
The IRS has admitted to targeting conservative groups.....................

Except no one is doing any time..............

It was an honest mistake................

Doesn't matter. Conservatives don't have a problem with calling for Radell to resign. Meanwhile Democrats seem to think he should go while they knowingly elect a man who committed the same exact crime to high office.

Who exactly is being hypocritical here?
First of all, I do not see any republicans calling for radell to resign. I may have missed if. If I did, please enlighten me.
Second, that said what Obama did or did not do is not a question here. You are using the grade school defense of "He started it." The question remains, should a congressman who is caught purchasing and using illegal drugs resign? It is a simple question.

Your redundant questioning is disingenuous at best. You continue to demand whether only a Republican should resign. That question has been answered here by several people. The question posed to you in response is, would you have the same integrity and strength of character to demand the resignation of an elected official who would lie and abuse thempowermofmhismoffice for purely political gain. What is your answer to that question?
If you go back and check you will find that in several posts I indicated that whether we are speaking of a Democrat or Republican is unimportant. What is important is that a sitting congressman committed an illegal act. Had he committed that act in his home state it would have been a Class Three Felony and his name would have been struck from the voter rolls.
And yes, when (not if) a Democratic law maker commits the same crime as radel he/she should step down. I have no problem with Democrats being given the boot if they commit a crime.

Actually, what Obama did is completely relevant since you wont call for his resignation for doing the same exact thing Radell did.
Show more brains than you are showing avatar. You are playing the grade school game of "He started it." We are not speaking of a person committing a crime back in their past, we are speaking of a person who was convicted of a crime WHILE in office. The question remains, should a sitting congressman who has been caught and convicted of criminal activity resign?
Why limit your demands only to a sitting congressman? Why not hold every elected official, regardless of party affiliation, accountable to the same standard?
I used the word congressman, but you are completely correct. I should have used the words "elected official." Thank you for pointing out my omission.
Moral equivalency is a modern ethical escape route. You'll see it every time a republican, conservative, libertarian, or other assorted politico gets caught. It is comparable to the child's, 'but Joanne did it too.' Ask any school teacher for examples. That RWLCLCRTPFMW* use it merely demonstrates their immaturity. Consider only that this man voted to have welfare participants drug tested and you soon realize you have entered a world where morality does not exist on a level above a five year old.

* Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnut

Obama was a coke head

So were both of his predecessors but only Obama was honest enough to admit it.
Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972 -

It takes a lot of 'character' to lie and hide and deny, and get Daddy to have his friends wipe out your crimes. Yes, there's a man of great character. Not only that, but his wife is a freaking murderer who also had her daddy get his friends to wipe out her crime. What a pair of high 'character' individuals you guys worship.

Claiming isn't proof and hearsay is merely bullshitting... get real Esmeralda..

Many have claimed without a doubt that Obama sucked their weeny, should I believe it..?

Lunacy is the only ammunition you have to use? There is a universe of difference, the two claims do not have any reasonable comparison, and if you had any intellectual integrity, you'd admit that. The biographer reseached the incident of Bush going to rehab and talked to informed people who know Bush and his family. The point you bring in is so low and base, so childish and looney, it isn't even worth addressing. And, btw, I don't ever continue a discussion with someone who brings up such ludicrous nonsense and argues in circles: it is so very, very tiresome and a total waste of energy, so don't expect me to respond to any more of your nonsense.

Lunacy helps a little..

Gads..touchy touchy, I do have a tendency to get to the bottom line rather quickly and I meant only a smidgen of disrespect to you personally.

Thanks for responding then, well mostly..:lol:
Democrats voted for a cocaine and pot addict for President, they're very forgiving.

If he worked for me in the private sector, I'd fire his ass.

I'm sure the House has rules for this, let them handle it.

Republicans voted for a cocaine addict and alcoholic for President; they're very forgiving. If he worked in the private sector, Lumpy would fire his ass, except that he is a Republican, so he wouldn't, of course.

Why do Democrats think they can speak for others?

Btw Obama said he did coke and pot...

Bush did not
and most college students drink a bit..:lol:, sooo where's your proof/link..

Here's my link on Obama..Obama's Admitted Cocaine Use - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Bush admitted to doing drugs!

Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author - CNET Speakeasy Forums

Speakeasy forum: Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author
by: Josh K February 21, 2005 12:23 PM PST

Doug Wead -- a former aide to President Bush's father, George H.W. Bush -- said he was thinking about writing a book when he made the tapes, but would not say whether he thought the tapes would boost sales of his book about presidential childhoods.

