CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

Wages can never be low enough for people to compete with robots that can be bought at a reasonable price. Even the low-wage workers in China are at risk:

Foxconn replaces 60,000 factory workers with robots

What we need is a way of managing the inevitable changes that are coming.
As I have posted many times even though for many the truth is 'unimaginable" US modern society is no different than any other society in world history.
We are NOT some 'pleased by GOD' to be forever the "most" country that has ever existed.
Millions and millions of REALLY ignorant people in the US actually believe the US is impervious to global trends.
In two decades there will be literally MILLIONS of illiterates scratching around in the ground trying to grow enough food to survive. Protein will be a once a month event.
If you are serious about honestly looking at the future of millions of people with no education competing for non-existent jobs take a few weeks travelling around rural China. Rural China is coming to millions of Americans.
The ridiculous fantasy that people can live in the fucking desert that can't grow fuck all is coming to an end.
If you aren't REALLY close to abundant fresh water you'll fucking die of thirst and starvation.
You want to move close to abundant fresh water and grow food crops?
Good fucking luck.
In two decades 'water cartels' will control access to the water. Drugs? No one will making meth b/c no one will be able to afford it. They will use their meth bucks for a gallon of water.
Ten years ago I was warning about the coming robotic revolution in FF. Many laughed.
No one's laughing today.
Why were literally every town/city in the country located on top of an abundant fresh water supply?
In two decades there will be millions of 'neo-farmers'. The fucking inner city shitholes will be ghost towns.
'Tolerance' for people who commit crimes against others will be zero.
The local State governments aren't going to spend 30K+ a year to feed and cloth fucking criminals.
Guess what will happen to someone who steals from his neighbors? GOLD STAR!!!!
You've been reading too much post-apocalypse science fiction. (Might I recommend The Water Knife.)

This world is wealthy enough for all, the wealth is just not evenly distributed. Wealth is not a fixed pie that one eats at the expense of another. We continue to increase the available wealth of the planet with ever technological advance and I see no reason that won't continue. And robots are part of that pattern of increasing wealth. I like to think we'll solve the problem of the growing wealth disparity before we get to the world you describe.

I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich
I always choose the self checkout lines at the grocery store now. Not once have I stood in line waiting while the cashier tells the customer about her husbands polyps while wasting my time.

I always use the self checkout unless the cashier has big tits

Something a robot can't duplicate

Yeah a good looking employee helps. My wife likes to hire attractive women. She knows it's good marketing
You know Joe, you're a whiny little bitc. Quit blaming everyone for your failures and short comings.

Have some personal accountability for just once

I'm probably more successful than you are Cleetus.

For instance, I get paid well enough where I'm not whining about ObamaCare.

I find it amusing that a guy who whines that he lost his fake insurance policy under ObamaCare whines about how other people are less successful than he is.

Guy, if ObamaCare effected you, you were probably already a loser.
I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich

Yes, there will always be that asshole who will try to cheat others given the opportunity.

The thing is, most of us don't admire those people.

It's why equality is never a one time deal. We had a pretty good deal in the 1950's (well, white people did, anyway) when the workforce was 33% unionized and the rich paid their fair share in income taxes.

Then the rich convinced you that the poor wanted half your cookie after they wolfed down the other 9.
Its crazy how the the left celebrates Goverment dependence. What else can you expect from the party that has been in the business of slavery from its conception.

Guy, nobody celebrates government dependence. If we had full employment and fair wages, the only people who would be dependent on the government would be those who truly needed it.

The closest we got to that was in the 1990's under Clinton.

3% unemployment and even McDonald was offering above min wage to get help.

The 1%ers hated it and they couldn't get Dubya Bush in there fast enough to fuck that up.
Look, everyone knows what a specific job pays. Its up to us to decide how much effort we OURSELVES want to put into ascending the various tiers of our society. For example;

- Everyone knows if I want to put in the least effort required, then I should set my sights on being a career burger flipper or the like.. But hey, I see what's going on in the next tier. The guy over there installing the cable lines is making $8 more than me an hour, think I'll take a class in basic electronics then apply...

That's how it works. We decide just where the buck stops

Look, everyone knows what a specific job pays. Its up to us to decide how much effort we OURSELVES want to put into ascending the various tiers of our society. For example;

- Everyone knows if I want to put in the least effort required, then I should set my sights on being a career burger flipper or the like.. But hey, I see what's going on in the next tier. The guy over there installing the cable lines is making $8 more than me an hour, think I'll take a class in basic electronics then apply...

Again, we have Airline Pilots selling their blood plasma because the Airlines used the recession to slash their pay. the idea that "acquiring skills" is going to make up for the compulsion the 1% have to cheat you is just crazy.

