Challenge:Liberals on this Board...Especially Students...Show HARD Evidence that Trump is Racist

No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

that's really funny
When Trump made his infamous "fine people on both sides", what is most likely is that he was just tossing out his standard Trumpian complimentary bullshit and wouldn't been been able to name one (1) person on EITHER side.

The Trumpsters don't want to admit that he regularly tosses around Trumpian complimentary bullshit, and the PC zealots don't want to admit that it was most likely what he was doing, not spewing racism.

Silly, silly, silly.

You say "Trumpian complimentary bullshit " and I say "diplomatic healing".
Well, I'll drink to that.

That may be the only way to process that post. :alcoholic:

I couldn't make any sense out of it when it came in but apparently the poster's saying that Rump ...

Hey, you know what?

You can't even use the President's name without being a prick, so fuck you.

You vile piece of shit.

What a coincidence. Rump can't use ANYBODY's name without being a prick, so fuck him.

Sure he can. DOes it all the time.

You are the one cluttering up this board with assholeness so fuck you.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

that's really funny

Says the lefty that can't meet the challenge.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.
The funny part was the case had NOTHING to do with Hispanics
It had to do with Trump University

Trump claimed the Mexican American judge Curiel could not be impartial because of all the racist things he had said about Mexicans. After all the things I have can he be impartial?

Can't make this stuff up

Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.
The funny part was the case had NOTHING to do with Hispanics
It had to do with Trump University

Trump claimed the Mexican American judge Curiel could not be impartial because of all the racist things he had said about Mexicans. After all the things I have can he be impartial?

Can't make this stuff up

Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.
The funny part was the case had NOTHING to do with Hispanics
It had to do with Trump University

Trump claimed the Mexican American judge Curiel could not be impartial because of all the racist things he had said about Mexicans. After all the things I have can he be impartial?

Can't make this stuff up

Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Never? Never gloated about how Trump couldn't win because Hispanics hated him? And they were such a big and growing portion of the voters?
Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.
The funny part was the case had NOTHING to do with Hispanics
It had to do with Trump University

Trump claimed the Mexican American judge Curiel could not be impartial because of all the racist things he had said about Mexicans. After all the things I have can he be impartial?

Can't make this stuff up

Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Never? Never gloated about how Trump couldn't win because Hispanics hated him? And they were such a big and growing portion of the voters?


Go ahead --- try to find one.
The funny part was the case had NOTHING to do with Hispanics
It had to do with Trump University

Trump claimed the Mexican American judge Curiel could not be impartial because of all the racist things he had said about Mexicans. After all the things I have can he be impartial?

Can't make this stuff up

Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Never? Never gloated about how Trump couldn't win because Hispanics hated him? And they were such a big and growing portion of the voters?


Go ahead --- try to find one.

DId you notice quite a lot of liberals doing that? Did you notice the polling giving them reason to expect that that was the case?
Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Never? Never gloated about how Trump couldn't win because Hispanics hated him? And they were such a big and growing portion of the voters?


Go ahead --- try to find one.

DId you notice quite a lot of liberals doing that? Did you notice the polling giving them reason to expect that that was the case?

I notice people committing generalization fallacies literally every day. Has nothing to do with me except as a reminder to not do that.
Yeah, I can agree with that. And they became far more emboldened when Obama was elected.

I have a cousin who is a hard core Democratic Socialist. He's also a retired professor of History, and a former communist. He's intelligent, lucid, and has no idea why people don't understand his ideas, or willingly follow them.

On the other hand his daughter is a full blown Anti-fa type, and not as smart as her father.
An ideology can infect and distort the perceptions and thought processes of perfectly intelligent people.

That's how powerful it is, and why it needs to be avoided.

It's a lifestyle virus, something we bring on ourselves, not unlike herpes.

There is nothing wrong with ideology, just how it is applied. I don't have a deep sense of dread and hate that my cousin is a Democratic Socialist. He has a different opinion of how the world should work. I am not offended by that, I just think he is wrong. However when I explain my views on things, from my Strict Constructional Federalist (with libertarian (small "l") leanings) it almost seems my views pain him, like he needs to hate me about it.