In a segment of the tapes made available to CNN by ABC News, the president appears to admit to trying marijuana.

Bush says he "wouldn't answer the marijuana question ... 'cause I don't want some little kid doing what I tried."

"But you gotta understand, I want to be president, I want to lead. I want to set -- Do you want your little kid to say, 'Hey daddy, President Bush tried marijuana, I think I will?' " he said.

In a segment of the tapes played on ABC's "Good Morning America," Bush says the same holds true for questions about cocaine use, which have dogged him since the 2000 election.

"The cocaine thing, let me tell you my strategy on that," Bush said on the tape. "Rather than saying no ... I think it's time for someone to draw the line and look people in the eye and say, you know, 'I'm not going to participate in ugly rumors about me and blame my opponent,' and hold the line. Stand up for a system that will not allow this kind of crap to go on."

Wead told ABC that Bush, who has acknowledged past alcohol abuse, spoke about past drug use "often" in their conversations. But Wead told CNN that the drug use was "an irrelevant point to me."
Hypocrisy in politics is as old as politics it's self most Republicans won't condemn this guy just as most Democrats did not condemn Obama over his if you like your insurance and doctor you can keep them period lie or Harry Reid for invoking the nuclear option in the Senate after being so strongly and morally opposed to it in 2005 when the Republicans considered doing the same thing and yes the Republicans who were willing to do this in 2005 and are now expressing outrage over it are hypocrites as well.When it comes to the issue of character and morale standing neither party or their supporters have any right to try and claim the high ground.
Republicans voted for a cocaine addict and alcoholic for President; they're very forgiving. If he worked in the private sector, Lumpy would fire his ass, except that he is a Republican, so he wouldn't, of course.

Why do Democrats think they can speak for others?

Btw Obama said he did coke and pot...

Bush did not and most college students drink a bit..:lol:, sooo where's your proof/link..

Here's my link on Obama..Obama's Admitted Cocaine Use - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Didn't you get the memo? Democrats/liberals are the only educated, intelligent people in this country. They not only know better what you think, they demand they be allowed to control your life. What the hell do we know?
No, Democrats/liberals are not the only educated, intelligent people in this country. There are Republicans who also have those qualifications. But I think that even you will realize that many of those people have left the republican party because they can no longer abide what is going on. You have a party that has lost a huge number of votes by angering one group of people after another. Blacks, Hispanics, college students, retired people, woman, and the educated. Meanwhile in states like North Carolina the republican party is working hard to make it impossible for some people to vote because they fear those people will vote Democratic. How American is that? A party is working to take the vote away from people so they can hold power. Yet, the people pulling the strings in the party refuse to even think about changing. In fact they are ready to double down and shut down the government, AGAIN!!! If they do shut down the government in January it will be a catastrophe for the party.
Any republican who says the party needs to change is immediately labeled a RINO. The party of the big tent has become the party of the pup tent. There was a reason Jindal made the statement that the gop should "Stop being the stupid party."

The bottom line is this: Any resemblance between the republican party of today and the republican party of yesterday is purely coincidental. I saw a poll the other day that claimed only 23% of Americans think Lincoln would be a republican if he were alive.
Just 23 Percent Of Americans Think Abraham Lincoln Would Be A Republican Today
Republicans voted for a cocaine addict and alcoholic for President; they're very forgiving. If he worked in the private sector, Lumpy would fire his ass, except that he is a Republican, so he wouldn't, of course.

Why do Democrats think they can speak for others?

Btw Obama said he did coke and pot...

Bush did not
and most college students drink a bit..:lol:, sooo where's your proof/link..

Here's my link on Obama..Obama's Admitted Cocaine Use - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Bush admitted to doing drugs!

Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author - CNET Speakeasy Forums

Speakeasy forum: Bush admits past drug use in interviews with author
by: Josh K February 21, 2005 12:23 PM PST

Doug Wead -- a former aide to President Bush's father, George H.W. Bush -- said he was thinking about writing a book when he made the tapes, but would not say whether he thought the tapes would boost sales of his book about presidential childhoods.

In a segment of the tapes made available to CNN by ABC News, the president appears to admit to trying marijuana.

Bush says he "wouldn't answer the marijuana question ... 'cause I don't want some little kid doing what I tried."

