CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"

^^ Actually you are dead wrong. People have changed. In addition to adding the entirety of women and African American's to the job pool we've also taken on something like 100,000 legal immigrants a year, plus another what 3million illegals.

If you don't think that adding tens of millions of people to the work force isn't a change, then idk what is...
Sorry but women and African Americans are people too. We've always had new immigrants come to this country and they always raise fears that they'll change the USA. The Italians and Irish raised the same fears 150 years ago as Muslims and Hispanics do today. Change is a good thing, there'd be no evolution without it, but people are ALL fundamentally the same.
one of the stores around here WaWa (look it up, its real) has the touch screen for people to order their food. The food is still made by humanoids but its so much faster because the workers can give their attention to making the orders instead of standing there while someone takes 20 minutes to decide to get the same damn thing they get every time.

I promise you, give a customer the choice between interacting with a human being and a machine, they'll pick the human being every time.
And that is why there will never be self checkout kiosks being used in grocery stores, ever. You know your statement is totally busted by that. Customers have a choice, and some use the self checkout. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
The self checkouts are limited to 20 items or the human checkout lines would be empty. There might be some who are so old they couldn't possibly figure it out.

There used to be really long lines at bank teller windows too.
one of the stores around here WaWa (look it up, its real) has the touch screen for people to order their food. The food is still made by humanoids but its so much faster because the workers can give their attention to making the orders instead of standing there while someone takes 20 minutes to decide to get the same damn thing they get every time.

I promise you, give a customer the choice between interacting with a human being and a machine, they'll pick the human being every time.
And that is why there will never be self checkout kiosks being used in grocery stores, ever. You know your statement is totally busted by that. Customers have a choice, and some use the self checkout. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
The self checkouts are limited to 20 items or the human checkout lines would be empty. There might be some who are so old they couldn't possibly figure it out.

There used to be really long lines at bank teller windows too.
they are limited to 20 like the express checkout is limited to 12.
its not going to work.
^^ Actually you are dead wrong. People have changed. In addition to adding the entirety of women and African American's to the job pool we've also taken on something like 100,000 legal immigrants a year, plus another what 3million illegals.

If you don't think that adding tens of millions of people to the work force isn't a change, then idk what is...
Sorry but women and African Americans are people too. We've always had new immigrants come to this country and they always raise fears that they'll change the USA. The Italians and Irish raised the same fears 150 years ago as Muslims and Hispanics do today. Change is a good thing, there'd be no evolution without it, but people are ALL fundamentally the same.

Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.
one of the stores around here WaWa (look it up, its real) has the touch screen for people to order their food. The food is still made by humanoids but its so much faster because the workers can give their attention to making the orders instead of standing there while someone takes 20 minutes to decide to get the same damn thing they get every time.

I promise you, give a customer the choice between interacting with a human being and a machine, they'll pick the human being every time.
And that is why there will never be self checkout kiosks being used in grocery stores, ever. You know your statement is totally busted by that. Customers have a choice, and some use the self checkout. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
The self checkouts are limited to 20 items or the human checkout lines would be empty. There might be some who are so old they couldn't possibly figure it out.

There used to be really long lines at bank teller windows too.
I just went into one of the stores in this area, Annapolis, there is no limit on the self checkout.
one of the stores around here WaWa (look it up, its real) has the touch screen for people to order their food. The food is still made by humanoids but its so much faster because the workers can give their attention to making the orders instead of standing there while someone takes 20 minutes to decide to get the same damn thing they get every time.

I promise you, give a customer the choice between interacting with a human being and a machine, they'll pick the human being every time.
And that is why there will never be self checkout kiosks being used in grocery stores, ever. You know your statement is totally busted by that. Customers have a choice, and some use the self checkout. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
The self checkouts are limited to 20 items or the human checkout lines would be empty. There might be some who are so old they couldn't possibly figure it out.

There used to be really long lines at bank teller windows too.
I just went into one of the stores in this area, Annapolis, there is no limit on the self checkout.
There's a limit here. Likely because large orders use a bagger and people don't bag their own fast enough.
If the wage you get for your labor is not "decent" go get another job where your perceived skills are more justly rewarded.

Hey,stupid. We have Airline Pilots selling their blood plasma and adjunct professors on Food Stamps.

The idea that you might be in a "safe" skill zone where the 1% can't screw you is a delusion. One that 2008 should have disabused most of us of, bugt some of you didn't learn.

I will not sink to your level sand call you stupid, in spite of the fsact that you would richly deserve it.

I am sure that those airline pilots and adjunct professors who are so financially stressed that they have to sell their blood plasma and/or having to resort using food stamps got into the pickle they are in due to nothing but their own stupidity and mismanagement of what they have.

Only an envy driven drone complains about the 1%. That 1% own businesses and industries that employ millions of people nation wide. That 1% earned what they have by their brains. Some of that 1% live in modest homes, drive modest cars because they are not driven by lusting for what others have, but earn and cherish what they have.

If you think that you are better than others, if you think that your calling others stupid is justified, go have at it. You will only prove that you are a useless, envious, non-productive and government dependent liberal. And your posts already clearly show and prove that.
^^ Actually you are dead wrong. People have changed. In addition to adding the entirety of women and African American's to the job pool we've also taken on something like 100,000 legal immigrants a year, plus another what 3million illegals.

If you don't think that adding tens of millions of people to the work force isn't a change, then idk what is...
Sorry but women and African Americans are people too. We've always had new immigrants come to this country and they always raise fears that they'll change the USA. The Italians and Irish raised the same fears 150 years ago as Muslims and Hispanics do today. Change is a good thing, there'd be no evolution without it, but people are ALL fundamentally the same.

