CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

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Straight from the mind of 'dr d' (dumbass)

And I got criticized for calling dimocrap scum stupid? :lmao:

You really are. Honest to god stupid.

My 14 year old grand son knows more about economics than you people.

And no, I'm not kidding
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?
Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

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Yes, the same skillset is required to push a picture of a French-fry on a register as to run a multi-million dollar, multi-national enterprise employing tens of thousands.

Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

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Define 'living wage'. how much is it in San Francisco, Fargo, NYC, baton rouge, amarillo, miami, peoria ? is it the same in every city, every state, every county?

Is 'living wage' the same for a single guy as it is for a married guy with 5 kids?

'living wage' is a stupid meaningless libtardian term, it means nothing.
Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

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Yes, the same skillset is required to push a picture of a French-fry on a register as to run a multi-million dollar, multi-national enterprise employing tens of thousands.


The truly sick part is.......

That is EXACTLY what they think.

What else could you expect from someone who thinks working at Mickie D's is a real job?
Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

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Define 'living wage'. how much is it in San Francisco, Fargo, NYC, baton rouge, amarillo, miami, peoria ? is it the same in every city, every state, every county?

Is 'living wage' the same for a single guy as it is for a married guy with 5 kids?

'living wage' is a stupid meaningless libtardian term, it means nothing.

In the words of Jackie Chiles... "it's capricious and arbitrary!!!"
Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

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Define 'living wage'. how much is it in San Francisco, Fargo, NYC, baton rouge, amarillo, miami, peoria ? is it the same in every city, every state, every county?

Is 'living wage' the same for a single guy as it is for a married guy with 5 kids?

'living wage' is a stupid meaningless libtardian term, it means nothing.

What is a living wage to a 15 year old kid living at home?

Is it the same as a 30 year old kid living at home?

Our resident libturds evidently think so.

Wonder how it feels to go work every day as a 30 year old dimocrap retard and get told what to do by a 17 year old girl?

No wonder they're in such a bad mood all the time
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

who is defending the rich? I think everyone in hollywood is overpaid, so is every rapper, and every TV "personality". I also think Pelosi and Reid are overpaid, you silly libs made Algore a multi millionaire when he lied to you about global warming.
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

It's less about "defending the rich" and more about getting people's heads in the right place when trying to solve issues. Simply griping about CEO pay without taking in all of the non-malicious reasons pay is rising is both a waste of time AND harmful.

I want people to consider things in a less general, blanket way. Instead of saying "ALL CEOS MAKE TOO MUCH" or "ALL CEOS DO THIS OR THAT", how about we critique specific companies and specific examples of CEOs making way more than they deserve? Why choose the blanket method and also condemn all of the quality, well run, fair organizations in the process? Isn't that sort of counter productive?

Generalizing is for college kids. Let's move beyond that.

Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Well no..

See as the old "Odd Couple" adage goes..when you assume..

And I probably make more money in 6 months then you could in 10 years.

You would be a Cancer to any company choosing to hire you. You have the classic Entitlement Whiner mentality. So listen, just stick to what you're good at. Nibble on some more of that Obama Cheese, and let the big boys discuss the complex world of Finance. Capisce.
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

who is defending the rich? I think everyone in hollywood is overpaid, so is every rapper, and every TV "personality". I also think Pelosi and Reid are overpaid, you silly libs made Algore a multi millionaire when he lied to you about global warming.

ManBearPig is richer than Mitt Romney.

Mittens saved THOUSANDS of American jobs.

All ManBearPig did was lie to dimocrap lemmings.

No one should ever, ever, ever criticize me ever again for stating in my every post how incredibly STUPID dimocrap scum honestly are.
Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes, the same skillset is required to push a picture of a French-fry on a register as to run a multi-million dollar, multi-national enterprise employing tens of thousands.


The truly sick part is.......

That is EXACTLY what they think.

What else could you expect from someone who thinks working at Mickie D's is a real job?

It's Marxist economic theory. In this case Chico, not Karl.
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

It's less about "defending the rich" and more about getting people's heads in the right place when trying to solve issues. Simply griping about CEO pay without taking in all of the non-malicious reasons pay is rising is both a waste of time AND harmful.

