CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Americans aborted several generations then think that they can fix it by importing foreigners.
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Don't kid yourself

Conservatives are getting those abortions too

That's not the point and you know it

It is exactly the point

Abortion rate is much higher in conservative red states
A conservative court passed Roe v Wade
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Americans aborted several generations then think that they can fix it by importing foreigners.
Just think how many were destroyed by birth control

You yearn for the days of women having 6-12 kids don't you?
Americans aborted several generations then think that they can fix it by importing foreigners.
Oh, those democrats. We import far fewer foreigners than we did in the past. If we want to make America great again maybe we need to start importing more.
Imagine fast food places going automated...and people boycotting them untiluntil they start to fail....would be something to see....the power of the consumer......
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Americans aborted several generations then think that they can fix it by importing foreigners.
Just think how many were destroyed by birth control

You yearn for the days of women having 6-12 kids don't you?
I yearn for the day when Americans are not murdering off the future generations. The future of a country cannot be outsourced and expect the same country to survive.
Imagine fast food places going automated...and people boycotting them untiluntil they start to fail....would be something to see....the power of the consumer......
The reality is the automated fast food places will flourish and those going broke with human labor will just wither. There won't even be a boycott. Just a preference.
Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..
Funny, I don't recall these mass executions? Liberals killing democrats? Doesn't seem to have the ring of truth.

Logic dictates that if employee is more expensive than a robot at $15 an hour if the robot last twice as long as the employee, the employee will be more expensive than the robot at $7.50 an hour as well.

So regardless of whether the employees asked for $15 an hour or $50 an hour they would be replaced by the robots anyway.

Characterizing everything in this idiotic battle over $15 an hour is just dishonest

So tell us what would be cheaper for you to use a $50,000 vibrator or just use your finger?


You are sick

No, since you can't comprehend economics or business trying to explain it to a level that you would understand...

Why would a company automate if the labor cost was cheaper?

We have had those kiosk for like 20 years...industrial robotics since the 70s.....


Don't know how to explain Econ 101 to someone like you. I'll put it in terms you understand.

That doll you fuck every night because no human will come within 10 feet of you was bought off of a meth head for about $5, right? You spent another $0.99 on a piece of used duct tape from the same garage sale (more likely a flea market actually) to patch the hole that Skeeter left when he bit her titty with his one good tooth. Your Acquisition Costs or AC is now $5.99.

Now compare that to the costs of washing off your stench and trying to make yourself presentable to a gullible crack whore who may wonder onto your pig sty. Sure it may take some bong water (free) and some perfume (aka Prestone @ $12/jug).

But eventually the duct tape will give out and you'll have to put more money into Miss South Carolina.

If you can trick/apprehend/entice the crack whore to stay at the sty twice as long as your doll lasts, it's cheaper to attempt human contact.

Basically douche bag, all investments are measured over time when compared to the alternative investment.

At $15 an hour for the human, the $20,000 robot is losing money IF the robot lasts one hour because the AC is asymmetrical to the task. Over a year with salary and benefits and human down time, the race is much closer. At some point, the robot overtakes the human in terms of ROI as time moves forward.

Now, if you take the human and reduce the costs of employing him or her by one half, the overtake is twice as long.

So, my advice to you is buy a roll of duct tape and your love life will flourish. Free advice there
I always choose the self checkout lines at the grocery store now. Not once have I stood in line waiting while the cashier tells the customer about her husbands polyps while wasting my time.

again, that human interaction thing eludes you, I guess.
Your "trust me" is thus shown to be false. You cannot be trusted, because when you are given a choice, sometimes you do NOT choose to interact with a human. Like I said, busted.

Are you some kind of fucking retard?

No, seriously, I'm asking this. Of course, I usually perfer to have a person ring up my groceries. Sometimes that isn't practical, like when I'm buying one item and there's a long line at the cashier because they've only got one out of eight lines open.

And this is the problem. There's actually plenty of work to be done out there. But some people decide to go cheap and you have one cashier with a lot of angry customers because the cheap bastards who own the store won't adequately staff it.
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.

One more time.

We have Airline Pilots selling their blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps.

As Herbert Hoover once opined, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned Greedy".
Ordinary people will welcome automation in food service. It's better than these miserable servers who approach every customer as their personal enemy. Customers will welcome not having to check their food to see if someone spit on their burger.

Yes, but the people who make the robots can..
Yeah, they're called Hispanics in Mexico and Chinese. Are you that stupid to think these money grabbing bastards would do you, an american laborer the honor of building your replacement? Hell, its bad enough, half the shit they sell comes from other there.....keep dreamin moron!! Wall Street could give a rats fuck about you fuckin people, learn son, learn.
Your "trust me" is thus shown to be false. You cannot be trusted, because when you are given a choice, sometimes you do NOT choose to interact with a human. Like I said, busted.

