Chaffetz - We will refer Hillary to the FBI for perjury.

Nothing is going to happen to her. Nothing. They either blackmailed, threatened, or paid off whoever they had to to ensure that nothing will stick. Nothing sticks to slime. Been saying this since the get go. That bitch having a stroke is more likely.

It's just so sad the way things have changed. I remember how the country hated Nixon and wanted his head on a platter for lying. Of course, those with the power did the right thing. No one was too big to fail or too big to go to jail. Now, not only are the watchdogs biased and failing to do their job, so many people are ignorant and just don't care what happens in Washington anymore. As long as they get what they want, they don't care what damage is done. Government has turned into the fucking mafia.
If Hillary Clinton had a (R) instead of a (D) in front her name it would be interesting to see the comments on this.

Well, you'd hear nothing from the Democrats, because we're not corrupt Stalinist party hacks out for political purges of our opponents.

Obviously, you're not capable of understanding that way of thinking.

Without exception, every Hillary-hater is a Stalinist ratfuk, and the nation would be better off if they left.
It ain't over. You are going back to court slut and this time its your OWN words given as evidence that will hang you. Congress has everything they need to CONVICT her on this charge. Even Comey's comments about it screw her.
There is NO rumor or hidden agenda to this. HER statements VS HER statements.
Congress can now PROVE she lied.

"And away we go. Less than 24 hours after the Department of Justice declined to press criminal charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server to transmit classified material, members of Congress said that they would ask the FBI to launch another criminal investigation of Clinton, this time over whether or not she lied to Congress."

Lying before Congress is its OWN crime okay?

"When the question and answer session began, Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) did his best to get Comey to call Clinton a liar, and had little success until he read back a statement that Clinton made under oath when asked her about her email set-up during a hearing of the House Select Committee on Benghazi."

Chaffetz does the set up.... And here is the FACT...

"In the hearing last October, Clinton responded to a question from South Carolina Rep. Jim Jordan by saying, “There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”

This is now known to be a false statement, and potentially an instance of perjury if it can be shown that at the time Clinton knew that she had sent and received classified information."

A couple of follow ups and in for the kill....

“Did the FBI investigate her statements under oath on this topic?” Chaffetz asked Comey.

“Not to my knowledge,” the FBI director replied. “I don’t think there’s been a referral from Congress.”

Related: Can Anti-Clinton Anger Unify Republicans (Even If Trump Can’t?)

“Do you need a referral from Congress to investigate her statements under oath?”

“Sure do.”

“You’ll have one,” Chaffetz promised. “You’ll have one in the next few hours.”

"Lying to Congress under oath is, theoretically, a serious criminal charge that can carry jail time; it isn’t one that is frequently prosecuted. However, it would be a reason to drag Clinton up to Capitol Hill for more embarrassing hearings -- hearings that would probably sound a lot like the one conducted by Chaffetz and his colleagues today."

It gets worse, much worse!

"Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Is that true?

Comey: That’s not true, there were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email, there is no classified material.” Was that true?

Comey: There was classified material emailed.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?

Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
Comey: No, we found work-related emails –thousands -- that were not returned."

So basically Gowdy got Comey to ADMIT Clinton LIED before congress. A conviction for that not only DQ's her from being president it calls for jail time.
GOP Demands New Criminal Investigation of Clinton, This Time for Perjury

They got Al Capone for tax evasion not for anything else. And they may only get Hillary for lying but its enough.


Just wondering, will Comey be doing the investigation? An investigation where he personally gets involved but won't actually question Mrs. Tuzla? Or will he just invoke the Comey defense, too stupid or too unsophisticated to commit a crime?

She's royalty and royalty don't go to jail.
It ain't over. You are going back to court slut and this time its your OWN words given as evidence that will hang you. Congress has everything they need to CONVICT her on this charge. Even Comey's comments about it screw her.
There is NO rumor or hidden agenda to this. HER statements VS HER statements.
Congress can now PROVE she lied.

"And away we go. Less than 24 hours after the Department of Justice declined to press criminal charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server to transmit classified material, members of Congress said that they would ask the FBI to launch another criminal investigation of Clinton, this time over whether or not she lied to Congress."

Lying before Congress is its OWN crime okay?