"But you gotta understand, I want to be president, I want to lead. I want to set -- Do you want your little kid to say, 'Hey daddy, President Bush tried marijuana, I think I will?' " he said.

In a segment of the tapes played on ABC's "Good Morning America," Bush says the same holds true for questions about cocaine use, which have dogged him since the 2000 election.

"The cocaine thing, let me tell you my strategy on that," Bush said on the tape. "Rather than saying no ... I think it's time for someone to draw the line and look people in the eye and say, you know, 'I'm not going to participate in ugly rumors about me and blame my opponent,' and hold the line. Stand up for a system that will not allow this kind of crap to go on."

Wead told ABC that Bush, who has acknowledged past alcohol abuse, spoke about past drug use "often" in their conversations. But Wead told CNN that the drug use was "an irrelevant point to me."

That sentence lacks "reasonableness" Bush would probably say
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

I'm a Republican. I'm for family values, morality, and character. I'm also for doing research to not look foolish before I say something.

If you had, you'd notice about half a dozen threads on Radell. All of which have conservatives saying he should resign.

But, of course, you didn't bother doing five minutes of research before presuming conservatives on this board are hypocrites. I wonder if you will even acknowledge that we have said anything after you read this.

BTW have we figured out who we are going to have primary Trey if he doesn't step down?

You don’t understand.

It has nothing to do with conservatives ‘on this board.’

It has to do with more than 40 years of conservatives attempting to present themselves as being ‘morally superior,’ of being the sole proprietors of ‘values and decency.’

Needless to say they are not, far from it.

Consequently, and again, when a republican acts in an illegal, immoral manner, he also subjects the GOP to appropriate and justified accusations of hypocrisy.
Why do Democrats think they can speak for others?

Btw Obama said he did coke and pot...

Bush did not and most college students drink a bit..:lol:, sooo where's your proof/link..

Here's my link on Obama..Obama's Admitted Cocaine Use - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Didn't you get the memo? Democrats/liberals are the only educated, intelligent people in this country. They not only know better what you think, they demand they be allowed to control your life. What the hell do we know?
No, Democrats/liberals are not the only educated, intelligent people in this country. There are Republicans who also have those qualifications. But I think that even you will realize that many of those people have left the republican party because they can no longer abide what is going on. You have a party that has lost a huge number of votes by angering one group of people after another. Blacks, Hispanics, college students, retired people, woman, and the educated. Meanwhile in states like North Carolina the republican party is working hard to make it impossible for some people to vote because they fear those people will vote Democratic. How American is that? A party is working to take the vote away from people so they can hold power. Yet, the people pulling the strings in the party refuse to even think about changing. In fact they are ready to double down and shut down the government, AGAIN!!! If they do shut down the government in January it will be a catastrophe for the party.
Any republican who says the party needs to change is immediately labeled a RINO. The party of the big tent has become the party of the pup tent. There was a reason Jindal made the statement that the gop should "Stop being the stupid party."

The bottom line is this: Any resemblance between the republican party of today and the republican party of yesterday is purely coincidental. I saw a poll the other day that claimed only 23% of Americans think Lincoln would be a republican if he were alive.
Just 23 Percent Of Americans Think Abraham Lincoln Would Be A Republican Today

I see you make yet another assumption...I am not a Republican. There really are more political affiliations available than just D or R. If more of the outraged (as you claim to be) were capable of leaving their D or R behind and start exploring options, we might...just might break the stranglehold the current dichotomy has on our political system.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

I'm a Republican. I'm for family values, morality, and character. I'm also for doing research to not look foolish before I say something.

If you had, you'd notice about half a dozen threads on Radell. All of which have conservatives saying he should resign.

But, of course, you didn't bother doing five minutes of research before presuming conservatives on this board are hypocrites. I wonder if you will even acknowledge that we have said anything after you read this.

BTW have we figured out who we are going to have primary Trey if he doesn't step down?

You don’t understand.

It has nothing to do with conservatives ‘on this board.’

It has to do with more than 40 years of conservatives attempting to present themselves as being ‘morally superior,’ of being the sole proprietors of ‘values and decency.’

Needless to say they are not, far from it.

Consequently, and again, when a republican acts in an illegal, immoral manner, he also subjects the GOP to appropriate and justified accusations of hypocrisy.

