
If Radel was a democrat he'd be the next presidential candidate and the dems would be screaming about choice, freedom and legalizing drugs.
Actually on many more that one occasion I have seen Democrats condemn other Democrats who have broken the law or shown themselves to be unworthy of being in government. Weiner ring a bell? You didn't see any Democrats on this board supporting him. So, what we have again is more DEFLECTION.

What the heck are you smoking. There are Democrats on this board STILL supporting him. You would know this if you bothered reading any of the other threads on Radell where they are supporting him.
Moral equivalency is a modern ethical escape route. You'll see it every time a republican, conservative, libertarian, or other assorted politico gets caught. It is comparable to the child's, 'but Joanne did it too.' Ask any school teacher for examples. That RWLCLCRTPFMW* use it merely demonstrates their immaturity. Consider only that this man voted to have welfare participants drug tested and you soon realize you have entered a world where morality does not exist on a level above a five year old.

* Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnut

Obama was a coke head

GW Bush was a cokehead and an alcoholic. How soon, or conveniently, we forget......:lol::lol:
Let's see the proof.
It is not only up to the Democrats to call for the resignation of the president. It is up to all of Congress and all Americans.

As for Radell, it is up to his constituents or party to recall him. It's not just a indiscretion, it was illegal activity.

You were essentially asked for your opionion, what do you think should happen? Unfortunately, your response is like all the others here: you have avoided answering the question. Why don't you answer the question? What should happen to this guy?

I don't know. Perhaps because we thought you on the left were literate and read our responses is in the other half a dozen threads on the topic. So we decided to comment on the complete hypocrisy of the OP who will not call for Obama to resign for doing the same exact thing he wants Radell to resign for.

See we dont have a problem with both leaving office.

Obama is not doing drugs. What absolute nonsense you people express. I guess you believe if you say it enough times, it makes it true. Absolutely ludicrous you all are. Whatever Obama may have done as a young man, it is not as bad as what GW Bush did: he did cocaine and he was an alcoholic. You didn't demand he resign for what he did before he was president. You didn't ridicule him and try to paint him as a druggie. Yet his substance abuse was actually a problem that affected his life and needed treatment. Hypocrites.
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Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

I'm a Republican. I'm for family values, morality, and character. I'm also for doing research to not look foolish before I say something.

If you had, you'd notice about half a dozen threads on Radell. All of which have conservatives saying he should resign.

But, of course, you didn't bother doing five minutes of research before presuming conservatives on this board are hypocrites. I wonder if you will even acknowledge that we have said anything after you read this.

BTW have we figured out who we are going to have primary Trey if he doesn't step down?
Well done avatar. Well done. However you have avoided answering the question: Should a republican congressman caught and convicted of using cocaine resign? A simple yes or no answer is what is called for.

Wow! Was that taken in the Oval Office? No? On the campaign trail in 2008? No? When he was a senator in Chicago? No???? When?

Doesn't matter. Conservatives don't have a problem with calling for Radell to resign. Meanwhile Democrats seem to think he should go while they knowingly elect a man who committed the same exact crime to high office.

Who exactly is being hypocritical here?
First of all, I do not see any republicans calling for radell to resign. I may have missed if. If I did, please enlighten me.
Second, that said what Obama did or did not do is not a question here. You are using the grade school defense of "He started it." The question remains, should a congressman who is caught purchasing and using illegal drugs resign? It is a simple question.

Democrats just proved themselves the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet. Back when Bill Frist was Senate majority leader some were urging him to change the filibuster rule to get Pres Bush's judicial appointments through. The Dems were stalling appointments of very good choices simply because they were Bush's. Frist refused. All the Dems gave big speeches about how the filibuster protected the rights of the minority etc etc. One of them went on to be the first mulatto president.
Fast forward to today. Dems change the rule. Minority rights? Who gives a shit?
Dems are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.
Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

So you are calling for President Obama's resignation? After all he has freely admittted doing the same exact crime. Somehow I don't believe you.
What Obama did or did not do is not a question here. What is at question is "Should a congressman who has been caught and convicted of illegal activity (purchasing and using illegal drugs) resign? It is a simple question.
Obama was a coke head
Irregardless of what Obama did on didn't do, should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

Actually, what Obama did is completely relevant since you wont call for his resignation for doing the same exact thing Radell did.
Show more brains than you are showing avatar. You are playing the grade school game of "He started it." We are not speaking of a person committing a crime back in their past, we are speaking of a person who was convicted of a crime WHILE in office. The question remains, should a sitting congressman who has been caught and convicted of criminal activity resign?
It is not only up to the Democrats to call for the resignation of the president. It is up to all of Congress and all Americans.

