Change in political views

Tell us again how the Dems are the divisive ones...
I used to respect conservatives as good people that simply have different views on solutions to make America better.

Now I know better. Conservatives are an existential threat to humanity. They must be steamrolled.
I've learned that in the end politics is of little relevance. Our political theatre does provide me with much humor. No reality show could come up with a script as dysfunctional. The two sides banter back and forth like imbeciles.
Yeah…politics is of little relevance….meanwhile outside of LibTardia you and Golfing Gator will pay $4-$5 per gallon for fuel, you‘ll pay to spoon feed Mexico’s filiest as millions break in, you’ll be forced to take a shot you don’t want…etc etc all because of the politics that don’t matter.
Yeah…politics is of little relevance….meanwhile outside of LibTardia you and Golfing Gator will pay $4-$5 per gallon for fuel, you‘ll pay to spoon feed Mexico’s filiest as millions break in, you’ll be forced to take a shot you don’t want…etc etc all because of the politics that don’t matter.

Do you every get tired of being wrong....

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How about everyone else? Has anyone else had a change in political views while posting here over the last year?
I have changed my mind about the death penalty. I used to be for it now, I am against it.

I think the political atmosphere is such that the presumption of innocence and reasonable doubt is making it more difficult to get a fair trial. Also, I believe in some cases the prosecution sets its eyes on one person and make the evidence fit to a person.

I am also further away from ever being a Democrat or Republican again, they are getting more and more corrupt and owned by big business. Look at the Dems BBB package, the best tax breaks are going to the rich. Spending money to help their rich pals out.
It's a matter of perspective. I've been Conservative my whole life but today, Liberals have become far-left radical but they view me as alt-right.
How about everyone else? Has anyone else had a change in political views while posting here over the last year?

My "Politics" hasn't changed ... But I am starting to see a few more people than I ever imagined, agreeing with it.
Welcome Aboard!

I would vote for DeSantis, myself.

What I find ironic is how he has taken the LIBERAL approach in Florida by allowing people their rights instead of taking them away selectively, yet there is not a single Democrat in this forum intelligent enough to realize that is the actual liberal approach.

They are all just uneducated authoritarians.
That is because liberals are not part of the Democratic Party, they are all lefties. Liberals question authority, question the status quo, look out for the working class. This new BBB plan of Biden's gives the rich the best tax breaks. It is all about the rich and big business and the unprincipled left is all for it.
You can pretend that if it makes you feel better but come on man I thought you were a freedom fighter… Do you think Trump would have forced you to take a vaccine?

I am fully against Biden's mandates for private companies. There is very little at all that Biden has done that I come close to agreeing with. The main thing he did I agreed with was getting us out of Afghanistan and he fucked that up doing the right thing in about the worst possible manner.

But as a side note, everyone that joined the military under Trump was forced to take lots of vaccines.
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How about everyone else? Has anyone else had a change in political views while posting here over the last year?
Not so much a change in politics….but I have definitely become more of a WHITE NATIONALIST.
I pray to God the Left keeps pushing…I long for the day of complete segregation in America and when woke white guilt degenerates are locked away in concentration camps.

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