Chaffetz Won’t Investigate Flynn: ‘It’s Taking Care Of Itself’

What should they investigate Flynn for?Lying to Pence??

That's already been proven.

Unless you think Flynn had some grand scheme going with the Russians that is.

Another figment of your very vivid imagination.
Did Trump direct Flynn to talk about sanctions? If not, why did Flynn talk about sanctions? Did Flynn commit crimes under the Lodge Act? If not, how so?

If he did which I seriously doubt how so??

He resigned because he lied to Pence and I'm sure his speaking with the Russian was more to reassure him much like Obama did when he told Putin to wait till he won his second term.

Oh and the Lodge act was signed into law in 1844 and not one single person has ever been brought up on charges because of it.
You seriously doubt how Trump could have directed his National Security advisor to discuss sanctions? Seriously?

And no President has ever faced articles of impeachment due to the emoluments clause but give him enough rope...
What should they investigate Flynn for?Lying to Pence??

That's already been proven.

Unless you think Flynn had some grand scheme going with the Russians that is.

Another figment of your very vivid imagination.
Did Trump direct Flynn to talk about sanctions? If not, why did Flynn talk about sanctions? Did Flynn commit crimes under the Lodge Act? If not, how so?

If he did which I seriously doubt how so??

He resigned because he lied to Pence and I'm sure his speaking with the Russian was more to reassure him much like Obama did when he told Putin to wait till he won his second term.

Oh and the Lodge act was signed into law in 1844 and not one single person has ever been brought up on charges because of it.
You seriously doubt how Trump could have directed his National Security advisor to discuss sanctions? Seriously?

And no President has ever faced articles of impeachment due to the emoluments clause but give him enough rope...

And you seriously believe that he did??

Trump isn't a stupid man. You seriously think he would have Flynn discuss anything with the Russians until he, Trump, is POTUS??

I find that hard to believe.
What should they investigate Flynn for?Lying to Pence??

That's already been proven.

Unless you think Flynn had some grand scheme going with the Russians that is.

Another figment of your very vivid imagination.
Did Trump direct Flynn to talk about sanctions? If not, why did Flynn talk about sanctions? Did Flynn commit crimes under the Lodge Act? If not, how so?

If he did which I seriously doubt how so??

He resigned because he lied to Pence and I'm sure his speaking with the Russian was more to reassure him much like Obama did when he told Putin to wait till he won his second term.

Oh and the Lodge act was signed into law in 1844 and not one single person has ever been brought up on charges because of it.
You seriously doubt how Trump could have directed his National Security advisor to discuss sanctions? Seriously?

And no President has ever faced articles of impeachment due to the emoluments clause but give him enough rope...
there is no way President Trump was not told by Flynn....trump has NOT ONCE said that flynn lied to HIM about it, he's only said Flynn lied to Pence about it....
And even when the Trump team was notified on it, january 16th, they still did not tell Pence, and Trump STILL appointed Flynn as National Security Advisor....

WHY would Trump do that, AFTER he was notified, and not just force his resignation then? WHY SWEAR FLYNN IN as the national security advisor AFTER HE WAS NOTIFIED?

Trump ordered flynn to discuss this with the russians, or flynn made trump aware of the conversation immediately afterwards.

flynn is a ret general for criss's sake, HE KNOWS the chain of command....and would not go rogue imo!
Chaffetz should be investigated.

Maybe Jefferson B. Sessions III should investigate this unethical meeting that Loretta Lynch had with Bill Clinton in the plane that was stationary.

Even Lynch said it was "regrettable", yes and unethical.

Lynch says tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was 'regrettable'

"Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Sunday said she “regretted” her controversial tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton this summer while the FBI was still investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a secret server for her emails during her tenure as secretary of state.

While Lynch has never portrayed the June 27 Phoenix meeting as anything other than a cordial encounter,
the lengthy tete-a-tete onboard Lynch’s plane immediately raised questions about whether she – or the Justice Department – could be impartial in the Hillary Clinton investigation. Just days later, FBI Director James Comey called Hillary Clinton’s actions “extremely careless” but declined to recommend charges.