As for Radell, it is up to his constituents or party to recall him. It's not just a indiscretion, it was illegal activity.

You were essentially asked for your opionion, what do you think should happen? Unfortunately, your response is like all the others here: you have avoided answering the question. Why don't you answer the question? What should happen to this guy?

I don't know. Perhaps because we thought you on the left were literate and read our responses is in the other half a dozen threads on the topic. So we decided to comment on the complete hypocrisy of the OP who will not call for Obama to resign for doing the same exact thing he wants Radell to resign for.

See we dont have a problem with both leaving office.
What you have decided is to avoid answering the question by trying to run around in circles. WHAT OBAMA DID IS NOT AT QUESTION HERE. WHAT IS AT QUESTION IS THE BEHAVIOR OF A SITTING CONGRESSMAN WHO HAS COMMITTED A CRIMINAL ACT. Should radell resign? It is a simple question. ANSWER IT.
I guess in the fairy tale logic of Liberals this would be the case........................

Do the crime...................

Do the time.................

I could care less their political background on this.................
AVOIDENCE: You did not answer whether you would condemn the person. Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

Are you Insane.................

I did that very thing with my post..................

And still you stick to your pointless op.

Is what Ron is performing as he doesn't get the message sent load and clear to him on this board......................

Attempting to say we don't stand up to our own when they do wrong.....................

Quite frankly, Ron would see the truth if it reached out and bit him in the ass.............
Rules for Radicals..................

Focus on something that detracts from their own political problems................

Attack that situation................And avoid any situations detrimental to their own cause.............

Polarize it, inflame it, and continue the BS until it is all that is seen to take away from the MISERABLE RECORD on Gov't and Ethics from their own side......................................

It doesn't mean anything. The Op doesn't mean anything. Because even after we agree that this man should resign and do jail time he accuses us of NOT ANSWERING THE QUESTION..............

Watch the bouncing ball. Stay focused on it, and don't change the subject.

Ron is nothing but a tool. And that's it.
Judicial Watch releases Washington?s ?Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? for 2012 - Atlanta Paulding County Republican |

January 1, 2013
Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law yesterday issued a press release outlining their top ten most corrupt politicians for 2012 which included President Obama.

Out of the top ten, two were Republicans Rep. Vern Buchanan and Rep. David Rivera of Florida.

The other eight corrupt politicians, Democrats, which made the list, were:

• Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice
• Attorney General Eric Holder
• Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL)
• Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
• President Barack Obama
• Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
• Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius

Four of the most notable politicians in the report were President Obama, Nevada Democratic US Senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Senator Harry Reid made last year’s list due to a “July 30, 2012, headline in the Las Vegas Review-Journal that alerted Nevadans to Sen. Harry Reid’s latest influence-peddling scandal – this one involving ENN Energy Group, a Chinese “green energy” client of the Nevada law firm of which Reid’s son, Rory, is a principal. And according to Peter Schweizer, writing for Fox News on December 12, 2012, “Sen. Reid has sponsored at least $47 million in earmarks that directly benefitted organizations that one of his sons, Key Reid, [RW1] either lobbies for or is affiliated with.”

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder made the list due his corruption and cronyism within the Department of Justice as the most politicized Department of Justice in decades and the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.
Read the rest.................


Now demand all of those Resignations including the Potus.........................

If not, then kiss this................

Last edited by a moderator:
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

Democrats voted for a cocaine and pot addict for President, they're very forgiving.

If he worked for me in the private sector, I'd fire his ass.

