CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

Shareholders have very little say in CEO compensation.

Why ya hatin? Do you think you could be a CEO? Do you really believe you have what it takes? If so, make it happen. Otherwise, it's no one else's fault you're stuck cleaning shitters or digging ditches. That's on you. More work, less whining.

Not hating at all.

It's a dangerous threat to the Democratic Republic of the United States.

And stop projecting what you do for a buck on me.

I work in tech..[.b]

Your boss bought you an Electric Broom? Congrats!
Perhaps the answer to keeping money in the hands of workers is to tax them less, bub.
Workers are over taxed, that's true. But there still isn't justification for their wages to shrink while the wealthiest enjoy gargantuan increases in their income. There still isn't any rebut to the FACT that exchange of capital for goods and services is the metric by which we measure economic activity and thus the growth or diminishment of our economy.

If Capitalism is our system, today we find that system rigged in favor of the wealthy and against those who EARN a living.

Why are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie seen as successful? Because they are the exceptions the exceptional, not the average. Those who sneer and blame the average wage earner as lazy or indifferent or a 'loser' simply don't have enough life experience to make such a ham handed claim. Therefore, they should be excused from any serious discussion. They just don't have the facts. What they do have is bumper sticker thinking indoctrinated to them by some ex-DJ radio talk show host.

We don't have a Capitalist System. We have a Big Government Cronyist system in which the politically connected conspire to squash competition and funnel taxpayer money into their own coffers.


And most of that?

Was brought about by conservative policies.

First they broke unions, deregulated markets, cut taxes and now they are destroying campaign finance reform.

Good stuff.
Workers are over taxed, that's true. But there still isn't justification for their wages to shrink while the wealthiest enjoy gargantuan increases in their income. There still isn't any rebut to the FACT that exchange of capital for goods and services is the metric by which we measure economic activity and thus the growth or diminishment of our economy.

If Capitalism is our system, today we find that system rigged in favor of the wealthy and against those who EARN a living.

Why are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie seen as successful? Because they are the exceptions the exceptional, not the average. Those who sneer and blame the average wage earner as lazy or indifferent or a 'loser' simply don't have enough life experience to make such a ham handed claim. Therefore, they should be excused from any serious discussion. They just don't have the facts. What they do have is bumper sticker thinking indoctrinated to them by some ex-DJ radio talk show host.

We don't have a Capitalist System. We have a Big Government Cronyist system in which the politically connected conspire to squash competition and funnel taxpayer money into their own coffers.


And most of that?

Was brought about by conservative policies.

First they broke unions, deregulated markets, cut taxes and now they are destroying campaign finance reform.

Good stuff.

You are delusional.
Why ya hatin? Do you think you could be a CEO? Do you really believe you have what it takes? If so, make it happen. Otherwise, it's no one else's fault you're stuck cleaning shitters or digging ditches. That's on you. More work, less whining.

Not hating at all.

It's a dangerous threat to the Democratic Republic of the United States.

And stop projecting what you do for a buck on me.

I work in tech..[.b]

Your boss bought you an Electric Broom? Congrats!

You can use it anytime you like. I'll stop by your cardboard box..don't worry the smell of Maddog 20/20 will help me find it.

I know you get lonely.

CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

CEO's are paid what the market will bear, end of story.

Either you allow a free market or a crony capitalist one where government determines benefits and wages.
Shareholders have very little say in CEO compensation.
That can certainly be argued both ways, however if a CEO is consistently taking in a huge salary and not growing profits, do you think the company is going to look less attractive or more attractive to Wall Street? You don’t think there are mechanisms there to keep pay under control?

Also, median CEO compensation of the 200 largest companies is $15 million. We pay most of our top basketball players this sort of money and no one seems to have any gripes about that, right? Those are basketball players putting a ball through a hoop, not individuals tasked with running companies that often can employ upwards of a million people globally!