People who are anxious to cut off your head if you don't worship the pedophile founder of their "religion" are not fundamentally or otherwise the same as people whose religion dictates of love and charity, except in the diseased and politically correct "minds" of liberals.
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Here he is. Cutest little guy called Pepper. The fools that are running for $15. an hour don't seem to "get it" that Pepper is about to take their jobs.

Check out what he can do.

"Pepper will be able to make recommendations and complete transactions, and is expected to begin employment by the end of this year."

From the article:

"Once paired, Pepper can explain the menu, make personalized recommendations, and take your order.

And if you want to know how many calories are in your meal, Pepper will tell you the answer, along with a breakdown of the fat, carbs, and protein in that particular item.

‘Consumers have come to expect personalized service, customized offers and simple and seamless process both in store and online,’ said Tobias Puehse, vice president, innovation management, Digital Payments & Labs at MasterCard.

‘The app’s goal is to provide consumers with more memorable and personalized shopping experience beyond today’s self-serve machines and kiosks, by combining Pepper’s intelligence with a secure digital payment experience via MasterPass.’

The robot will use Wi-Fi to connect to MasterPass, allowing it to complete the entire transaction through the wallet."


Humanoid robot ‘Pepper’ will soon be taking orders in Pizza Huts in Asia. MasterCard announced this week that it is teaming up with SoftBanks Robotics and Pizza Hut Asia to launch a new commerce app for the bot. Pepper will make recommendations and complete transactions, and will begin working by the end of this year

Read more: Pepper the robot to take Pizza Hut orders and give recommendations
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Read more: Pepper the robot to take Pizza Hut orders and give recommendations
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Nice gimmick, but does the robot make the pizza, or deliver the pizza to the table? How exactly does this reduce employees?
Logic dictates that if employee is more expensive than a robot at $15 an hour if the robot last twice as long as the employee, the employee will be more expensive than the robot at $7.50 an hour as well.

So regardless of whether the employees asked for $15 an hour or $50 an hour they would be replaced by the robots anyway.

Characterizing everything in this idiotic battle over $15 an hour is just dishonest
Logic dictates that if employee is more expensive than a robot at $15 an hour if the robot last twice as long as the employee, the employee will be more expensive than the robot at $7.50 an hour as well.

So regardless of whether the employees asked for $15 an hour or $50 an hour they would be replaced by the robots anyway.

Characterizing everything in this idiotic battle over $15 an hour is just dishonest

So tell us what would be cheaper for you to use a $50,000 vibrator or just use your finger?


^^ Actually you are dead wrong. People have changed. In addition to adding the entirety of women and African American's to the job pool we've also taken on something like 100,000 legal immigrants a year, plus another what 3million illegals.

If you don't think that adding tens of millions of people to the work force isn't a change, then idk what is...
Sorry but women and African Americans are people too. We've always had new immigrants come to this country and they always raise fears that they'll change the USA. The Italians and Irish raised the same fears 150 years ago as Muslims and Hispanics do today. Change is a good thing, there'd be no evolution without it, but people are ALL fundamentally the same.

People who are anxious to cut off your head if you don't worship the pedophile founder of their "religion" are not fundamentally or otherwise the same as people whose religion dictates of love and charity, except in the diseased and politically correct "minds" of liberals.
History of Islam and Christianity does not support your assertion.
Logic dictates that if employee is more expensive than a robot at $15 an hour if the robot last twice as long as the employee, the employee will be more expensive than the robot at $7.50 an hour as well.

So regardless of whether the employees asked for $15 an hour or $50 an hour they would be replaced by the robots anyway.

Characterizing everything in this idiotic battle over $15 an hour is just dishonest

So tell us what would be cheaper for you to use a $50,000 vibrator or just use your finger?


You are sick
Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Don't kid yourself

Conservatives are getting those abortions too
Logic dictates that if employee is more expensive than a robot at $15 an hour if the robot last twice as long as the employee, the employee will be more expensive than the robot at $7.50 an hour as well.

So regardless of whether the employees asked for $15 an hour or $50 an hour they would be replaced by the robots anyway.

Characterizing everything in this idiotic battle over $15 an hour is just dishonest

So tell us what would be cheaper for you to use a $50,000 vibrator or just use your finger?


You are sick

No, since you can't comprehend economics or business trying to explain it to a level that you would understand...

Why would a company automate if the labor cost was cheaper?

We have had those kiosk for like 20 years...industrial robotics since the 70s.....

Supply and demand. The more people you have in the work force, the less demand for workers. The less demand for workers, the less jobs pay - based on skill level. If there was a glut of CEO's then you'd see CEO's get paid less, if there was a glut of managers, they'd get paid less, and so forth down the line.

You /really/ want to fix pay inequity? Then educate kids to become managers and CEO's instead of teaching them to hate businesses and giving them low-skill educations.
The world is not so simple a place. The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration. That and the aging of the baby boomers means our work force is shrinking. However automation is shrinking the work even faster.

We don't need more CEO's, we need rules that allow stockholders to have more direct impact on their company. Let them decide if a CEO is worth his salary instead of some incestuous board members.

What we need is a generation of workers that can design and build robots and automation systems.

The population of the USA would be shrinking if not for immigration.

Not our fault liberals killed 50 million and counting democrats since 1973..

Don't kid yourself

Conservatives are getting those abortions too

That's not the point and you know it


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