Nothing more disingenuous than liberals claiming to be intellectually superior and the sole proprietors of compassion and humanity. They are not, far from it.
We have also seen liberals consistently claim to be the party of the poor and the middle class and yet since the start of LBJ's great society and all the money spent on them over the years very little has changed for the poor they may be more comfortable but the policies have done little to reduce poverty. As far as the middle class the only time liberals address them is during a election year until then they suck up to the so called 1% just as much as they claim the Republicans do anyone who sees a abundance of character in either party needs my glasses far more than I do.
Why does this even need to be a partisan issue?
You are absolutely right, Unkotare. The important facts should be that he committed a crime and that he is a member of Congress. Whether he is Democat or Republican should have no bearing on the decision. However, I wanted to see if the republicans on this board could take that same position. Several of them have and I respect them for their honesty. Several of them cannot pull the trigger and condemn a republican who committed a crime. What I get from these people is DEFLECTION, AVOIDENCE, and Obama did it too. Thanks again for your question.
Why should the Republicans have more integrity than the Democrats? You wouldn't demand the resignation of a Democrat and you know it. You'd end up blaming Republicans or saying "Bush did it too". Don't be such a hypocrite.
I'm a Republican. I'm for family values, morality, and character. I'm also for doing research to not look foolish before I say something.

If you had, you'd notice about half a dozen threads on Radell. All of which have conservatives saying he should resign.

But, of course, you didn't bother doing five minutes of research before presuming conservatives on this board are hypocrites. I wonder if you will even acknowledge that we have said anything after you read this.

BTW have we figured out who we are going to have primary Trey if he doesn't step down?

You don’t understand.

It has nothing to do with conservatives ‘on this board.’

It has to do with more than 40 years of conservatives attempting to present themselves as being ‘morally superior,’ of being the sole proprietors of ‘values and decency.’

Needless to say they are not, far from it.

Consequently, and again, when a republican acts in an illegal, immoral manner, he also subjects the GOP to appropriate and justified accusations of hypocrisy.

Nothing more disingenuous than liberals claiming to be intellectually superior and the sole proprietors of compassion and humanity. They are not, far from it.

Both sides are guilty of hypocrisy when it comes to claims of being the upholders of certain values. Largely it has to do with individuals who make these claims and are then exposed as not living up to them. To be fair there are plenty of members of both parties who do uphold these values and it is unfair to tarnish them with the failings of the individuals. However the nature of politics is such that it is inevitable. Which is why I prefer being unaffiliated with any party. That means that I am only responsible to myself for living up to my own core values.

This "morals" and "values" thing was always a dangerous play by the GOP, I don't know how they didn't see how they were setting themselves up.

The Democrats, meanwhile, make no claim to having morals, so they can just sit on the sidelines, throw all the stones they want, and get away with it.

Madness. Partisans don't look in the mirror very often.


This "morals" and "values" thing was always a dangerous play by the GOP, I don't know how they didn't see how they were setting themselves up.

The Democrats, meanwhile, make no claim to having morals, so they can just sit on the sidelines, throw all the stones they want, and get away with it.

Madness. Partisans don't look in the mirror very often.


I suspect that the "moral majority" might have played a role in the GOP adopting that stance. But I agree that it is incredibly stupid and someone should have thought it through before they climbed aboard that "high horse".
Read the rest.................


Now demand all of those Resignations including the Potus.........................

If not, then kiss this................
Childish. And as far as asking for resignations, NONE OF THOSE NAMED HAVE BEEN TRIED AND CONVICTED.

I got it. Doesn't matter if you do it as long as you don't get tried and convicted. If you are smart enough not to get caught, do all you want and we will make you president. but if you get tried and convicted then say goodbye. Admit it all you want just don't get convicted.

btw Radel wasn't tried either He plead guilty.
Obama is not doing drugs. What absolute nonsense you people express. I guess you believe if you say it enough times, it makes it true. Absolutely ludicrous you all are. Whatever Obama may have done as a young man, it is not as bad as what GW Bush did: he did cocaine and he was an alcoholic. You didn't demand he resign for what he did before he was president. You didn't ridicule him and try to paint him as a druggie. Yet his substance abuse was actually a problem that affected his life and needed treatment. Hypocrites.

Obama did coke too. so get off your high horse.
So, you are equating what a college student did 30 years ago to the actions of a sitting congressman today! Now, I know it makes perfect sense to you but if you want to arrest all the members of congress who committed illegal acts while in college you will probably have to arrest 90% of the legislators.

Character is character.
What a disgrace it is to have as America's president, this radical left wing, anti freedom, anti capitalism despot.

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