Challenge to all posters

There was no The Insurrection.
why didn't you release all the tapes tight away....HMMMMM????

you are so god damned dumb...i see what you slaved to a boss your whole miserable life
Poor stupid Q-NUT.
Tuckers boring tape showing no one doing nothing, is akin to releasing the tape of a bank robber driving from his house to the bank.
Then teabaggers would claim......" See, he never robbed a bank".
Before you get too excited over Ukraine, Israel or other lands, the challenge to everybody is to watch this video. Who operates as a insurrectionist?
Why are sentences handed out in DC so harsh?
Who really has owned the insurrection? Black lives matter and Antifa as two examples.
What rational human puts into prison for 22 years a person who was many miles from DC on Jan 6? If you were a hundred miles from DC, how the hell can you do an insurrection?

Trump was close to 3 miles from the Capitol. Did he arm people and send those to the Capitol?
How can a person telling large groups of people to behave responsibly then get blamed for a so called insurrection.

So let's propose what a true insurrection looks like.
IT has tens of thousands of heavily armed men or women.
Those who call to keep a president are not insurrections. Those acts are part of our rights in the first amendments ever made to the constitution.
Did the Government of Trump take action to protect the Capitol?
We saw the capitol police peacefully walk into the capitol people later called insurrectionists. Why on earth would cops simply open doors and treat the crowd like visitors are treated?
Watch this video and if you agree you are on the path to keep America free. We are controlled today by authoritarians. They announce they are. They demand you end using natural gas in your home. They demand you stop owning the ICE cars and start buying EV cars that are far from being reasonable in price and have dangers your ICE car does not have. Cars can and do get into accidents. And in those would you be willing to simply get trapped in an inferno? We all know that the lithium battery is hazardous. What if your children are trapped and burned to death?
Those voting for Democrats do so at their own peril. Recall who laid out the path for freedom. Study the short books by Thomas Paine. Paine explained the problems that led to the war on the Government by George Washington. Do not make us have another major war inside this country. Know who is ruining your life and stop them from being elected. Trump does have a mouth on him. And nobody denies this. But the man operated to do tons of good for America yet you see none of that from Biden.

Let the traitorous little wankers rot in prison... throw away the key...
Before you get too excited over Ukraine, Israel or other lands, the challenge to everybody is to watch this video. Who operates as a insurrectionist?
Why are sentences handed out in DC so harsh?
The average sentence for the 1/6 insurrectionists was 6 months. You’re just so fucking ignorant.
Who really has owned the insurrection?
You guys have blamed everyone except those who took part in it. The latest fad for the apologists like yourself is to scream “entrapment” if someone made you guys climb 100 steps into the building.
Black lives matter and Antifa as two examples.
Did they try to stop the peaceful transfer of power? Nope.
What rational human puts into prison for 22 years a person who was many miles from DC on Jan 6? If you were a hundred miles from DC, how the hell can you do an insurrection?
Manson didn’t kill anyone either. Right?
Trump was close to 3 miles from the Capitol. Did he arm people and send those to the Capitol?
How can a person telling large groups of people to behave responsibly then get blamed for a so called insurrection.
Because he also told them for 6 weeks to fight like hell and they were robbed. Every investigation said differently.
So let's propose what a true insurrection looks like.
IT has tens of thousands of heavily armed men or women.
Those who call to keep a president are not insurrections. Those acts are part of our rights in the first amendments ever made to the constitution.
Right up until you start chanting to hang public officials for doing their job.
Did the Government of Trump take action to protect the Capitol?
We saw the capitol police peacefully walk into the capitol people later called insurrectionists. Why on earth would cops simply open doors and treat the crowd like visitors are treated?
You must have missed the battering rams being used on the capitol. Senility?
Watch this video and if you agree you are on the path to keep America free. We are controlled today by authoritarians. They announce they are. They demand you end using natural gas in your home. They demand you stop owning the ICE cars and start buying EV cars that are far from being reasonable in price and have dangers your ICE car does not have. Cars can and do get into accidents. And in those would you be willing to simply get trapped in an inferno? We all know that the lithium battery is hazardous. What if your children are trapped and burned to death?
Those voting for Democrats do so at their own peril. Recall who laid out the path for freedom. Study the short books by Thomas Paine. Paine explained the problems that led to the war on the Government by George Washington. Do not make us have another major war inside this country. Know who is ruining your life and stop them from being elected. Trump does have a mouth on him. And nobody denies this. But the man operated to do tons of good for America yet you see none of that from Biden.

You were already off the reservation; now you’ve left the planet.

The only difference between Trump and a bucket of shit is the bucket.

You can post 20 pages of blither about January 6th and none of it will change the fact that Donald Trump whipped up an angry mob of people he knew to be armed and willing to do his bidding, to the Capital with instructions to FIGHT LIKE HELL OR YOU WON'T HAVE A COUNTRY.

And after he did that, he refused to do his duty as Commander In Chief and send the National Guard, or any other assistance, to the Capital to stop them. He instead, sent MORE messages to the mob that Pence had betrayed them, further inflaming the attackers

That's an insurrection son.
No, you do not have it correct at all. Trump never hinted protestors should be angry. He said fight like hell, but we do that on the forum and nobody here has been injured.
Trump was right. We lost the USA to radicals who are currently taking us down. Some commander over the capitol police was asked to send in the National Guard after Trump himself asked for them to show up. She turned the Lt down who was a commanding officer for the Capitol police. When one believes that in about 7-9 states, a fraud took place, Trump then got upset over it.
Not trying. We have made the assclowns on Jan 6th into villains. :funnyface:
Well you as a diehard member of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, should worry about your own fate once Trump is back as president. What Biden is doing to this country can also be done by Trump. We never saw activity at the Capitol that January that comes close to the violence done to cities around America by Black lives matter.

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