"When the question and answer session began, Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) did his best to get Comey to call Clinton a liar, and had little success until he read back a statement that Clinton made under oath when asked her about her email set-up during a hearing of the House Select Committee on Benghazi."

Chaffetz does the set up.... And here is the FACT...

"In the hearing last October, Clinton responded to a question from South Carolina Rep. Jim Jordan by saying, “There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”

This is now known to be a false statement, and potentially an instance of perjury if it can be shown that at the time Clinton knew that she had sent and received classified information."

A couple of follow ups and in for the kill....

“Did the FBI investigate her statements under oath on this topic?” Chaffetz asked Comey.

“Not to my knowledge,” the FBI director replied. “I don’t think there’s been a referral from Congress.”

Related: Can Anti-Clinton Anger Unify Republicans (Even If Trump Can’t?)

“Do you need a referral from Congress to investigate her statements under oath?”

“Sure do.”

“You’ll have one,” Chaffetz promised. “You’ll have one in the next few hours.”

"Lying to Congress under oath is, theoretically, a serious criminal charge that can carry jail time; it isn’t one that is frequently prosecuted. However, it would be a reason to drag Clinton up to Capitol Hill for more embarrassing hearings -- hearings that would probably sound a lot like the one conducted by Chaffetz and his colleagues today."

It gets worse, much worse!

"Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Is that true?

Comey: That’s not true, there were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email, there is no classified material.” Was that true?

Comey: There was classified material emailed.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?

Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
Comey: No, we found work-related emails –thousands -- that were not returned."

So basically Gowdy got Comey to ADMIT Clinton LIED before congress. A conviction for that not only DQ's her from being president it calls for jail time.
GOP Demands New Criminal Investigation of Clinton, This Time for Perjury

They got Al Capone for tax evasion not for anything else. And they may only get Hillary for lying but its enough.


The Republicans are going to make asses out of themselves if they pursue this.

Agreed. She will never be indicted so long as an obama appointee is running the DOJ.

there is a standard for indicting someone. no matter how much the right wants to use this because their own candidate is a train wreck....she didn't do anything she should be charged for.

sorry. end of story. they should let it go because they're overplaying their hand. or do i have to point out what happened to newt and the right when they overplayed and impeached bill?
she didn't do anything she should be charged for.

She violated the Espionage Act. You're telling us (with a straight face) that if any Republican violated the Espionage Act, you wouldn't consider that something they should be charged for?
The Republicans are going to make asses out of themselves if they pursue this.

Agreed. She will never be indicted so long as an obama appointee is running the DOJ.

there is a standard for indicting someone. no matter how much the right wants to use this because their own candidate is a train wreck....she didn't do anything she should be charged for.

sorry. end of story. they should let it go because they're overplaying their hand. or do i have to point out what happened to newt and the right when they overplayed and impeached bill?

Indeed there is. And based on what we actually KNOW she should have been indicted for her actions. Intent is not required to indict in a case such as this as there are many, many employees of defense industry companies who have been convicted for far less than what she did. Yes, Trump is a train wreck. So is she. And, she is demonstrably either incompetent, or actively thinks she's above the law.

Either way she is even less qualified to be POTUS than that jackass trump.
The Republicans are going to make asses out of themselves if they pursue this.

Agreed. She will never be indicted so long as an obama appointee is running the DOJ.

there is a standard for indicting someone. no matter how much the right wants to use this because their own candidate is a train wreck....she didn't do anything she should be charged for.

sorry. end of story. they should let it go because they're overplaying their hand. or do i have to point out what happened to newt and the right when they overplayed and impeached bill?

Indeed there is. And based on what we actually KNOW she should have been indicted for her actions. Intent is not required to indict in a case such as this as there are many, many employees of defense industry companies who have been convicted for far less than what she did. Yes, Trump is a train wreck. So is she. And, she is demonstrably either incompetent, or actively thinks she's above the law.

Either way she is even less qualified to be POTUS than that jackass trump.

in your opinion. I wouldn't vote for the Donald if he were the only person running.
There goes another 7 million..
We are a rich country.

Who said that?

When Obama needs billions for refugees, foreign aid to Muslim countries or to help buy military tanks, planes and weapons for hostile countries, we have deep pockets. When we want to close our borders, suddenly we can't afford a fence. Under Hillary, the State Dept. lost $6 Billion. They make it sound like she misplaced a few receipts.

