
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.


Wow! Was that taken in the Oval Office? No? On the campaign trail in 2008? No? When he was a senator in Chicago? No???? When?

No, actually when he was a senator, he was sucking another male at man's country.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

Democrats just proved themselves the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet. Back when Bill Frist was Senate majority leader some were urging him to change the filibuster rule to get Pres Bush's judicial appointments through. The Dems were stalling appointments of very good choices simply because they were Bush's. Frist refused. All the Dems gave big speeches about how the filibuster protected the rights of the minority etc etc. One of them went on to be the first mulatto president.
Fast forward to today. Dems change the rule. Minority rights? Who gives a shit?
Dems are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.
Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

I guess in the fairy tale logic of Liberals this would be the case........................

Do the crime...................

Do the time.................

I could care less their political background on this.................
AVOIDENCE: You did not answer whether you would condemn the person. Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

If democrats weren't total fucking hypocrites, they'd police their own better, too. If you are so truly concerned about integrity and character, you'd denounce the liars, cheats, pedophiles, and other assorted perverts, as well as drug abuses in your own party. Hey, why don't you demonstrate your integrity, start at the top, call for the impeachment of the unqualified, lying sack of shit you all managed to put into the White House? Go on, show us how it's done.
You are trying to turn the thread back on the Democrats without giving an answer. Irregardless of what the Democrats so, should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
Moral equivalency is a modern ethical escape route. You'll see it every time a republican, conservative, libertarian, or other assorted politico gets caught. It is comparable to the child's, 'but Joanne did it too.' Ask any school teacher for examples. That RWLCLCRTPFMW* use it merely demonstrates their immaturity. Consider only that this man voted to have welfare participants drug tested and you soon realize you have entered a world where morality does not exist on a level above a five year old.

* Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnut
You avoided answering the question: Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
If Radel was a democrat he'd be the next presidential candidate and the dems would be screaming about choice, freedom and legalizing drugs.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

As soon as the Democrats call for the resignation of Obama for stealing the 2012 election by knowingly lying and making false promises, which affect the entire nation, Republicans WILL call for the recall of Congressman Radell, whose indiscretion affects only his constituents.
You are trying to turn the thread back on Democrats. Irregardless of what anyone else does the question still remains: Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
Fuck. Some of you must be getting bored by this "tactic" by now. Lets try harder!
Irregardless of what anyone else does the question still remains: Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
Moral equivalency is a modern ethical escape route. You'll see it every time a republican, conservative, libertarian, or other assorted politico gets caught. It is comparable to the child's, 'but Joanne did it too.' Ask any school teacher for examples. That RWLCLCRTPFMW* use it merely demonstrates their immaturity. Consider only that this man voted to have welfare participants drug tested and you soon realize you have entered a world where morality does not exist on a level above a five year old.

* Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnut
You avoided answering the question: Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

The congressman should resign and the leader of the choom gang be impeached.

It's been many years since the Republicans have used the term "family values", let's at least try to keep stuff within a couple of decades.

And both parties have far more than their share of hypocrites. Pointing at "the other guys" when it comes to intellectual dishonesty is just silly.

That doesn't stop the partisans from doing it, though. It's their schtick.


You have avoided answering the question: Whether family values was used in the past is unimportant, should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

I have called for him to step down, and at least one other conservative on this forum has.

The GOP leadership should be taking out the trash.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

As soon as the Democrats call for the resignation of Obama for stealing the 2012 election by knowingly lying and making false promises, which affect the entire nation, Republicans WILL call for the recall of Congressman Radell, whose indiscretion affects only his constituents.

It is not only up to the Democrats to call for the resignation of the president. It is up to all of Congress and all Americans.

As for Radell, it is up to his constituents or party to recall him. It's not just a indiscretion, it was illegal activity.
Moral equivalency is a modern ethical escape route. You'll see it every time a republican, conservative, libertarian, or other assorted politico gets caught. It is comparable to the child's, 'but Joanne did it too.' Ask any school teacher for examples. That RWLCLCRTPFMW* use it merely demonstrates their immaturity. Consider only that this man voted to have welfare participants drug tested and you soon realize you have entered a world where morality does not exist on a level above a five year old.

* Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnut

Obama was a coke head
Irregardless of what Obama did on didn't do, should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
I don't see how recreational drug use is a matter of character. It really is no different than drinking on the weekends.

The fact that we arbitrarily declare some substances as legal and illegal is meaningless.

Hypocrisy is the issue here not character.
Irregardless of what Obama did on didn't do, the use of cocaine is illegal and you boy was caught breaking the law. Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

Oh, and you are right on one thing: "Hypocrisy is the issue .... " If a Democrat had been caught or convicted would you scream for him to resign? YES. But because it is a republican you remain silent.

Who in his right mind even entertain the idea that Martin Luther King Jr. would endorse Obama, based on contents of character.

He might, based on the color of Obama's skin.

Maybe, hopefully, NOT!
Irregardless of what MLK did on didn't do, the use of cocaine is illegal and you boy was caught breaking the law. Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

Character... you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means. First of all, your party has the likes of John Edwards, Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner. Second, you'd have to lack character when you vote for someone who lies to you repeatedly.
Irregardless of what Democrats did on didn't do, the use of cocaine is illegal and you boy was caught breaking the law. Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

Your guess would be wrong. Unlike you, we smack our own. Liberals don't do this.

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