CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

I worked at Arbys and Brown's chicken as a kid, who are you kidding Joe it is easy. Now try to load top to bottom shipping containers full of cigarettes Destined for Japan @ $10 bucks an hour is a bitch.

(One of my in between jobs 8 years ago , quit after 3 weeks)

I agree... a lot of physical labor jobs don't pay well, and we think it's okay to underpay these people because they "didn't go to college".

That's something that is kind of fucked up in our thinking.

I tend to agree on that the jobs between $10 ~$15 an hour are the hardest jobs that most should be paid more because most are hard labor.

I just never buy into the theory that raising the MW helps them, I say it hurts them more due to less buying power.


Another good reason is low wage and hard work are critical motivators to improve our positions.


Kind of explains Drumpf.
I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich
I don't disagree so what I'd like to see is a 100% inheritance tax rate. You can leave your money to your spouse but not to your kids. That would put everyone's kids on par with the Trump family, at least as far as is practical.
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.
Sorry. Too late. The chinese have a virtual 100% monopoly on building robotics. They started more than two decades ago.
I recall visiting a manufacturing business in an 'Industrial City' near Beijing in about 1980. The plant was manufacturing robotic assembly line machines for the US and Japanese auto industry.
These robotic assembly machines were being assembled BY OTHER ROBOTIC ASSEMBLY MACHINES!!!!! You could eat off the floor!
Our group was interested in FF robots. We were shown into a 20K foot warehouse with thousands of FF robots all nicely wrapped and waiting to be delivered to small independent Asian FF businesses.
When we asked when we in the US could expect to be getting the robots we were told the large FF businesses in the US were putting off installing them for 'political reasons' ie it was believed if the robots started replacing entry level human workers there would be too much of a backlash by local community leaders.
Now with the LIBs demanding unskilled/low skilled FF workers be paid twice what their labor is worth the doors to those chinese warehouses have swung wide open!
The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Americans aborted several generations then think that they can fix it by importing foreigners.
Just think how many were destroyed by birth control

You yearn for the days of women having 6-12 kids don't you?
I yearn for the day when Americans are not murdering off the future generations. The future of a country cannot be outsourced and expect the same country to survive.
Women used to have 6-12 children. Now they have 2-3

Were those children murdered

Yes. But that isn't the issue here. We have a low birthrate and are told we must import foreigners to make up for the fact that America no longer has children. Not having children isn't the result of some occurrence like widespread infertility or a disease resulting in sterilization. It's because we are deliberately killing off the next generation.

You can rationalize this out by saying that abortion is a matter of rights. It doesn't matter. The result is population shrinkage that is being made up by immigrants who may not have an interest in Americans.
You are missing out on family planning

Whyshould families have six kids just to please you?
I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich
I don't disagree so what I'd like to see is a 100% inheritance tax rate. You can leave your money to your spouse but not to your kids. That would put everyone's kids on par with the Trump family, at least as far as is practical.
"So dear what I've done is to make you my sole inheritor. As soon as you get the money give every fucking penny to the kids. The kids will then give you money back, as a gift, in the form of a monthly cheque. When you die you'll have nothing in your bank account for the fucking Government to steal and the kids will have kept the money we both wanted them to have".
Pretty fucking simple.
If you believe adding millions of illegals competing for the jobs and willing to work for half the pay a legal makes in an exploding era of robotics technology which is replacing millions of unskilled/low skilled 'McJobs isn't fundamentally changing the US from top to bottom you are delusional pal.
First off, I never mentioned illegal immigration. Second, in my experience immigrants generally make better citizens than native-born Americans. They are usually thankful to be here, don't expect anything beyond a chance to succeed. When you think about it, it makes sense since they are a self selected group, only the best and brightest will attempt to relocate to a foreign land. Those that are just desperate (e.g., Syrians) fall into another category, I'm not talking about them.

If you believe the 'solution' is to "redistribute the wealth' you are a fucking dummy!
Wealth is being redistributed. The wealthy are amassing an ever greater share of the pie. I would like to put the brakes on that and keep it at a reasonable level.
"So dear what I've done is to make you my sole inheritor. As soon as you get the money give every fucking penny to the kids. The kids will then give you money back, as a gift, in the form of a monthly cheque. When you die you'll have nothing in your bank account for the fucking Government to steal and the kids will have kept the money we both wanted them to have".
Pretty fucking simple.
Except for the fact we currently have laws that govern giving "every fucking penny to the kids". Certainly you're not suggesting people might break the law?
Here he is. Cutest little guy called Pepper. The fools that are running for $15. an hour don't seem to "get it" that Pepper is about to take their jobs.

Check out what he can do.

"Pepper will be able to make recommendations and complete transactions, and is expected to begin employment by the end of this year."

From the article:

"Once paired, Pepper can explain the menu, make personalized recommendations, and take your order.

And if you want to know how many calories are in your meal, Pepper will tell you the answer, along with a breakdown of the fat, carbs, and protein in that particular item.

‘Consumers have come to expect personalized service, customized offers and simple and seamless process both in store and online,’ said Tobias Puehse, vice president, innovation management, Digital Payments & Labs at MasterCard.

