Challenge to all posters

Playing stupid won't help you dismiss what happened.

Whereas you are not just playing stupid.
  1. Blatantly steal an election with millions of obviously illegal, unqualified, unverified votes.
  2. Call all questions of it baseless and disproven, yet without a shred of anything supporting those conclusions.
  3. Wait for a rally at the capitol then start lobbing flash/bang grenades at the crowd to whip them up into a lather.
  4. Make sure you have far below a minimal staff there able to control the crowd you knew would be there.
  5. Stage your own actors in the crowd to incite a riot, break windows and doors.
  6. Hide 40,000 hours of video of the crowd entering, then mostly just walking around peacefully, looking and leaving.
  7. Kill several of the protestors in the crowed senselessly, then hide the identity of the killers.
  8. Begin a media campaign of paid trolls calling unarmed people walking around waving flags taking selfies of themselves "insurrectionists."
  9. Spend two years promoting lies and fake, tampered video while sitting on everything which paints the picture differently until the next election.
  10. Use the event as a manufactured Reichstag fire in order to build a fake consensus that the problem and cause of it all was the very candidate wronged to begin with in order to quietly ratchet up further restraints against a free press, freedom of thought and opinion, and further ratchet up controls against free elections all the while proclaiming how you just saved democracy.
Typically those were local crimes by Antifa and BLM so the local prosecutors would charge them and jail them.
Which they also did.
Notice also the veil of secrecy around those at the Capitol who were arrested on Jan 6. It is like there is a blackout done by the media.
Nope. Lots of media coverage of Jan 6th, including all the live coverage as it was happening.
Some poster says the typical sentence was 6 months. Sure for merely walking into the building but doing no damage. Claims the place was off limits is denied by the fact I have seen nothing at all posted saying it was then off limits.
You claiming to not see any signs saying it was off limits isn't a defense. Ignorance of a crime isn't a defense of a crime.
Typically those were local crimes by Antifa and BLM so the local prosecutors would charge them and jail them.

Notice also the veil of secrecy around those at the Capitol who were arrested on Jan 6. It is like there is a blackout done by the media.

Some poster says the typical sentence was 6 months. Sure for merely walking into the building but doing no damage. Claims the place was off limits is denied by the fact I have seen nothing at all posted saying it was then off limits.

STATEMENT OF FACTS On January 6, 2021, your affiant, ...​

Department of Justice (.gov) › file › download

Jan 6, 2021 — Closed By order of the United States Capitol Police Board.” The exterior plaza of the U.S. Capitol was also closed to members of the public.
There was no attack.

They were just waiting for their pizza delivery.

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