures on a petition to legalize gay marriage your opinion would change. No, in fact I'm 100% sure of it.

Oh, also it is an APPLES to APPLES comparison if you have ANY public right away abutting your property. That means if you have a sidewalk in your front yard, that's public property, moreso than on a college campus in fact.

I don't care what you imagine and I would not change my opinion on their ability to pass out that material even though I'd say they have the right to be retards...........

And my property is not a University............

What if they giving out coupons to a pizza place.........Would you be for or against it, and then change the subject ot solicitation over Free Speech..........I guarantee you that there are probably food coupons all over that campus.................

Again, these people didn't cause any real problem at all by handing the stuff out.........

We could go to a parking lot at a store, and find cases for and against the right of the Salvation army to ring a bell and collect money around Christmas.........Are you annoyed by this, and should they be thrown off that property as it's not a public place or is it a public place. Courts have differed on that opinion.......

I have posted cases for my opinions both for and against the University. Where is your legal documents supporting your position...........

Are you just not very smart, or what?

The sidewalk in front of your house is NOT your property. Thus I could form a protest there and try to hand you literature every time you left your house or came home. Tell me you wouldn't be calling the police....

I would knock you flat out by the way, on a campus I'd tell you to go take a long walk off a short bridge if I didn't like what you were preaching.

I had a neighbor actually get dirt off the front part of my property, saying it wasn't my property but the cities...........after a simple argument I reminded him if he did it again he would go to jail.

It is an EASEMENT OF MY PROPERTY....not meaning I GAVE MY PROPERTY AWAY............So a sidewalk EASEMENT is in NO WAY PUBLIC LAND.

You're an idiot. I accept that fact and will move on.

BS.........That's an opinion and your statement isn't backed up with Jack squat. I've provided court rulings that both confirm and deny my point..............You have provided nothing but YOUR AN IDIOT.............

That's not a fact, it's a statement of someone who has a bias to this case.......Are you biased because they were passing out the COTUS or you'd be going YEAH BABY had it been a petition for having gay marriage.

These kids didn't disrupt anything there. These dorm areas have hundreds of people coming and going from the same. In this case the petition and handing out copies of the COTUS didn't violate anyone's rights by doing so...........It violated Campus Free Speech Zone policies............which I've shown that Campus's like Texas Tech lost in Federal Court over.

Again, I also stated that there is a difference of an easement for a sidewalk and a neighborhood. It is not a campus which is mostly described as a PUBLIC DOMAIN...........

The only idiot here is you. Because we differ on this OP, anyone who doesn't agree with you is an idiot.

Same as Michele's Food program.......which Alabama rejected..............All you can do is pitch a fit when you don't get your way or someone disagrees with you.

That is your problem and not mine.
College campuses are private property, no matter whether or not people are allowed to walk there.
How is a campus private property when their very existence is only made possible with tax dollars and tax payer funded loans to the students?
I stand by my opinion that these college kids should have the right to pass out copies of the Constitution there, and NO ONE HAS PROVEN with court cases any different.
Speech zones and speech code struck down at Texas Tech University - Alliance Defending Freedom

ADF, Liberty Legal, and allied attorneys representing student prevail against school’s highly restrictive speech policies



LUBBOCK, Texas— A federal district court judge yesterday struck down Texas Tech University’s policy of restricting spontaneous student speech and leafleting to "free speech zones" on campus. The court also struck down the school’s "speech code" that banned all student speech considered "insulting" or "ridiculing" by the listener anywhere on campus.

"The university’s policies were among the biggest violations of the free speech rights of students that I have ever seen," said Kevin Theriot, an Alliance Defense Fund attorney based in Kansas City, Mo. "The First Amendment is valid everywhere, not just in zones designated by university officials. The university cannot constitutionally regulate politically correct speech."
That you're a liar comes as no surprise.

From your cited article:

“While doing so, the students were approached multiple times by school administrators and campus police who all asked the students to move to a different area of campus.”

The school administration had no issue with students passing out copies of the Constitution, the issue concerned the venue. Such venue restrictions are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way violate the First Amendment. The school afforded students ample other means to express their views, where jurisdictions are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on where citizens gather (see, e.g., Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984)).

What's disgusting is your lie and effort to propagate that lie, as the university in fact did not 'threaten' students because they were passing out the Constitution.

I can't help but wonder ... if these students were left wing rabble rousers how different your opinion would be .

“Caging students in censorship zones flies in the face of the First Amendment and undermines the reason for education,” he said. “Colleges and universities are and should be the marketplace of ideas, and the Constitution protects the speech rights of everyone, not just groups or students that a few university officials personally choose.

Students Were Passing Out U.S. Constitutions at a Public University. Moments Later This Happened. Video TheBlaze.com
University Of Cincinnati Free Speech Zones Ruled Unconstitutional By Federal Judge

University Of Cincinnati Free Speech Zones Ruled Unconstitutional By Federal Judge

A federal court told the University of Cincinnati it must rewrite policies restricting protests on campus.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Black ruled Tuesday that UC was violating students' free speech rights by restricting protests to a "free speech zone" and by requiring prior notification and permission.

“It is simply unfathomable that a UC student needs to give the university advance notice of an intent to gather signatures for a ballot initiative,” Black wrote in a preliminary injunction. “There is no danger to public order arising out of students walking around campus with clipboards seeking signatures.”

