Change Your Mind?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Is anyone still on the fence who to vote for? Is anyone still deciding? Can someone here change your vote from who you are currently thinking of voting for? Are all of the threads on here just useless babble either talking up your pick as the greatest thing on Earth or trying in vain to convince others how rotten their pick is? Does any of it work? Can someone on here change your mind?

I'll go first. I don't really care for Trump. Didn't in 2016. Didn't in 2020. Don't in 2024. I honestly wish Republicans had another nominee. But, I do respect the Republican primary voters' choice in Donald J Trump and it is taking democracy away if you try to take him out through various means like weaponizing law enforcement or the courts or keep him off the ballot. Voters have the right to choose who they want and I respect that Republican primary voters voted for Trump and I even understand why they did.

That said, no one here is changing my mind. I absolutely totally refuse to vote for woke socialism and I won't throw my vote away by voting for someone who has no chance. If that is the way I felt I'd just stay home on election day and binge watch something. No one here is changing my mind. There isn't one damn thing any lefty on here could say that would convince me to vote for tampons in boy's bathrooms, etc.
Nope. Most people have already made up their minds. Competition is now for the small % of independent voters in the swing states that will decide the election.

That being said, the time of the conservative (present iteration) MUST be brought to an end. Trump and his ilk cannot be allowed power again.
Odds are still high it will be Vermin Supreme again.

Is anyone still on the fence who to vote for? Is anyone still deciding? Can someone here change your vote from who you are currently thinking of voting for? Are all of the threads on here just useless babble either talking up your pick as the greatest thing on Earth or trying in vain to convince others how rotten their pick is? Does any of it work? Can someone on here change your mind?

I'll go first. I don't really care for Trump. Didn't in 2016. Didn't in 2020. Don't in 2024. I honestly wish Republicans had another nominee. But, I do respect the Republican primary voters' choice in Donald J Trump and it is taking democracy away if you try to take him out through various means like weaponizing law enforcement or the courts or keep him off the ballot. Voters have the right to choose who they want and I respect that Republican primary voters voted for Trump and I even understand why they did.

That said, no one here is changing my mind. I absolutely totally refuse to vote for woke socialism and I won't throw my vote away by voting for someone who has no chance. If that is the way I felt I'd just stay home on election day and binge watch something. No one here is changing my mind. There isn't one damn thing any lefty on here could say that would convince me to vote for tampons in boy's bathrooms, etc.

Chase Oliver!
Is anyone still on the fence who to vote for? Is anyone still deciding? Can someone here change your vote from who you are currently thinking of voting for? Are all of the threads on here just useless babble either talking up your pick as the greatest thing on Earth or trying in vain to convince others how rotten their pick is? Does any of it work? Can someone on here change your mind?

I'll go first. I don't really care for Trump. Didn't in 2016. Didn't in 2020. Don't in 2024. I honestly wish Republicans had another nominee. But, I do respect the Republican primary voters' choice in Donald J Trump and it is taking democracy away if you try to take him out through various means like weaponizing law enforcement or the courts or keep him off the ballot. Voters have the right to choose who they want and I respect that Republican primary voters voted for Trump and I even understand why they did.

That said, no one here is changing my mind. I absolutely totally refuse to vote for woke socialism and I won't throw my vote away by voting for someone who has no chance. If that is the way I felt I'd just stay home on election day and binge watch something. No one here is changing my mind. There isn't one damn thing any lefty on here could say that would convince me to vote for tampons in boy's bathrooms, etc.
Blah, blah, blah. If you vote for trump you vote for fascism. And your last paragraph just tells everybody who is sane that you are not.
Is anyone still on the fence who to vote for? Is anyone still deciding? Can someone here change your vote from who you are currently thinking of voting for? Are all of the threads on here just useless babble either talking up your pick as the greatest thing on Earth or trying in vain to convince others how rotten their pick is? Does any of it work? Can someone on here change your mind?