It's an inability to allow others to have differing views than yourself, and see their views as valid (if wrong) that I see as the problem.
The key word there is "inability".

You and I may disagree on how deeply ideology affects people, but I do agree that it creates inabilities - and to me that's the fundamental danger.

I think you are talking less about ideology, and more about the dogmatic rejection of any other regardless of argument contrary to a person's own position.
I don't see much of a difference between the two. Ideology is the affliction, dogmatic rejection of all contrary thought is a symptom of that affliction.
Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Never? Never gloated about how Trump couldn't win because Hispanics hated him? And they were such a big and growing portion of the voters?


Go ahead --- try to find one.

DId you notice quite a lot of liberals doing that? Did you notice the polling giving them reason to expect that that was the case?

I notice people committing generalization fallacies literally every day. Has nothing to do with me except as a reminder to not do that.

Why being evasive?

Based on available data it was a reasonable opinion.

DId you note liberals making that specific generalization?
I have a cousin who is a hard core Democratic Socialist. He's also a retired professor of History, and a former communist. He's intelligent, lucid, and has no idea why people don't understand his ideas, or willingly follow them.

On the other hand his daughter is a full blown Anti-fa type, and not as smart as her father.
An ideology can infect and distort the perceptions and thought processes of perfectly intelligent people.

That's how powerful it is, and why it needs to be avoided.

It's a lifestyle virus, something we bring on ourselves, not unlike herpes.

There is nothing wrong with ideology, just how it is applied. I don't have a deep sense of dread and hate that my cousin is a Democratic Socialist. He has a different opinion of how the world should work. I am not offended by that, I just think he is wrong. However when I explain my views on things, from my Strict Constructional Federalist (with libertarian (small "l") leanings) it almost seems my views pain him, like he needs to hate me about it.

It's an inability to allow others to have differing views than yourself, and see their views as valid (if wrong) that I see as the problem.
The key word there is "inability".

You and I may disagree on how deeply ideology affects people, but I do agree that it creates inabilities - and to me that's the fundamental danger.

I think you are talking less about ideology, and more about the dogmatic rejection of any other regardless of argument contrary to a person's own position.
I don't see much of a difference between the two. Ideology is the affliction, dogmatic rejection of all contrary thought is a symptom of that affliction.

To me the difference is the application. ideology is the belief structure, and dogma is the ruthless application of said structure.

One can be Ideological without being dogmatic.
An ideology can infect and distort the perceptions and thought processes of perfectly intelligent people.

That's how powerful it is, and why it needs to be avoided.

It's a lifestyle virus, something we bring on ourselves, not unlike herpes.

There is nothing wrong with ideology, just how it is applied. I don't have a deep sense of dread and hate that my cousin is a Democratic Socialist. He has a different opinion of how the world should work. I am not offended by that, I just think he is wrong. However when I explain my views on things, from my Strict Constructional Federalist (with libertarian (small "l") leanings) it almost seems my views pain him, like he needs to hate me about it.

It's an inability to allow others to have differing views than yourself, and see their views as valid (if wrong) that I see as the problem.
The key word there is "inability".

You and I may disagree on how deeply ideology affects people, but I do agree that it creates inabilities - and to me that's the fundamental danger.

I think you are talking less about ideology, and more about the dogmatic rejection of any other regardless of argument contrary to a person's own position.
I don't see much of a difference between the two. Ideology is the affliction, dogmatic rejection of all contrary thought is a symptom of that affliction.

To me the difference is the application. ideology is the belief structure, and dogma is the ruthless application of said structure.

One can be Ideological without being dogmatic.

That was pretty brilliant. I'll be using that.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.
The funny part was the case had NOTHING to do with Hispanics
It had to do with Trump University

Trump claimed the Mexican American judge Curiel could not be impartial because of all the racist things he had said about Mexicans. After all the things I have can he be impartial?