‘The app’s goal is to provide consumers with more memorable and personalized shopping experience beyond today’s self-serve machines and kiosks, by combining Pepper’s intelligence with a secure digital payment experience via MasterPass.’

The robot will use Wi-Fi to connect to MasterPass, allowing it to complete the entire transaction through the wallet."


Humanoid robot ‘Pepper’ will soon be taking orders in Pizza Huts in Asia. MasterCard announced this week that it is teaming up with SoftBanks Robotics and Pizza Hut Asia to launch a new commerce app for the bot. Pepper will make recommendations and complete transactions, and will begin working by the end of this year

Read more: Pepper the robot to take Pizza Hut orders and give recommendations
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Read more: Pepper the robot to take Pizza Hut orders and give recommendations
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Nice gimmick, but does the robot make the pizza, or deliver the pizza to the table? How exactly does this reduce employees?
A robot does in fact make the pizza to order perfectly each time.
When your pizza is ready your number is called. You walk to the counter. A door with your number opens when you type in your number and you remove the box with your pizza in it.
What you fucking idiots will never comprehend is the cost of using human labor goes far beyond paying the half wit at the end of the week. It ALL the other costs involved having to deal with half wits.
I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich
I don't disagree so what I'd like to see is a 100% inheritance tax rate. You can leave your money to your spouse but not to your kids. That would put everyone's kids on par with the Trump family, at least as far as is practical.

So you think the government is better spending the money then the kids?
"So dear what I've done is to make you my sole inheritor. As soon as you get the money give every fucking penny to the kids. The kids will then give you money back, as a gift, in the form of a monthly cheque. When you die you'll have nothing in your bank account for the fucking Government to steal and the kids will have kept the money we both wanted them to have".
Pretty fucking simple.
Except for the fact we currently have laws that govern giving "every fucking penny to the kids". Certainly you're not suggesting people might break the law?
As long as I'm alive I can 'legally' give my kids as much money as I want.
Are you aware of what the meaning of an "inheritance" is?
Sorry. Too late. The chinese have a virtual 100% monopoly on building robotics. They started more than two decades ago.
You think we can't compete with a communist country? I disagree, they may have gone quasi-capitalist but they're still authoritarian and that type of government is unstable in the long term.
Your "trust me" is thus shown to be false. You cannot be trusted, because when you are given a choice, sometimes you do NOT choose to interact with a human. Like I said, busted.

Are you some kind of fucking retard?

No, seriously, I'm asking this. Of course, I usually perfer to have a person ring up my groceries. Sometimes that isn't practical, like when I'm buying one item and there's a long line at the cashier because they've only got one out of eight lines open.

And this is the problem. There's actually plenty of work to be done out there. But some people decide to go cheap and you have one cashier with a lot of angry customers because the cheap bastards who own the store won't adequately staff it.
Well, what do you know, I was wrong. You didn't say "trust me", you said,
I promise you, give a customer the choice between interacting with a human being and a machine, they'll pick the human being every time.

Then I proceeded to show you that you were wrong, as exemplified by self checkout in grocery stores.
I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich

Yes, there will always be that asshole who will try to cheat others given the opportunity.

The thing is, most of us don't admire those people.

It's why equality is never a one time deal. We had a pretty good deal in the 1950's (well, white people did, anyway) when the workforce was 33% unionized and the rich paid their fair share in income taxes.

Then the rich convinced you that the poor wanted half your cookie after they wolfed down the other 9.

When one offers something and another freely pays for it there is no cheating.

A person doesn't buy something unless he thinks he is getting at least an equal value for his money

And no rich guy ever stole anything from me
Look, everyone knows what a specific job pays. Its up to us to decide how much effort we OURSELVES want to put into ascending the various tiers of our society. For example;

- Everyone knows if I want to put in the least effort required, then I should set my sights on being a career burger flipper or the like.. But hey, I see what's going on in the next tier. The guy over there installing the cable lines is making $8 more than me an hour, think I'll take a class in basic electronics then apply...

Again, we have Airline Pilots selling their blood plasma because the Airlines used the recession to slash their pay. the idea that "acquiring skills" is going to make up for the compulsion the 1% have to cheat you is just crazy.

I think everyone who mouths about how lazy people who work in fast food are should actually work in fast food for a month...
The median pay of an airline pilot is 98K a year

If a pilot has to sell his blood then it's his own fault

And I never said low skill laborers were lazy just that stuffing fires in a bag is not a skill that's worth very much so it's up to them to acquire the skills that will pay them more.

In all honesty if you're still bagging burgers after 20 years in the work force then that's all you ever want to do
I will posit this, if you took every cent in the entire world, every bit of land and resources and equally divided them among the entire population that within one generation we will be right back where we started.

Because people are basically sheep and deep down want to be told what to do so they will squander their new riches and make a few people rich
I don't disagree so what I'd like to see is a 100% inheritance tax rate. You can leave your money to your spouse but not to your kids. That would put everyone's kids on par with the Trump family, at least as far as is practical.

Of course I disagree with that.

If a parent wants to leave the money he earned and paid taxes on to his kids then that's fine with me
I wonder how many babies four months old in their mother's womb would agree that being killed isn't being executed?
I don't know what a 4 month old thinks but I'm sure a 1 day old, fertilized egg has no thoughts or opinions whatsoever.

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