I want people to consider things in a less general, blanket way. Instead of saying "ALL CEOS MAKE TOO MUCH" or "ALL CEOS DO THIS OR THAT", how about we critique specific companies and specific examples of CEOs making way more than they deserve? Why choose the blanket method and also condemn all of the quality, well run, fair organizations in the process? Isn't that sort of counter productive?

Generalizing is for college kids. Let's move beyond that.

most CEO compensation is based on whether the company grows, makes its projections, and whether its stock increases in value and pays dividends to shareholders.

I agree that some CEOs are overpaid, especially the ones who run failed companies like Solyndra and GM. But, face reality, the CEO compensation package is established by the board of directors----people who have a personal financial interest in the success of the company.

But, what would those of you who bitch about CEO pay propose to do about it? Do you want the govt to legislate how much a person can make? What, specifically, do you want done?
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

It's less about "defending the rich" and more about getting people's heads in the right place when trying to solve issues. Simply griping about CEO pay without taking in all of the non-malicious reasons pay is rising is both a waste of time AND harmful.

I want people to consider things in a less general, blanket way. Instead of saying "ALL CEOS MAKE TOO MUCH" or "ALL CEOS DO THIS OR THAT", how about we critique specific companies and specific examples of CEOs making way more than they deserve? Why choose the blanket method and also condemn all of the quality, well run, fair organizations in the process? Isn't that sort of counter productive?

Generalizing is for college kids. Let's move beyond that.
Okay. So what are your solutions for overcompensation and wealth disparity?

When the average CEO salary is exponentially higher than the average workers, generalizing is normal. It is a generalization to say that average CEO pay is nearly 400 times that of the average employee.

Those of you who defend the rich are misguided by your love of greed. What you have to understand is that you are also poor compared to them, and they don't care about you. If you think you're doing well with a house, car, maybe a boat, a couple hundred thousand in equity and whatnot, then you're still as poor as a homeless Vietnam vet compared to the controlling interests of world governments. They wallow in opulence without any regard for you or your environment.

"Who is defending the rich?" Those of you who insist that unions are evil, or if you insist that workers need to "tighten up their belts" during a recession that was caused by the rich while they take your money for a bailout, or if you insist that there is a valid point to the drug war, or if you insist that voter ID cards will stop a crime that isn't happening, or if you still think that there were WMD in Iraq. These are ways in which you defend the rich because as you are buying into the establishment's lies, they are laughing their asses off at you and making your world worse. Make no mistake about it. You are cheap labor to the .001% just like everyone else.

So why do you defend the wealthy when the wealthy only use you to get themselves ahead?
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

It's less about "defending the rich" and more about getting people's heads in the right place when trying to solve issues. Simply griping about CEO pay without taking in all of the non-malicious reasons pay is rising is both a waste of time AND harmful.

I want people to consider things in a less general, blanket way. Instead of saying "ALL CEOS MAKE TOO MUCH" or "ALL CEOS DO THIS OR THAT", how about we critique specific companies and specific examples of CEOs making way more than they deserve? Why choose the blanket method and also condemn all of the quality, well run, fair organizations in the process? Isn't that sort of counter productive?

Generalizing is for college kids. Let's move beyond that.

most CEO compensation is based on whether the company grows, makes its projections, and whether its stock increases in value and pays dividends to shareholders.

I agree that some CEOs are overpaid, especially the ones who run failed companies like Solyndra and GM. But, face reality, the CEO compensation package is established by the board of directors----people who have a personal financial interest in the success of the company.

But, what would those of you who bitch about CEO pay propose to do about it? Do you want the govt to legislate how much a person can make? What, specifically, do you want done?

Well not really.

Most CEO compensation is based on what the CEO thinks he can get away with.

Sometimes that involves "showing profit".

Which is easy enough.

Just fire a bunch of people.
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

It's less about "defending the rich" and more about getting people's heads in the right place when trying to solve issues. Simply griping about CEO pay without taking in all of the non-malicious reasons pay is rising is both a waste of time AND harmful.

I want people to consider things in a less general, blanket way. Instead of saying "ALL CEOS MAKE TOO MUCH" or "ALL CEOS DO THIS OR THAT", how about we critique specific companies and specific examples of CEOs making way more than they deserve? Why choose the blanket method and also condemn all of the quality, well run, fair organizations in the process? Isn't that sort of counter productive?