Can't make this stuff up

Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.

No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Trump is not a racist

He just hates Mexicans, Muslims and people from shithole countries
David Duke wasn't even there.

The fuck he wasn't.

And the white supremacists were not the whole of those who showed up in defense of historical statues.

NOt by a long shot.

Of course not. Some were just thugs, some were straight-up Nazis, some were there because they got a deal on Tinkle torches :gay: and one guy was there to play Lawnmower with his car, so some were simply attracted by violence. Matter of fact the people that guy ran over were mostly white, so you can't call him a racist.

And some of them were just people who showed up because the rally was touted as being a defense of historical statues.

And plenty of them would have been good people.

Marching under "Jews will not replace us"

Regular people

that's no different than all the other race organizations:
La Raza
BLM-racist nazis
Asian this Asian that

Nazi's are the same as the NAACP?

You are so fuked up.

you and Steve McQueen are so brilliant you can't even read
the BLM are EXACTLY like nazis...go back and read it slowwwwwwly so that you don't screw up your brains

since you know about 0 of the nazis/etc here--BLM EXACTLY like nazi bastards:
disrupting the meetings of opposing parties,
Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia

More than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Trump rally

BLM wants to KILL white people--yes KILL!! another race--just like the nazis
and extremely hateful
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’


Remember when you lefties went on and on gloating about how Trump couldn't win because hispanics hated him?

And then when he said that one specific hispanic hated him and you lefties, immediately decided that that was hateful and racist to say?

ON that day, if I had any respect left for you people, that was the end of that shit.
The funny part was the case had NOTHING to do with Hispanics
It had to do with Trump University

Trump claimed the Mexican American judge Curiel could not be impartial because of all the racist things he had said about Mexicans. After all the things I have can he be impartial?

Can't make this stuff up

Nope, can't do it and the two things I love about that case is (1) the judge is from Indiana, so it would have made slightly more sense if Rump had said he was "Indian" --- just think, he could have rerun his famous "they don't look like Indians to me and they don't look like Indians to Indians"....

...... and (2) Rump then accepted the Mexican/Indian judge's settlement offer and paid out 25 million bucks to make the FRAUD case go away before it came time for the Electoral College to vote.

Trump poisoned the well with his anti-Mexican statements

Then complained that the well was poisoned
No. I've never posted anything like that. I don't do generalizations.

And I know perfectly well that "Mexican" isn't a race.

Never? Never gloated about how Trump couldn't win because Hispanics hated him? And they were such a big and growing portion of the voters?


Go ahead --- try to find one.

DId you notice quite a lot of liberals doing that? Did you notice the polling giving them reason to expect that that was the case?

I notice people committing generalization fallacies literally every day. Has nothing to do with me except as a reminder to not do that.

Why being evasive?

Based on available data it was a reasonable opinion.

DId you note liberals making that specific generalization?

Probably. Let me check my log sheet that I sit up 25 hours a day making up detailing every post I read.

Was that the whole of the pro-statue protesters, and if not, why are you being such an ass?

Gee.....I thought I was going to a statue protest

I never realized those guys in hoods were racist

So, you imagine that the pro-statue people who heard of the rally, somehow saw the Klan there, though space and time?

What other people do you think have magic powers? DO you have any magic powers?

Who would have thought all those people shouting White Power slogans were racists?

So, now you imagine they can hear though time?

It was real time as they chanted "Jews will not replace us"
Republicans want it both ways.

They don't like Jews or blacks or gays or an entire theme park of minorities.

Then rationalize it by saying it's their fault. If they would act like us, I wouldn't disapprove and or hate them.

But that's not true. Look at Obama. He always looked and acted very conservative. His policies were aimed at the majority of Americans and not just the rich. His family was very traditional. His only scandals were how far the GOP went with such nonsense as Fast and Furious. They had to walk about everything again and again because there was nothing there.

And look at Trump. He's still trying. Wire tapping. Unmasking. And rather than hurt Obama, he made himself and the entire GOP look like reality show clowns.

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