I'll go first. I don't really care for Trump. Didn't in 2016. Didn't in 2020. Don't in 2024. I honestly wish Republicans had another nominee. But, I do respect the Republican primary voters' choice in Donald J Trump and it is taking democracy away if you try to take him out through various means like weaponizing law enforcement or the courts or keep him off the ballot. Voters have the right to choose who they want and I respect that Republican primary voters voted for Trump and I even understand why they did.

That said, no one here is changing my mind. I absolutely totally refuse to vote for woke socialism and I won't throw my vote away by voting for someone who has no chance. If that is the way I felt I'd just stay home on election day and binge watch something. No one here is changing my mind. There isn't one damn thing any lefty could say that would convince me to vote for tampons in boy's bathrooms, etc.
And with that you have just identified yourself as a true American, Patriot, critical thinker, asset to America and Americans. You are voting policy over personality. You are voting principle over personality. And you are voting prosperity and common sense and the common good over personality.

Trump annoys the hell out of me too and there are times I just want to yell at him. But he has demonstrated with his life and his first term as President that he cares about people, cares about America and Americans and can get things done.

And what he does or tries to do will be good for America and Americans and, by default, the world and will be based on logic and reason instead of political advantage. He may not get it all done in the next four years with the media and Democrats fighting him tooth and nail on EVERYTHING, but if we can give him a GOP Congress with a reasonable margin of majority, he can accomplish a lot.

And he won't be flying 500,000 unvetted and often dangerous migrants into the county, the border will be secured, and hopefully escalated wars, even WWIII, can be averted. The economy will improve for everybody.

And there won't be a federal mandate for tampons in boy's restrooms.
And with that you have just identified yourself as a true American, Patriot, critical thinker, asset to America and Americans. You are voting policy over personality. You are voting principle over personality. And you are voting prosperity and common sense and the common good over personality.

Trump annoys the hell out of me too and there are times I just want to yell at him. But he has demonstrated with his life and his first term as President that he cares about people, cares about America and Americans and can get things done.

And what he does or tries to do will be good for America and Americans and, by default, the world and will be based on logic and reason instead of political advantage. He may not get it all done in the next four years with the media and Democrats fighting him tooth and nail on EVERYTHING, but if we can give him a GOP Congress with a margin of majority, he can accomplish a lot.

And he won't be flying 500,000 unvetted and often dangerous migrants into the county, the border will be secured, and hopefully escalated wars, even WWIII, can be averted. The economy will improve for everybody.

And there won't be a federal mandate for tampons in boy's restrooms.
There is nothing more un American than electing a convicted felon into the office of the Presidency.
Voting ended in 2020. It had been mostly destroyed in Chocolate districts back to Obide 1.0 recieving “108%” of voters in DET or PHI in 2008. But R wold not touch it (shocker) as not to be labeled racist. Only in 2016 did they get caught asleep at the ballot box counting rooms and the people squeaked out a win, despite communist fraud.

Then 2020….off the charts. 10%-20% fraudulent votes where mostly needed. Again using chocolate cities. CA WASH ILL NJ etc business as usual.

Voting no longer matters now? Trying to decide why I should bother?

Real vote against open-borders communism is probably 60-40 against. But, only where they run clean elections. Then closer to 65% in places like WY or ID etc.

Too mad to vote
Is anyone still on the fence who to vote for? Is anyone still deciding? Can someone here change your vote from who you are currently thinking of voting for? Are all of the threads on here just useless babble either talking up your pick as the greatest thing on Earth or trying in vain to convince others how rotten their pick is? Does any of it work? Can someone on here change your mind?

I'll go first. I don't really care for Trump. Didn't in 2016. Didn't in 2020. Don't in 2024. I honestly wish Republicans had another nominee. But, I do respect the Republican primary voters' choice in Donald J Trump and it is taking democracy away if you try to take him out through various means like weaponizing law enforcement or the courts or keep him off the ballot. Voters have the right to choose who they want and I respect that Republican primary voters voted for Trump and I even understand why they did.