Generalizing is for college kids. Let's move beyond that.
Okay. So what are your solutions for overcompensation and wealth disparity?
Why do you think there is overcompensation? Why do you think it is a problem needing a solution?
What, specifically, do you want done?


This will rearrange the entire global economy in favor of the working poor, with an increase in productivity across the globe.
Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Nah. Like most libs in pretend-land, I'm sure that swallow is the CEO of some Multi-National Corporation and he's just taking time out from Globe Trotting on his Private, 120' yacht to post here while he's on his way to the airport to board his Gulf Stream.


Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Well no..

See as the old "Odd Couple" adage goes..when you assume..

And I probably make more money in 6 months then you could in 10 years.

BWAH!! :lmao:

Pepsi challenge sport.

I'll be riding around the Aussie outback.

You game?

Or maybe you want to hit Bejing? Paris? Dunno..

You pick.

I can travel anywhere in the world.
It's less about "defending the rich" and more about getting people's heads in the right place when trying to solve issues. Simply griping about CEO pay without taking in all of the non-malicious reasons pay is rising is both a waste of time AND harmful.

I want people to consider things in a less general, blanket way. Instead of saying "ALL CEOS MAKE TOO MUCH" or "ALL CEOS DO THIS OR THAT", how about we critique specific companies and specific examples of CEOs making way more than they deserve? Why choose the blanket method and also condemn all of the quality, well run, fair organizations in the process? Isn't that sort of counter productive?

Generalizing is for college kids. Let's move beyond that.
Okay. So what are your solutions for overcompensation and wealth disparity?
Why do you think there is overcompensation? Why do you think it is a problem needing a solution?
Because 49m Americans have a hard time being able to afford food each week and those of you who defend the rich want to cut those poor people's food stamps without increasing wages. What do you think will happen when you cut poor people's food stamps and they still don't make enough in wages? Is yet another dead-end, part-time, minimum-wage job the solution to low wages?
Why do you defend the rich? Do you think that you'll get the same respect in return?

It's less about "defending the rich" and more about getting people's heads in the right place when trying to solve issues. Simply griping about CEO pay without taking in all of the non-malicious reasons pay is rising is both a waste of time AND harmful.

I want people to consider things in a less general, blanket way. Instead of saying "ALL CEOS MAKE TOO MUCH" or "ALL CEOS DO THIS OR THAT", how about we critique specific companies and specific examples of CEOs making way more than they deserve? Why choose the blanket method and also condemn all of the quality, well run, fair organizations in the process? Isn't that sort of counter productive?

Generalizing is for college kids. Let's move beyond that.
Okay. So what are your solutions for overcompensation and wealth disparity?

When the average CEO salary is exponentially higher than the average workers, generalizing is normal. It is a generalization to say that average CEO pay is nearly 400 times that of the average employee.

Those of you who defend the rich are misguided by your love of greed. What you have to understand is that you are also poor compared to them, and they don't care about you. If you think you're doing well with a house, car, maybe a boat, a couple hundred thousand in equity and whatnot, then you're still as poor as a homeless Vietnam vet compared to the controlling interests of world governments. They wallow in opulence without any regard for you or your environment.

"Who is defending the rich?" Those of you who insist that unions are evil, or if you insist that workers need to "tighten up their belts" during a recession that was caused by the rich while they take your money for a bailout, or if you insist that there is a valid point to the drug war, or if you insist that voter ID cards will stop a crime that isn't happening, or if you still think that there were WMD in Iraq. These are ways in which you defend the rich because as you are buying into the establishment's lies, they are laughing their asses off at you and making your world worse. Make no mistake about it. You are cheap labor to the .001% just like everyone else.

So why do you defend the wealthy when the wealthy only use you to get themselves ahead?

MOST business owners in America do NOT earn 400 times that of their workers. MOST business owners make a nice living....say in the 200K range and their employees make a salary that is warranted....say 30K.

You are stuck worrying about the few that make the big bucks...what are they....maybe 300 people in all?

I did well....and although I made, at best, 20% of what those evil CEO's made, I never felt poor because I was making enough to support my family and not have to worry about retirement.

Seems YOU are the one driven by greed. YOU want more of what THEY have.

What did you do to deserve it?

Me? I did nothing to deserve it.

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