I'm sure the House has rules for this, let them handle it.
Judicial Watch releases Washington?s ?Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? for 2012 - Atlanta Paulding County Republican |

January 1, 2013
Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law yesterday issued a press release outlining their top ten most corrupt politicians for 2012 which included President Obama.

Out of the top ten, two were Republicans Rep. Vern Buchanan and Rep. David Rivera of Florida.

The other eight corrupt politicians, Democrats, which made the list, were:

• Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice
• Attorney General Eric Holder
• Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL)
• Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
• President Barack Obama
• Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
• Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius

Four of the most notable politicians in the report were President Obama, Nevada Democratic US Senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Senator Harry Reid made last year’s list due to a “July 30, 2012, headline in the Las Vegas Review-Journal that alerted Nevadans to Sen. Harry Reid’s latest influence-peddling scandal – this one involving ENN Energy Group, a Chinese “green energy” client of the Nevada law firm of which Reid’s son, Rory, is a principal. And according to Peter Schweizer, writing for Fox News on December 12, 2012, “Sen. Reid has sponsored at least $47 million in earmarks that directly benefitted organizations that one of his sons, Key Reid, [RW1] either lobbies for or is affiliated with.”

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder made the list due his corruption and cronyism within the Department of Justice as the most politicized Department of Justice in decades and the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.

Conserative and non-partisan: this is completely impossible. There is no way a conservative based organization is non-partisan. Therefore, their opinions are worthless, if you are, of course, looking for an unbiased opinion.
You were essentially asked for your opionion, what do you think should happen? Unfortunately, your response is like all the others here: you have avoided answering the question. Why don't you answer the question? What should happen to this guy?

I don't know. Perhaps because we thought you on the left were literate and read our responses is in the other half a dozen threads on the topic. So we decided to comment on the complete hypocrisy of the OP who will not call for Obama to resign for doing the same exact thing he wants Radell to resign for.

See we dont have a problem with both leaving office.

Obama is not doing drugs. What absolute nonsense you people express. I guess you believe if you say it enough times, it makes it true. Absolutely ludicrous you all are. Whatever Obama may have done as a young man, it is not as bad as what GW Bush did: he did cocaine and he was an alcoholic. You didn't demand he resign for what he did before he was president. You didn't ridicule him and try to paint him as a druggie. Yet his substance abuse was actually a problem that affected his life and needed treatment. Hypocrites.

Obama did coke too. so get off your high horse.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

Democrats voted for a cocaine and pot addict for President, they're very forgiving.

If he worked for me in the private sector, I'd fire his ass.

I'm sure the House has rules for this, let them handle it.

Republicans voted for a cocaine addict and alcoholic for President; they're very forgiving. If he worked in the private sector, Lumpy would fire his ass, except that he is a Republican, so he wouldn't, of course.

Passing Judgement on anyone who opposes the left, even after stating we condemn those on the GOP for wrong doing....................

Typical BS Leftist thread.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

You mean you disagree with his punishment for getting caught buying crack is a paid vacation? Congress works only 125 days a year anyway so how will anyone tell he's on vacation?

There's a plus side to this though ... Drying out at the rehab country club will give him time to write more really unfair laws to force the poor, women, children, blacks, vets out on the street to starve while he gets off Scott free and continues to get his $125thousand a year.

Its not just that these jerks preach their family values. Its that they actively work to harm families.

Screw "... and justice for all ..." and "... all men are created equal ... ". If he were some black guy, he'd be in a jail cell.

Left or right, R or D, he should be in jail.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

Democrats voted for a cocaine and pot addict for President, they're very forgiving.

If he worked for me in the private sector, I'd fire his ass.

I'm sure the House has rules for this, let them handle it.

Republicans voted for a cocaine addict and alcoholic for President; they're very forgiving. If he worked in the private sector, Lumpy would fire his ass, except that he is a Republican, so he wouldn't, of course.

Why do Democrats think they can speak for others?

Btw Obama said he did coke and pot...

Bush did not and most college students drink a bit..:lol:, sooo where's your proof/link..

Here's my link on Obama..Obama's Admitted Cocaine Use - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

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