That said, no one here is changing my mind. I absolutely totally refuse to vote for woke socialism and I won't throw my vote away by voting for someone who has no chance. If that is the way I felt I'd just stay home on election day and binge watch something. No one here is changing my mind. There isn't one damn thing any lefty on here could say that would convince me to vote for tampons in boy's bathrooms, etc.
Hit that one out of the park.
That is because you are part of the CULT. There is NOTHING they could reveal about Harris nor Walz that you STILL wouldn't vote for them, just as there is nothing that Biden did no matter how bad that made you sorry for voting for him. The brainwashing is complete.

That being said, the time of the conservative (present iteration) MUST be brought to an end. Trump and his ilk cannot be allowed power again.
In other words, NO MATTER HOW THE PUBLIC VOTE OR WHAT PEOPLE WANT. Guess you'll just have to start rounding us up, locking us away and gassing us en masse, Himmler. Hope you're wearing clean underwear.
Is anyone still on the fence who to vote for? Is anyone still deciding? Can someone here change your vote from who you are currently thinking of voting for? Are all of the threads on here just useless babble either talking up your pick as the greatest thing on Earth or trying in vain to convince others how rotten their pick is? Does any of it work? Can someone on here change your mind?

I'll go first. I don't really care for Trump. Didn't in 2016. Didn't in 2020. Don't in 2024. I honestly wish Republicans had another nominee. But, I do respect the Republican primary voters' choice in Donald J Trump and it is taking democracy away if you try to take him out through various means like weaponizing law enforcement or the courts or keep him off the ballot. Voters have the right to choose who they want and I respect that Republican primary voters voted for Trump and I even understand why they did.

That said, no one here is changing my mind. I absolutely totally refuse to vote for woke socialism and I won't throw my vote away by voting for someone who has no chance. If that is the way I felt I'd just stay home on election day and binge watch something. No one here is changing my mind. There isn't one damn thing any lefty on here could say that would convince me to vote for tampons in boy's bathrooms, etc.
You’d have to be open to actual facts to have your mind changed.

You’re immune to facts. “Woke socialism”.... A hurricane hit Florida this week. Our “woke socialism” is aiding them right now . That is a fact.

18 minutes ago (according to the USMB) you said you wouldn’t support such “woke socialism”. If you had the stones to respond this message (which you don’t), you’d have to tell us why “woke socialism” was needed in this case.
That is because you are part of the CULT. There is NOTHING they could reveal about Harris nor Walz that you STILL wouldn't vote for them, just as there is nothing that Biden did no matter how bad that made you sorry for voting for him. The brainwashing is complete.

In other words, NO MATTER HOW THE PUBLIC VOTE OR WHAT PEOPLE WANT. Guess you'll just have to start rounding us up, locking us away and gassing us en masse, Himmler. Hope you're wearing clean underwear.
So basically, you have nothing. So you'll just vent and rage.
Got it.
To left wing loons perhaps.
He stated he’s against “woke socialism” while voting for a guy who bailed out the farmers 3 times.... taking tax money from one group and sending it to another group of his choosing--one of the fundamental aspects of socialism.


Then there is this...

2018...2 years before the pandemic.

He (nor you) can tell us why that particular form of socialism is fine but others are not.

Would you like to give it a try?

Didn’t think so.
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There is nothing more un American than electing a convicted felon into the office of the Presidency.
If he had been convicted of a crime he had actually committed I would agree. But since he wasn't, those voting for Trump will be voting for a non felon. There is nothing more unAmerican than weaponizing a court system and justice department to take out a political opponent.
If he had been convicted of a crime he had actually committed I would agree. But since he wasn't, those voting for Trump will be voting for a non felon. There is nothing more unAmerican than weaponizing a court system and justice department to take out a political opponent.
Nope...he was convicted of a crime he committed. Nothing more unAmerican than voting for a convicted felon.
Nope. I don’t vote for insurrectionist. The fact Trump is demonstrating dementia is another strike.

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