CFPB holds Consumer Advisory Board Meeting

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Richard Cordray is a godsend :) godspeed my friend

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) hosted a Consumer Advisory Board Meeting on Wednesday in Washington, D.C.

CFPB Director Richard Cordray made remarks prior to a discussion with CFPB Associate Director Zixta Martinez and Consumer Advisory Board members.

The Consumer Advisory Board serves as a way for the CFPB to solicit external feedback on consumer engagement, policy development, research and other topics.
Mebbe Obama shoulda vetted him better...
New Consumer 'Protection' Head Is No Stranger to Privacy Violation Scandals
July 19, 2013 - "It's not about the man." That's what Senate Democrats said about GOP opposition to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray before his successful confirmation vote on Tuesday, after enough Republicans caved to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's threat of the "nuclear option" of ending the 60-vote cloture rule for debate on nominees.
"There are no objections to him on substance," White House spokesman Jay Carney declared earlier this year. And the most of the establishment Washington press corps - save Bloomberg News Service - dutifully relayed Carney s sentiments. This week, the Associated Press transcribed President Obama's comments that "Republicans in the Senate refused to give Rich a simple yes or no vote, not because they didn't think he was the right person for the job, but because they didn't like the law that set up the consumer watchdog in the first place," without citing any voices to dispute this.

But, it was - or, it should have been - largely about the man. In his 19-month "recess" tenure at CFPB, Cordray has established a pattern of mismanagement and abuse. Most frighteningly, under Cordray's leadership, the CFPB is building an extensive database of tens of millions of Americans' private financial transactions; it smacks of the National Security Agency scandal, but lacks the justification of fighting terrorism. Cordray also displayed a disturbingly cavalier attitude toward Americans' privacy as attorney general of Ohio. Senators shouldn't be afraid to question his fitness to serve.

And, Cordray wasn't all that sensitive to abuses of private data in his previous position of Ohio attorney general. In fall 2008, after Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher complained to candidate Barack Obama about his tax hikes in a famous exchange, three employees of the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services accessed his confidential data through state databases. Each of the employees resigned or was dismissed after an inspector general's finding that the databases were improperly accessed. Yet, AG Cordray chose to use taxpayer funds to pay the employees' legal bills when Wurzelbacher sued them. Cordray himself pointed out to the Dayton Daily News that the state was not required to defend employees when they acted "manifestly outside the scope of [their] official employment or official responsibilities, with malicious purpose, in bad faith or in a wanton or reckless manner."

To be sure, Republicans have also raised important concerns about the process by which Cordray became head of the CFPB to begin with, as well as about the bureau's lack of accountability under any director. The day President Obama installed Cordray through a recess appointment, he also appointed three members to the National Labor Relations Board. Two federal courts have ruled the NLRB appointments unconstitutional because they occurred when Congress was not officially in recess.

"CNS News? :eusa_hand: Whats that? Joe the (not) Plumber gets no sympathy from me. He wasn't even licensed :lol: No wonder Repubs liked him w/ their aversion to maintaining standards/regulations. Anyway, Cordray's credentials are impeccable. What was the final vote in the senate to confirm? :eusa_whistle:

BTW- stalk much? This thread is from February.
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