If you consider all of his endorsements in addition to his $18 million/yr salary, Peyton Manning commands over $43 million annually! Again, how can you get upset about a CEO (who runs a gigantic, complex company 24/7) making $15 million when a guy throwing a football around for a few months a year makes THREE TIMES THAT AMOUNT, right in front of our faces?
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We don't have a Capitalist System. We have a Big Government Cronyist system in which the politically connected conspire to squash competition and funnel taxpayer money into their own coffers.


And most of that?

Was brought about by conservative policies.

First they broke unions, deregulated markets, cut taxes and now they are destroying campaign finance reform.

Good stuff.

You are delusional.

Do you even know what "delusional" means? You are posting from the public library, you can look it up.

When you get can click on these handy links.

This week in history: Ronald Reagan fires 11,345 air traffic controllers | Deseret News
History News Network | Blame Ronald Reagan For Our Current Economic Crisis
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shareholders have very little say in CEO compensation.
That can certainly be argued both ways, however if a CEO is consistently taking in a huge salary and not growing profits, do you think the company is going to look less attractive or more attractive to Wall Street? You don’t think there are mechanisms there to keep pay under control?

Also, median CEO compensation of the 200 largest companies is $15 million. We pay most of our top basketball players this sort of money and no one seems to have any gripes about that, right? Those are basketball players putting a ball through a hoop, not individuals tasked with running companies that often can employ upwards of a million people globally!

If you consider all of his endorsements in addition to his $18 million/yr salary, Peyton Manning commands over $43 million annually! Again, how can you get upset about a CEO pulling in $15 million while running a gigantic company that sweeps the globe when a guy throwing a football right back and forth will pull in nearly three times that amount?

First off..there's no argument.

Shareholders have little or no say in hiring a CEO or CEO compensation or firing a CEO. That would be the board of directors. Many of the folks that sit in the board of directors are put there by the CEO.


I think sports and actor salaries are a bit out of whack as well. But those come with caveats. Both have relatively short careers. And in the case of sports? They almost always get injuries that plague them throughout their lifetimes. I also don't see many sports figures actively try to introduce legislation by spending their own money.
There's no doubt that CEO's and Company Boards are taking serious advantage of Stockholders.

No doubt at all. The point is inarguable.

But here's the problem, folks.

You let dimocrap scum take charge of fixing it and they WILL fuck it up.

Just like they do everything they touch.


Every FUCKING THING THEY TOUCH, they screw up.

From social security to the war on poverty to race relations to health care to the EPA to our educational system to -- I'm telling you.

You let these scumbags take control of it and they'll fuck it up.

Does something need to be done? Hell.Yes.

But if you let dimocrap scum do it, they'll fuck it up.

Only an complete fucking idiot (aka; dimocrap) would deny it.

Do I have any ideas on the matter? Not really.

Not when movie stars are getting $30 Million a movie and B-Bal players who can't even spell their own names are getting 100 Million Dollar guaranteed contracts and fat pigs like Oprah are worth over a billion dollars and the pederast Harry Reid is a MULTI Millionaire even though he only spent two years in the private sector during his entire life.

CEOs ripping off big corporations are way down on my list of things to fix.
And most of that?

Was brought about by conservative policies.

First they broke unions, deregulated markets, cut taxes and now they are destroying campaign finance reform.

Good stuff.

You are delusional.

Do you even know what "delusional" means? You are posting from the public library, you can look it up.

When you get can click on these handy links.

This week in history: Ronald Reagan fires 11,345 air traffic controllers | Deseret News
History News Network | Blame Ronald Reagan For Our Current Economic Crisis
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

CEO's are paid what the market will bear, end of story.

Either you allow a free market or a crony capitalist one where government determines benefits and wages.

That's a new one.

Crony Capitalism is "government determines wages and benefits"?

Most of the rest of the world believes "Crony Capitalism" is the private sector pulling the strings of government.

So this is an interesting and unique take on the phrase.

Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Nah. Like most libs in pretend-land, I'm sure that swallow is the CEO of some Multi-National Corporation and he's just taking time out from Globe Trotting on his Private, 120' yacht to post here while he's on his way to the airport to board his Gulf Stream.


Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Well no..

See as the old "Odd Couple" adage goes..when you assume..