I think everyone who mouths about how lazy people who work in fast food are should actually work in fast food for a month...
Look, everyone knows what a specific job pays. Its up to us to decide how much effort we OURSELVES want to put into ascending the various tiers of our society. For example;

- Everyone knows if I want to put in the least effort required, then I should set my sights on being a career burger flipper or the like.. But hey, I see what's going on in the next tier. The guy over there installing the cable lines is making $8 more than me an hour, think I'll take a class in basic electronics then apply...

Again, we have Airline Pilots selling their blood plasma because the Airlines used the recession to slash their pay. the idea that "acquiring skills" is going to make up for the compulsion the 1% have to cheat you is just crazy.

I think everyone who mouths about how lazy people who work in fast food are should actually work in fast food for a month...

Most of us did. But dug in and bettered ourselves.

It's a personal decision

I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich

Yes, there will always be that asshole who will try to cheat others given the opportunity.

The thing is, most of us don't admire those people.

It's why equality is never a one time deal. We had a pretty good deal in the 1950's (well, white people did, anyway) when the workforce was 33% unionized and the rich paid their fair share in income taxes.

Then the rich convinced you that the poor wanted half your cookie after they wolfed down the other 9.
Right because across the board pay hikes and Corporate tax increases never effect the cost of goods and services in a Liberal utopia. Detroit is a perfect example of a Union town.
Look, everyone knows what a specific job pays. Its up to us to decide how much effort we OURSELVES want to put into ascending the various tiers of our society. For example;

- Everyone knows if I want to put in the least effort required, then I should set my sights on being a career burger flipper or the like.. But hey, I see what's going on in the next tier. The guy over there installing the cable lines is making $8 more than me an hour, think I'll take a class in basic electronics then apply...

Again, we have Airline Pilots selling their blood plasma because the Airlines used the recession to slash their pay. the idea that "acquiring skills" is going to make up for the compulsion the 1% have to cheat you is just crazy.

I think everyone who mouths about how lazy people who work in fast food are should actually work in fast food for a month...

I worked at Arbys and Brown's chicken as a kid, who are you kidding Joe it is easy. Now try to load top to bottom shipping containers full of cigarettes Destined for Japan @ $10 bucks an hour is a bitch.

(One of my in between jobs 8 years ago , quit after 3 weeks)

Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Americans aborted several generations then think that they can fix it by importing foreigners.
Just think how many were destroyed by birth control

You yearn for the days of women having 6-12 kids don't you?
I yearn for the day when Americans are not murdering off the future generations. The future of a country cannot be outsourced and expect the same country to survive.
Women used to have 6-12 children. Now they have 2-3

Were those children murdered
I worked at Arbys and Brown's chicken as a kid, who are you kidding Joe it is easy. Now try to load top to bottom shipping containers full of cigarettes Destined for Japan @ $10 bucks an hour is a bitch.

(One of my in between jobs 8 years ago , quit after 3 weeks)

I agree... a lot of physical labor jobs don't pay well, and we think it's okay to underpay these people because they "didn't go to college".

That's something that is kind of fucked up in our thinking.
Right because across the board pay hikes and Corporate tax increases never effect the cost of goods and services in a Liberal utopia. Detroit is a perfect example of a Union town.

your argument would make sense if Detroit lost market share to non-union car makers.

they didn't. They lost it to companies like Toyota and Volkwagen, where the unions have a lot more power than they have here. Japanese and German unions can even have a say in who the CEO of the company is.

No, you see, there's a reason why Detroit lost market share. It's because when the market demanded smaller cars with more fuel efficiency, Detroit kept making big gas guzzlers.

When the Japanese and Germans were making affordable starter cars, Detroit was designing lemons like the Chevette and the Escort. Which meant the kid who bought the Chevette that had the engine die when it got over 70 MPH (actually happened to me twice) got turned off to American cars for good, the kid who bought the reliable Toyota became a customer for life.
Wages can never be low enough for people to compete with robots that can be bought at a reasonable price. Even the low-wage workers in China are at risk:

Foxconn replaces 60,000 factory workers with robots

What we need is a way of managing the inevitable changes that are coming.
As I have posted many times even though for many the truth is 'unimaginable" US modern society is no different than any other society in world history.
We are NOT some 'pleased by GOD' to be forever the "most" country that has ever existed.
Millions and millions of REALLY ignorant people in the US actually believe the US is impervious to global trends.
In two decades there will be literally MILLIONS of illiterates scratching around in the ground trying to grow enough food to survive. Protein will be a once a month event.
If you are serious about honestly looking at the future of millions of people with no education competing for non-existent jobs take a few weeks travelling around rural China. Rural China is coming to millions of Americans.
The ridiculous fantasy that people can live in the fucking desert that can't grow fuck all is coming to an end.
If you aren't REALLY close to abundant fresh water you'll fucking die of thirst and starvation.
You want to move close to abundant fresh water and grow food crops?
Good fucking luck.
In two decades 'water cartels' will control access to the water. Drugs? No one will making meth b/c no one will be able to afford it. They will use their meth bucks for a gallon of water.
Ten years ago I was warning about the coming robotic revolution in FF. Many laughed.
No one's laughing today.
Why were literally every town/city in the country located on top of an abundant fresh water supply?
In two decades there will be millions of 'neo-farmers'. The fucking inner city shitholes will be ghost towns.
'Tolerance' for people who commit crimes against others will be zero.
The local State governments aren't going to spend 30K+ a year to feed and cloth fucking criminals.
Guess what will happen to someone who steals from his neighbors? GOLD STAR!!!!
You've been reading too much post-apocalypse science fiction. (Might I recommend The Water Knife.)

