
Moral equivalency is a modern ethical escape route. You'll see it every time a republican, conservative, libertarian, or other assorted politico gets caught. It is comparable to the child's, 'but Joanne did it too.' Ask any school teacher for examples. That RWLCLCRTPFMW* use it merely demonstrates their immaturity. Consider only that this man voted to have welfare participants drug tested and you soon realize you have entered a world where morality does not exist on a level above a five year old.

* Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnut

Obama was a coke head

still is :up:
Monday, Oct 18, 1999 01:10 PM +0300
Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972
Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims the Republican front-runner did community service at a Houston center.
Salon Staff

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Topics: George W. Bush, News

A new book by Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims that George W. Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in 1972, but had his record expunged with help from his family’s political connections. In an afterword to his book “Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President” (St. Martin’s), Hatfield says he took a second look at the Bush cocaine allegations after a story in Salon reporting allegations that Bush did community service for the crime at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Houston’s Third Ward.

The center’s executive director, Madgelean Bush (no relation to George W. Bush), had told Salon News and others that Bush did not do community service there, and the Bush campaign likewise denied the allegation. But the Texas governor had admitted to working at Houston’s Project P.U.L.L. in 1972, and Hatfield says he began to wonder if that was actually the community service sentence. Hatfield says he confirmed those suspicions with three sources close to the Bush family he had cultivated while writing his biography, which publishes Wednesday.

Bush’s campaign denied Hatfield’s allegation Monday.

By contrast, “First Son: George W. Bush and the Family Dynasty,” by Dallas Morning News reporter Bill Minutaglio, says George Bush Sr. referred his son to Project P.U.L.L. after an incident in which George W. drove drunk with his younger brother Marvin in the car.

But Hatfield quotes “a high-ranking advisor to Bush” who confirmed that Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in Houston in 1972, and had the record expunged by a judge who was “a fellow Republican and elected official” who helped Bush get off “with a little community service at a minority youth center instead of having to pick cotton on a Texas prison farm.”

Hatfield quotes a former Yale classmate who told him: “George W. was arrested for possession of cocaine in 1972, but due to his father’s connections, the entire record was expunged by a state judge whom the older Bush helped get elected. It was one of those ‘behind closed doors in the judges’ chambers’ kind of thing between the old man and one of his Texas cronies who owed him a favor … There’s only a handful of us that know the truth.”
Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972 -

It takes a lot of 'character' to lie and hide and deny, and get Daddy to have his friends wipe out your crimes. Yes, there's a man of great character. Not only that, but his wife is a freaking murderer who also had her daddy get his friends to wipe out her crime. What a pair of high 'character' individuals you guys worship.
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Moral equivalency is a modern ethical escape route. You'll see it every time a republican, conservative, libertarian, or other assorted politico gets caught. It is comparable to the child's, 'but Joanne did it too.' Ask any school teacher for examples. That RWLCLCRTPFMW* use it merely demonstrates their immaturity. Consider only that this man voted to have welfare participants drug tested and you soon realize you have entered a world where morality does not exist on a level above a five year old.

* Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnut

Obama was a coke head

still is :up:

GW Bush is the one who was a cokehead: he had serious substance abuse problems with both alcohol and cocaine. You rw's are such total hypocrites.
Monday, Oct 18, 1999 01:10 PM +0300
Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972
Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims the Republican front-runner did community service at a Houston center.
Salon Staff

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Topics: George W. Bush, News

A new book by Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims that George W. Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in 1972, but had his record expunged with help from his family’s political connections. In an afterword to his book “Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President” (St. Martin’s), Hatfield says he took a second look at the Bush cocaine allegations after a story in Salon reporting allegations that Bush did community service for the crime at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Houston’s Third Ward.

The center’s executive director, Madgelean Bush (no relation to George W. Bush), had told Salon News and others that Bush did not do community service there, and the Bush campaign likewise denied the allegation. But the Texas governor had admitted to working at Houston’s Project P.U.L.L. in 1972, and Hatfield says he began to wonder if that was actually the community service sentence. Hatfield says he confirmed those suspicions with three sources close to the Bush family he had cultivated while writing his biography, which publishes Wednesday.