And I probably make more money in 6 months then you could in 10 years.
First off..there's no argument.

Shareholders have little or no say in hiring a CEO or CEO compensation or firing a CEO. That would be the board of directors. Many of the folks that sit in the board of directors are put there by the CEO.

My point was that indirectly there are forces keeping those CEO salaries in line. Again, if a company pays it's CEO $25 million and profits are only $50 million (and dropping) there's going to be a problem and it's going to be with the investors. Investors (or shareholders) are the lifeblood of a Fortune 500 company, and you better believe that just about every decision the board of directors makes considers how investors "will respond" and what it will do to their stock price.

Regardless, less move on.


I think sports and actor salaries are a bit out of whack as well. But those come with caveats. Both have relatively short careers. And in the case of sports? They almost always get injuries that plague them throughout their lifetimes. I also don't see many sports figures actively try to introduce legislation by spending their own money.

The average tenure of a Fortune 500 CEO is about 4 years. What is it for the top baseball, football, and basketball players?
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CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

CEO's are paid what the market will bear, end of story.

Either you allow a free market or a crony capitalist one where government determines benefits and wages.

That's a new one.

Crony Capitalism is "government determines wages and benefits"?

Most of the rest of the world believes "Crony Capitalism" is the private sector pulling the strings of government.

So this is an interesting and unique take on the phrase.

He was referring to Crony Socialism

Crony socialism | New York Post

It's April 14, 2014. Do you know where your brain is?

Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Nah. Like most libs in pretend-land, I'm sure that swallow is the CEO of some Multi-National Corporation and he's just taking time out from Globe Trotting on his Private, 120' yacht to post here while he's on his way to the airport to board his Gulf Stream.


Swallow is what you do to your boyfriend, Edgie..and a long session of dick sucking.

And I am hitting Australia at the end of this month. Wanna meet up in Sydney? I'll let you buy the first round of


Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Nah. Like most libs in pretend-land, I'm sure that swallow is the CEO of some Multi-National Corporation and he's just taking time out from Globe Trotting on his Private, 120' yacht to post here while he's on his way to the airport to board his Gulf Stream.


Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Well no..

See as the old "Odd Couple" adage goes..when you assume..

And I probably make more money in 6 months then you could in 10 years.

BWAH!! :lmao:
Hmm....where would the CEOs of huge conglomerates like MCDonalds and Walmart BE without the workers who make and sell their products?
I think a living wage for those MAKERS at the bottom is the least that those TAKERS at the top could do...and they don't appear willing to do just that.

Sent from my iPhone using
Judging by your dismal performance on this Message Board, i couldn't in good conscience employ you in my company. You would be a Cancer for sure. And i'm gonna have to assume you're currently unemployed. Gee, i wonder why? So you just get back to nibbling on your Obama Cheese. Let the big boys discuss the world of Finance. Capisce.

Nah. Like most libs in pretend-land, I'm sure that swallow is the CEO of some Multi-National Corporation and he's just taking time out from Globe Trotting on his Private, 120' yacht to post here while he's on his way to the airport to board his Gulf Stream.


Swallow is what you do to your boyfriend, Edgie..and a long session of dick sucking.

And I am hitting Australia at the end of this month. Wanna meet up in Sydney? I'll let you buy the first round of



What a jerkoff you really are.

Talking shit on a message board like you matter.... :lmao:
come on libs-----------too hard or don't you like the answer?

Here's the answer for you libs who cannot do simple math----------$40. Taking 8 million from the CEO will get each worker $40/year--------said another way, your jealousy of the CEO is worth $40.

This whole thing is meaningless drivel from liberals who are failures in life and are envious of those who are successful and want the govt to punish the successful and reward the failures---------pathetic.

Oh please. Nobody took your bait because you're playing with your own strawman doll. Which is kinda kinky. Nobody suggested that scenario; you made it up. Do that in private, willya?

my example is real, and accurate. Like all libs, you run from the truth and denigrate the truth tellers.

But, your jealousy of successful people is noted, and deemed pathetic. :eusa_whistle:

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