This world is wealthy enough for all, the wealth is just not evenly distributed. Wealth is not a fixed pie that one eats at the expense of another. We continue to increase the available wealth of the planet with ever technological advance and I see no reason that won't continue. And robots are part of that pattern of increasing wealth. I like to think we'll solve the problem of the growing wealth disparity before we get to the world you describe.
You mean solving the problem using Socialism.
Don't claim otherwise. When Obama used the phrase 'redistribution' anyone with a fucking brian knew he was referencing Socialism.
How has Socialism worked out in Greece. Spain, Portugal, Venezuela and dozens of other failed economies?
As long as human beings are being born with the gene to compete against one another in every form of human behaviour there will always be the 'haves and the have nots'.
Don't blame the 'evil' capitalists. Blame GOD!
I worked at Arbys and Brown's chicken as a kid, who are you kidding Joe it is easy. Now try to load top to bottom shipping containers full of cigarettes Destined for Japan @ $10 bucks an hour is a bitch.

(One of my in between jobs 8 years ago , quit after 3 weeks)

I agree... a lot of physical labor jobs don't pay well, and we think it's okay to underpay these people because they "didn't go to college".

That's something that is kind of fucked up in our thinking.

I tend to agree on that the jobs between $10 ~$15 an hour are the hardest jobs that most should be paid more because most are hard labor.

I just never buy into the theory that raising the MW helps them, I say it hurts them more due to less buying power.

I worked at Arbys and Brown's chicken as a kid, who are you kidding Joe it is easy. Now try to load top to bottom shipping containers full of cigarettes Destined for Japan @ $10 bucks an hour is a bitch.

(One of my in between jobs 8 years ago , quit after 3 weeks)

I agree... a lot of physical labor jobs don't pay well, and we think it's okay to underpay these people because they "didn't go to college".

That's something that is kind of fucked up in our thinking.

I tend to agree on that the jobs between $10 ~$15 an hour are the hardest jobs that most should be paid more because most are hard labor.

I just never buy into the theory that raising the MW helps them, I say it hurts them more due to less buying power.


Another good reason is low wage and hard work are critical motivators to improve our positions.

The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Americans aborted several generations then think that they can fix it by importing foreigners.
Just think how many were destroyed by birth control

You yearn for the days of women having 6-12 kids don't you?
I yearn for the day when Americans are not murdering off the future generations. The future of a country cannot be outsourced and expect the same country to survive.
Women used to have 6-12 children. Now they have 2-3

Were those children murdered

Yes. But that isn't the issue here. We have a low birthrate and are told we must import foreigners to make up for the fact that America no longer has children. Not having children isn't the result of some occurrence like widespread infertility or a disease resulting in sterilization. It's because we are deliberately killing off the next generation.

You can rationalize this out by saying that abortion is a matter of rights. It doesn't matter. The result is population shrinkage that is being made up by immigrants who may not have an interest in Americans.
^^ Actually you are dead wrong. People have changed. In addition to adding the entirety of women and African American's to the job pool we've also taken on something like 100,000 legal immigrants a year, plus another what 3million illegals.

If you don't think that adding tens of millions of people to the work force isn't a change, then idk what is...
Sorry but women and African Americans are people too. We've always had new immigrants come to this country and they always raise fears that they'll change the USA. The Italians and Irish raised the same fears 150 years ago as Muslims and Hispanics do today. Change is a good thing, there'd be no evolution without it, but people are ALL fundamentally the same.
Ya, most people have one head and two legs.
After that the similarities abruptly end.
If you believe adding millions of illegals competing for the jobs and willing to work for half the pay a legal makes in an exploding era of robotics technology which is replacing millions of unskilled/low skilled 'McJobs isn't fundamentally changing the US from top to bottom you are delusional pal.
If you believe the 'solution' is to "redistribute the wealth' you are a fucking dummy!
You could seize every fucking penny from every millionaire and billionaire and "redistribute" their money to the have nots and it wouldn't make a fucking dint in the economy or the jobs available.

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