CET warming up?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
You would think that a three hundred year old temperature reading would stay the same. right?

Wrong. The CET is a temperature data set that goes back to the 1600's. Comparison of the May2013 version to the Jan2015 version shows a temp rise of 0.03C, the equivalent of 0.18C/decade.

Unlike most ongoing adjustments like GISS, these CET changes seem to affect the whole range evenly, instead of cooling the past and warming the present.

There would not seem to be any benefit to just raise the avg without changing the trend. I think the rising temps are caused by some part of the homogenization code. Any change to recent temps causes a domino like cascade that changes most of the readings behind it.

I think shows that written records are often changed, almost always upward, and worst if all, automatically. No one set out to jack up the Central England Temperature dataset, it just happened.

The fabricated 0.18C per decade is more than the satellites show, less than the models predict, and is a close match to the surface station datasets.


Any warmers out there want to give some plausible explanations for yet another irregularity on the books?
When Muller first announced he was going to produce an independent dataset he promised an open record of raw temperatures and individual adjustments that could be used singly or in combination. I understand that may have proven difficult to achieve but it sure would be interesting to have for comparison . As it stands, you cannot even easily get the last five annual versions of GISS or HadCRU. Unlike UAH.
And so Ian parrots more WUWT kookery, this time an article by Neil Cotto, one of the guest data-manglers at WUWT.

I couldn't find any point in Ian's post here, other than as another excuse to yell "CONSPIRACY!". I sense desperation. Nobody outside of the conspiracy cult will pay any attention to the conspiracy cult. The cult doesn't know how to react. All of their old tricks are failing, so they're just turning up the volume.
Is the CET data the same now, or different from two years ago? If it is different why do you consider it a conspiracy theory to be interested in why it changed? Drop the ad Homs and give us the reasons why three hundred year old readings needed to be changed from may13 to dec2014. And we don't even know how many times it was changed.
If you're interested in why it changed, then the proper response is to go find out why. So do so. Report back to us when you have something concrete.

The improper response is to instantly imply fraud.

As far as Neil Cotto goes ... wow.

Neil Catto FRMetS LinkedIn
"Following a further 10 years research I have theoretically found the "Higgs boson" of biology. A small molecule located within mitochondria with truly amazing properties. The reactions of of this small molecule stimulated by weather provide sound explanation for homeostasis, immune response, biological master clock, a master genetic on/off switch, aging and individuality."
If you're interested in why it changed, then the proper response is to go find out why. So do so. Report back to us when you have something concrete.

The improper response is to instantly imply fraud.

As far as Neil Cotto goes ... wow.

Neil Catto FRMetS LinkedIn
"Following a further 10 years research I have theoretically found the "Higgs boson" of biology. A small molecule located within mitochondria with truly amazing properties. The reactions of of this small molecule stimulated by weather provide sound explanation for homeostasis, immune response, biological master clock, a master genetic on/off switch, aging and individuality."
so now you're trying to tell someone how to determine an opinion. What tool you are. again, you sure to follow quite a few posters around dude/dudetter. So you should really watch your comments on stating something about someone following you. cuckoo!!!! :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
I wonder how many people tried to blow the whistle on Bernie Madoff's figures before someone in power finally started to dig in and investigate?
Mamooth brings up a good point. Penn State questioned both the child molester and Michael Mann in the same fashion. They asked both "did you do what people are saying you did? No? OK then, case closed". Wall admitted he got rid of the AR4 correspondence when Mann sent him the email. When asked why he never admitted it before, he replied that no one had ever asked him before. I guess Penn State doesn't understand the term 'due diligence' when it comes to investigating people who bring in funding. I believe they actually brought that up in the Mann investigation, if you can call it that.

How can anyone defend Mann after all the lies and half truths he has been caught making?
Ian, remember when you weren't just a conspiracy cultist?

Try to think back to a time before they mindwiped you. Are there any pre-cult memories at all that you can recall?

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