Bush’s campaign denied Hatfield’s allegation Monday.

By contrast, “First Son: George W. Bush and the Family Dynasty,” by Dallas Morning News reporter Bill Minutaglio, says George Bush Sr. referred his son to Project P.U.L.L. after an incident in which George W. drove drunk with his younger brother Marvin in the car.

But Hatfield quotes “a high-ranking advisor to Bush” who confirmed that Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in Houston in 1972, and had the record expunged by a judge who was “a fellow Republican and elected official” who helped Bush get off “with a little community service at a minority youth center instead of having to pick cotton on a Texas prison farm.”

Hatfield quotes a former Yale classmate who told him: “George W. was arrested for possession of cocaine in 1972, but due to his father’s connections, the entire record was expunged by a state judge whom the older Bush helped get elected. It was one of those ‘behind closed doors in the judges’ chambers’ kind of thing between the old man and one of his Texas cronies who owed him a favor … There’s only a handful of us that know the truth.”
Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972 -

It takes a lot of 'character' to lie and hide and deny, and get Daddy to have his friends wipe out your crimes. Yes, there's a man of great character. Not only that, but his wife is a freaking murderer who also had her daddy get his friends to wipe out her crime. What a pair of high 'character' individuals you guys worship.

Claiming isn't proof and hearsay is merely bullshitting... get real Esmeralda..

Many have claimed without a doubt that Obama sucked their weeny but they don't have the "Blue Dress", should I believe it..?
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Monday, Oct 18, 1999 01:10 PM +0300
Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972
Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims the Republican front-runner did community service at a Houston center.
Salon Staff

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Topics: George W. Bush, News

A new book by Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims that George W. Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in 1972, but had his record expunged with help from his family’s political connections. In an afterword to his book “Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President” (St. Martin’s), Hatfield says he took a second look at the Bush cocaine allegations after a story in Salon reporting allegations that Bush did community service for the crime at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Houston’s Third Ward.

The center’s executive director, Madgelean Bush (no relation to George W. Bush), had told Salon News and others that Bush did not do community service there, and the Bush campaign likewise denied the allegation. But the Texas governor had admitted to working at Houston’s Project P.U.L.L. in 1972, and Hatfield says he began to wonder if that was actually the community service sentence. Hatfield says he confirmed those suspicions with three sources close to the Bush family he had cultivated while writing his biography, which publishes Wednesday.

Bush’s campaign denied Hatfield’s allegation Monday.

By contrast, “First Son: George W. Bush and the Family Dynasty,” by Dallas Morning News reporter Bill Minutaglio, says George Bush Sr. referred his son to Project P.U.L.L. after an incident in which George W. drove drunk with his younger brother Marvin in the car.

But Hatfield quotes “a high-ranking advisor to Bush” who confirmed that Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in Houston in 1972, and had the record expunged by a judge who was “a fellow Republican and elected official” who helped Bush get off “with a little community service at a minority youth center instead of having to pick cotton on a Texas prison farm.”

Hatfield quotes a former Yale classmate who told him: “George W. was arrested for possession of cocaine in 1972, but due to his father’s connections, the entire record was expunged by a state judge whom the older Bush helped get elected. It was one of those ‘behind closed doors in the judges’ chambers’ kind of thing between the old man and one of his Texas cronies who owed him a favor … There’s only a handful of us that know the truth.”
Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972 -

It takes a lot of 'character' to lie and hide and deny, and get Daddy to have his friends wipe out your crimes. Yes, there's a man of great character. Not only that, but his wife is a freaking murderer who also had her daddy get his friends to wipe out her crime. What a pair of high 'character' individuals you guys worship.

Claiming isn't proof and hearsay is merely bullshitting... get real Esmeralda..

Many have claimed without a doubt that Obama sucked their weeny, should I believe it..?