“I wish I had seen around that corner and not had that discussion with the former president, as innocuous as it was, because it did give people concern,”
Lynch said on “State of the Union.” “It did make people wonder, ‘Is it going to affect the investigation that’s going on?’ and that’s not something that was an unreasonable question for anyone to ask.”

Asked why Clinton sought out the meeting with Lynch, the outgoing attorney general declined to speculate."

Here's the rest of the article for anyone not Lakhota or a Moonbat, they only like links from The Huffington Post, Mother Jones or anything that isn't critical of Obama, Hillary and Democrats in general.

Lynch says tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was 'regrettable'
What should they investigate Flynn for?Lying to Pence??

That's already been proven.

Unless you think Flynn had some grand scheme going with the Russians that is.

Another figment of your very vivid imagination.
I don't want people in my government who are not working for the best interests of the American people. If Hillary had won I'd have been asking how far into the past these Russian contacts run and how deeply. I'd want Ken Starr. So unless you just believe that President Trump is telling the truth, it is fundamentally unAmerican not to pursue this matter. Congress doing nothing is exactly why we threw the bums out they are not serving American interests.

Most of The Senate and most of The House have not served the American peoples' interests for a long time, if they had of you wouldn't have had America being involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc and NONE of those involvements had ANYTHING to do with Russia, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know which Foreign Agents were behind the scenes banging the drum for those military involvements.
What should they investigate Flynn for?Lying to Pence??

That's already been proven.

Unless you think Flynn had some grand scheme going with the Russians that is.

Another figment of your very vivid imagination.

Holy Fucking Hypocrite.

The man resigned for a reason. There are connections with Russia. A foreign government has access to our most important levels of government and you want to know what they should investigate?

Fuck you.

No fuck you dumbass.

The man resigned because he lied to Pence and he spoke with the Russian which he should never have done.

Only a dumbass like you would think a thirty year Army Lt. Col. who held positions in intelligence would spill secrets or make some deal with a Russian. An Army vet who served his country proudly.

Grow a brain moron.
Lol oh right. He resigned because he lied to Pence. That bastard!

Do you people ever realize how retarded you sound?
Will Republican FBI Director James Comey try to vindicate himself for his partisan attacks on Hillary Clinton by thoroughly investigating and publicizing Trump's Russia ties? I have my doubts...
What did Trump know and when did he know it?
Trump knows full well the transcript of the intercepted call has Flynn saying to the Russian ambassador, "the president-elect wanted me to inform your leaders, through you, that he will reverse there sanctions upon taking office." So he can't condemn the conversation or the topic because HE ordered both. And he's also the one who ordered Flynn to lie about it, but there's no transcript of THAT conversation.
Isn't it interesting that Chaffetz was hung ho about investigating Hillary but not too keen on investigating Flynn or Trump for violating the Constitution ( Emolument Amendment)
What should they investigate Flynn for?Lying to Pence??

That's already been proven.

Unless you think Flynn had some grand scheme going with the Russians that is.

Another figment of your very vivid imagination.

So you don't think the intelligence committee should have a look at the transcripts? They don't have a responsibility to determine what exactly he promised to Russia and by whose authority?
What did Trump know and when did he know it?
Trump knows full well the transcript of the intercepted call has Flynn saying to the Russian ambassador, "the president-elect wanted me to inform your leaders, through you, that he will reverse there sanctions upon taking office." So he can't condemn the conversation or the topic because HE ordered both. And he's also the one who ordered Flynn to lie about it, but there's no transcript of THAT conversation.

From what I've heard - several national security agencies may have transcripts of Flynn's Russia conversations. The problem is - will we ever hear or see them?

Chaffetz may be forced to investigate. This is too big to just sweep under the rug. It sounds like Flynn clearly violated the Logan Act.

The Senate can look into it without the House. Won't look good if they turn up more crap.

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