Centrist Dems urge Pelosi to break shutdown stalemate

Nancy listens solely to the big D donors, when they tell her to make a deal she will make a deal. Until then she will do nothing. She is a well trained corrupt machine politician whose only interest is in how much she can safely steal.
Is the DemocRAT Wall Crumbling?

I will never forget the view of Pelosi chastising one of the fellow Dims for applauding something President Trump said during his first State of the Union address. It clearly showed the power she had over her caucus.

But, it appears she and Senator Schumer may no longer have the iron rule they once did. She even had some of her own vote against her Speaker-ship.

But as the partial government shutdown drags on and federal workers miss paychecks, some Democratic lawmakers are beginning to cave.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, admitted Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week” that he would support some border wall construction on some portions of the U.S.-Mexico border.

I’m saying that we will sit with the chief, the president, and whomever, and we will work through it,” Thompson (pictured above right) said when asked about his willingness to negotiate on reopening the government.

I will not rule out a wall in certain instances,” Thompson told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz. “Now the notion that we can’t have barriers is just something that’s just not true, but again, Martha, you have to have a plan and the plan that the president initially started with is not where he is now, and so we don’t know where he will be tomorrow.”

Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) reluctantly expressed a willingness, too, to consider border wall funding — but only if Trump agreed to extend permanent protections to dreamers. Malinowski made his comments on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday.

More @ Some Democrats Might Be Willing to Buck Party Leadership on Wall Funding
I say every time The President moves a little towards what The Democrats want that he adds a Billion to what he wants for The Wall.
No Democrat got elected on supporting the wall. The mandate is to block it or make Trump surrender the farm for it.
Okay. What is "the farm" that Trump must surrender?

Path to citizenship for Dreamers at a minimum

How bout a path back to their own countries??

Works for me.
No wall then

Sure we need a wall so they can't get back in.


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