Are you some kind of fucking retard?

No, seriously, I'm asking this. Of course, I usually perfer to have a person ring up my groceries. Sometimes that isn't practical, like when I'm buying one item and there's a long line at the cashier because they've only got one out of eight lines open.

And this is the problem. There's actually plenty of work to be done out there. But some people decide to go cheap and you have one cashier with a lot of angry customers because the cheap bastards who own the store won't adequately staff it.

Here, here and Walmart is nortorious for having long lines with 1 or 2 cashiers on hand. The reason they get away with this shit....cause the American Stupid who hates NAFTA, but loves the cheap shit this crappy store sells.!! Buy the shit today, if you wash it, it shrinks or bleeds or if you use it more than 6 months, its broke.
I am sure that those airline pilots and adjunct professors who are so financially stressed that they have to sell their blood plasma and/or having to resort using food stamps got into the pickle they are in due to nothing but their own stupidity and mismanagement of what they have.

Stupid, we are all financially stressed these days. Mostly because the wonderful 1%ers you worship managed to make TRILLIONS of dollars vanish into the ether in the last recession, leaving many of us with busted 401K's, lower paying jobs and underwater mortgages.

You see, most of us who got into a pickle were just living our lives, going to our jobs, taking care of our families. Yeah, some of us listened to the 1%ers and said, 'Hey, you can buy a McMansion and flip in in a couple years", but many of us just bought houses we wanted to live in, and now we are stuck in underwater mortgages because you all wrecked the entire the entire economy.

Only an envy driven drone complains about the 1%. That 1% own businesses and industries that employ millions of people nation wide. That 1% earned what they have by their brains. Some of that 1% live in modest homes, drive modest cars because they are not driven by lusting for what others have, but earn and cherish what they have.

Hey, Stupid, you have it backwards. The 1% doesn't create those jobs and businesses. CONSUMER DEMAND and LABOR create those jobs and businesses. The 1% are parasites that have convinced STUPID people like you that they are a vital organ.

the top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. They did NOT perform 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth.

If you think that you are better than others, if you think that your calling others stupid is justified, go have at it. You will only prove that you are a useless, envious, non-productive and government dependent liberal. And your posts already clearly show and prove that.

Guy, the only time I took money from the Government was when I as in the service, and was being paid for my time and skills. this isn't about taking money from the government, this is about making sure that people who do the work get a fair share of the proceeds.

YOu see, what you fucking STUPID people fail to realize is that when you let the 1%er cheat the working poor, the working poor just refuse to starve to death and reduce the excess population. They go to government and they get food stamps and section 8 and Medicaid.

Then you wonder why people have more loyalty to government and keep voting for more of it.
I am sure that those airline pilots and adjunct professors who are so financially stressed that they have to sell their blood plasma and/or having to resort using food stamps got into the pickle they are in due to nothing but their own stupidity and mismanagement of what they have.

Stupid, we are all financially stressed these days. Mostly because the wonderful 1%ers you worship managed to make TRILLIONS of dollars vanish into the ether in the last recession, leaving many of us with busted 401K's, lower paying jobs and underwater mortgages.

You see, most of us who got into a pickle were just living our lives, going to our jobs, taking care of our families. Yeah, some of us listened to the 1%ers and said, 'Hey, you can buy a McMansion and flip in in a couple years", but many of us just bought houses we wanted to live in, and now we are stuck in underwater mortgages because you all wrecked the entire the entire economy.

Only an envy driven drone complains about the 1%. That 1% own businesses and industries that employ millions of people nation wide. That 1% earned what they have by their brains. Some of that 1% live in modest homes, drive modest cars because they are not driven by lusting for what others have, but earn and cherish what they have.

Hey, Stupid, you have it backwards. The 1% doesn't create those jobs and businesses. CONSUMER DEMAND and LABOR create those jobs and businesses. The 1% are parasites that have convinced STUPID people like you that they are a vital organ.

the top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. They did NOT perform 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth.

If you think that you are better than others, if you think that your calling others stupid is justified, go have at it. You will only prove that you are a useless, envious, non-productive and government dependent liberal. And your posts already clearly show and prove that.

Guy, the only time I took money from the Government was when I as in the service, and was being paid for my time and skills. this isn't about taking money from the government, this is about making sure that people who do the work get a fair share of the proceeds.

YOu see, what you fucking STUPID people fail to realize is that when you let the 1%er cheat the working poor, the working poor just refuse to starve to death and reduce the excess population. They go to government and they get food stamps and section 8 and Medicaid.

Then you wonder why people have more loyalty to government and keep voting for more of it.

You know Joe, you're a whiny little bitc. Quit blaming everyone for your failures and short comings.

Have some personal accountability for just once


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