Challenge to all posters

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or ...

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy - Law.Cornell.Edu

The only gun fight that day was done to Mrs. Babbitt when she was murdered in cold blood by a cop. A black cop.
Well you as a diehard member of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, should worry about your own fate once Trump is back as president. What Biden is doing to this country can also be done by Trump. We never saw activity at the Capitol that January that comes close to the violence done to cities around America by Black lives matter.
Why? According to you when he was president last time he didn't do shit. 😄 After all he was president during the riots you dumb Bingo....
You forget, the goal that day was not to take over the government by force. It was to delay Biden's certification so slates of false elector ballots could be used to steal the election.
We believe the false slates were those promoting Biden.
You clowns should learn your emotional arguments aren't based in reality. Thousands of BLM protesters were arrested and charged over their protests. Also they occurred during Trumps presidency so if your argument is that the DOJ refused to go after them isn't that on Trump himself?
Typically those were local crimes by Antifa and BLM so the local prosecutors would charge them and jail them.

Notice also the veil of secrecy around those at the Capitol who were arrested on Jan 6. It is like there is a blackout done by the media.

Some poster says the typical sentence was 6 months. Sure for merely walking into the building but doing no damage. Claims the place was off limits is denied by the fact I have seen nothing at all posted saying it was then off limits.

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