The ruling was issued in a case brought by the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law helped on behalf of the lawsuit Young Americans for Liberty filed. The YAL sought permission to gather signatures across campus in support of a state "right to work" ballot initiative, but was denied by UC.
That you're a liar comes as no surprise.

From your cited article:

“While doing so, the students were approached multiple times by school administrators and campus police who all asked the students to move to a different area of campus.”

The school administration had no issue with students passing out copies of the Constitution, the issue concerned the venue. Such venue restrictions are perfectly Constitutional, and in no way violate the First Amendment. The school afforded students ample other means to express their views, where jurisdictions are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on where citizens gather (see, e.g., Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984)).

What's disgusting is your lie and effort to propagate that lie, as the university in fact did not 'threaten' students because they were passing out the Constitution.

yep clayton is another one who would change his opinion based on what the kids were handing out, a dumb shit just like eagle who thinks he owns the street in front of his house. LOL

I can't help but wonder ... if these students were left wing rabble rousers how different your opinion would be .

“Caging students in censorship zones flies in the face of the First Amendment and undermines the reason for education,” he said. “Colleges and universities are and should be the marketplace of ideas, and the Constitution protects the speech rights of everyone, not just groups or students that a few university officials personally choose.

Students Were Passing Out U.S. Constitutions at a Public University. Moments Later This Happened. Video TheBlaze.com
Another bs RW "outrage", for hater dupes only.
I'm actually trying to figure out your point here. Passing out the one document in human history that gives you the right to free speech is somehow a right winger outrage for haters for passing it out in zones within the United States because they aren't in the actual "zone" of free speech. A zone by the way selected by others in difference to the actual Constitution.
Modesto Junior College Students Barred from Distributing Constitutions on Constitution Day FIRE

On September 17, 2013, three Modesto Junior College (MJC) students distributed copies of the U.S. Constitution in front of the student center, in observance of Constitution Day. Roughly 10 minutes after they began, the students were approached by a campus police officer who informed them that students were prohibited from distributing materials without prior permission. When MJC student Robert Van Tuinen protested that such a restriction violated his right to free speech, the officer ignored his claims and directed him to the Student Development Office. There, Van Tuinen was told by MJC clerical staffer Christine Serrano that the school’s “time, place, and manner” policies required students to register events five days in advance and that all events must be held inside a small “free speech area.” Because the area was in use that day, Van Tuinen was not only told he would have to register his event, but that he might have to wait days—or even weeks—to hold it. FIRE wrote to MJC President Jill Stearns on September 19, 2013, pointing out that MJC’s actions were blatantly unconstitutional and calling on the school to immediately rescind its policies. When MJC did not do so, FIRE worked with Van Tuinen and the law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine to coordinate a lawsuit that was filed in federal court on October 10, 2013. The lawsuit was settled six months later after MJC revised its policies to allow free expression in the open areas of campus and paid Van Tuinen $50,000 for legal expenses and to compensate him for the violation of his First Amendment rights.

The College settled out of court for $50,000 in this case and revised it's policies.............
I have now showed 3 cases where the colleges and Universities got nailed by the Courts.........

Again, show me the cases which would go against the OP>
Those gd commie university types daring to have campus rules. Obviously targeting the GOP just like the IRS...it's amazing how high the propaganda machine can pile this crap. Always turns out it's obscure bs or a put up job to get some copy to sell to the chumps... .If there was anything to it, corporate media would jump on it. All they care about is controversy and ratings...If they were journalists after the truth, they would have told the RW to shove their "facts" a long time ago...
Why are you against anyone reading the Constitution? And why are you against anyone actually sharing that document of liberty and freedom with others?
I guess we have to start the legal system all over again for the new bs GOP...
I'm with you here! How about we start the legal system with the Constitution? There isn't much for you to hang onto there but that seems like a fine place to start to me.
Ah, students for concealed carry, in conjunction with the bs org's the Federalist Papers, the Blaze and god knows who, put up another "outrage" for Chump Propaganda Inc.

They should sue like they did in fascist Texas lol...had to do this put up job in commie Oregon.
Okay.......I watched most of the video, skipping small portions.

The Campus made a policy of Free Speech Zones on the campus, and regulated where on a public campus they could or could not use their 1st Amendment Rights on Campus. The explanation was that other groups could come there and cause disruptions to the campus, so the campus decided WHICH PUBLIC PLACE WAS LEGIT FOR THE 1ST AMENDMENT..........

In a public place you have the right to Freedom of Speech, which is why they were handing out the Constitution in the 1st place. The administrators there were trying to talk them out of the policy and were fairly friendly, only hints of possible consequences were addressed.

So really, this comes down to the explanation of the 1st Amendment itself. It's a public place. It is NOT OFF LIMITS TO THE PUBLIC. Anyone can walk down the sidewalks there even if they are not a student.

Those handing out the Constitution made their point. That the University should not be able to decide where the 1st Amendment on a public venue is legal or not.

Perhaps its time for the University itself to actually read the Constitution as they have violated it by restricting it on public property.

The kids knew their rights and the administrators knew it in my opinion.

"Open to the public" and "public" are not the same thing. I think if you did a little research, you'd find that the college specifically has the ability to remove anyone's permission to be on the campus, making them trespassers.

Can it remove students from campus? I think not.

Colleges most certainly CAN remove students from campus.

Not without them committing some kind of violation.

Like handing out copies of the COTUS in violation of campus codes, perhaps?

The campus codes violate the Constitution. They're bullshit.

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