Several million to try and rid Washington of lying scum is too much, according to libs but twice that amount for another vacation for the Obamas is acceptable.
The Republicans are going to make asses out of themselves if they pursue this.

Agreed. She will never be indicted so long as an obama appointee is running the DOJ.

there is a standard for indicting someone. no matter how much the right wants to use this because their own candidate is a train wreck....she didn't do anything she should be charged for.

sorry. end of story. they should let it go because they're overplaying their hand. or do i have to point out what happened to newt and the right when they overplayed and impeached bill?

Indeed there is. And based on what we actually KNOW she should have been indicted for her actions. Intent is not required to indict in a case such as this as there are many, many employees of defense industry companies who have been convicted for far less than what she did. Yes, Trump is a train wreck. So is she. And, she is demonstrably either incompetent, or actively thinks she's above the law.

Either way she is even less qualified to be POTUS than that jackass trump.
Funny thing is..that anyone would believe that last statement. :lol:
The Republicans are going to make asses out of themselves if they pursue this.

Agreed. She will never be indicted so long as an obama appointee is running the DOJ.

there is a standard for indicting someone. no matter how much the right wants to use this because their own candidate is a train wreck....she didn't do anything she should be charged for.

sorry. end of story. they should let it go because they're overplaying their hand. or do i have to point out what happened to newt and the right when they overplayed and impeached bill?

Indeed there is. And based on what we actually KNOW she should have been indicted for her actions. Intent is not required to indict in a case such as this as there are many, many employees of defense industry companies who have been convicted for far less than what she did. Yes, Trump is a train wreck. So is she. And, she is demonstrably either incompetent, or actively thinks she's above the law.

Either way she is even less qualified to be POTUS than that jackass trump.

in your opinion. I wouldn't vote for the Donald if he were the only person running.

Nor would I. Likewise hilary. She has demonstrated her complete disdain for the laws of this country and has demonstrably sold her political influence while Sec of State for cash. Most notably when she approved the sale of the uranium property to the Russians after a nice "donation" to the clinton foundation. She may not have originated the "Pay to Play" aspect of our government today, but she is a master practitioner of it.

Trumps a moron, clinton is a criminal.

I choose neither.
The Republicans are going to make asses out of themselves if they pursue this.

Agreed. She will never be indicted so long as an obama appointee is running the DOJ.

there is a standard for indicting someone. no matter how much the right wants to use this because their own candidate is a train wreck....she didn't do anything she should be charged for.

sorry. end of story. they should let it go because they're overplaying their hand. or do i have to point out what happened to newt and the right when they overplayed and impeached bill?

Indeed there is. And based on what we actually KNOW she should have been indicted for her actions. Intent is not required to indict in a case such as this as there are many, many employees of defense industry companies who have been convicted for far less than what she did. Yes, Trump is a train wreck. So is she. And, she is demonstrably either incompetent, or actively thinks she's above the law.

Either way she is even less qualified to be POTUS than that jackass trump.
Funny thing is..that anyone would believe that last statement. :lol:

Intelligent people do. Which leaves you out.
Trumps a moron, clinton is a criminal.

I choose neither.

Looking back through our glorious political history as a nation I have come to this conclusion... We have had more morons as president and the least amount of damage done. Fewer criminals and more damage done to the judicial and constitutional aspect to our history. It is no different than any other election in the last 50 years, vote for the least objectionable.
Indeed there is. And based on what we actually KNOW she should have been indicted for her actions.

The only people who "know" such a thing are the ones who get all of their information from loopy right-wing conspiracy blogs.

Intent is not required to indict in a case such as this as there are many, many employees of defense industry companies who have been convicted for far less than what she did.

Comey himself debunked that nonsense. That leaves you with a problem.

If you say Comey is trustworthy, your conspiracy crumbles.

If you say he's not trustworthy, your conspiracy crumbles.

Either way she is even less qualified to be POTUS than that jackass trump.

Better luck with your next conspiracy theory. Don't worry, I'm sure your masters have one coming right up. Odd, how a self-proclaimed "liberal Democrat" is such a reliable parrot of every GOP conspiracy theory.

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