Chappelle may not have SNL writers.

Great! For the first time in a very very long time, SNL now has a chance to be funny for a change! Bravo.
Any black person that does nor primarily operate from “I be done bad” platform is ostracized.
Critic’s Corner:

SNL still basically sucks ass. And as much as I like Dave Chappelle, his opening monologue on Saturday bugged me. It didn’t simply walk up to the edge of making satiric shots and AntiSemitism, it seems to have maybe even crossed that line.

The rest of the show was bad enough for me to just turn it off even before weekend update.
Da fuq is wrong with you?
I just want to make sure they have crayons to help them cope. They've got enough problems trying to find someone to believe that if you mutilate yourself you can change gender, just like Mr. Potato Head.

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