Lunacy is the only ammunition you have to use? There is a universe of difference, the two claims do not have any reasonable comparison, and if you had any intellectual integrity, you'd admit that. The biographer reseached the incident of Bush going to rehab and talked to informed people who know Bush and his family. The point you bring in is so low and base, so childish and looney, it isn't even worth addressing. And, btw, I don't ever continue a discussion with someone who brings up such ludicrous nonsense and argues in circles: it is so very, very tiresome and a total waste of energy, so don't expect me to respond to any more of your nonsense.
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1.the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.

2. one such feature or trait; characteristic.
3. moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.

4. qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity: It takes character to face up to a bully.

5. reputation: a stain on one's character.

This OP is supposed to be about Character..................

Honesty, Integrity, and so on.......................

Under that yoke............................

How do you grade Obama and all of his Lies............................

You are concerned with CHARACTER aren't you............We have proven his Lies and Broken Promises many times...............

So, Liberal Horde, step up to the plate and take a swing at the Character of you glorified one.........
Where them thar Libs go............

We are ..........

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Sniff sniff

We were learning so much about Character...................

From the shining examples of Liberalism.................

Anybody got a tissue.................

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You were essentially asked for your opionion, what do you think should happen? Unfortunately, your response is like all the others here: you have avoided answering the question. Why don't you answer the question? What should happen to this guy?

I don't know. Perhaps because we thought you on the left were literate and read our responses is in the other half a dozen threads on the topic. So we decided to comment on the complete hypocrisy of the OP who will not call for Obama to resign for doing the same exact thing he wants Radell to resign for.

See we dont have a problem with both leaving office.

Obama is not doing drugs. What absolute nonsense you people express. I guess you believe if you say it enough times, it makes it true. Absolutely ludicrous you all are. Whatever Obama may have done as a young man, it is not as bad as what GW Bush did: he did cocaine and he was an alcoholic. You didn't demand he resign for what he did before he was president. You didn't ridicule him and try to paint him as a druggie. Yet his substance abuse was actually a problem that affected his life and needed treatment. Hypocrites.

Im expressing nonsense because I am pointing out that Obama himself as has admitting using cocaine? Is there any reason I should disbelieve the President's own account of drug use?

I am not demanding the President resign because of drug use. I am pointing out that you are complete hypocrites for demanding radell to leave office when Obama has admitted to exact crime.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

I'm a Republican. I'm for family values, morality, and character. I'm also for doing research to not look foolish before I say something.

If you had, you'd notice about half a dozen threads on Radell. All of which have conservatives saying he should resign.

But, of course, you didn't bother doing five minutes of research before presuming conservatives on this board are hypocrites. I wonder if you will even acknowledge that we have said anything after you read this.

BTW have we figured out who we are going to have primary Trey if he doesn't step down?
Well done avatar. Well done. However you have avoided answering the question: Should a republican congressman caught and convicted of using cocaine resign? A simple yes or no answer is what is called for.

So you are illiterate then. Im not really sure how saying he should leave office is at all unclear or how it is a non-answer to your question.

But I do understand that my answer doesn't fit with your propaganda point so I am not at all surprised you are ignoring it. In fact, I even pointed out that you would have this exact response.

Stop being a hypocrite.
Wow! Was that taken in the Oval Office? No? On the campaign trail in 2008? No? When he was a senator in Chicago? No???? When?

Doesn't matter. Conservatives don't have a problem with calling for Radell to resign. Meanwhile Democrats seem to think he should go while they knowingly elect a man who committed the same exact crime to high office.

Who exactly is being hypocritical here?
First of all, I do not see any republicans calling for radell to resign. I may have missed if. If I did, please enlighten me.
Second, that said what Obama did or did not do is not a question here. You are using the grade school defense of "He started it." The question remains, should a congressman who is caught purchasing and using illegal drugs resign? It is a simple question.

Are you really so obstinent that you can't recognize you own freaking hypocrisy? Obama is relevant because you are trying to accuse people of hypocrites who fully support Radell leaving office while you actually are a hypocrite for insisting he leave and defending someone who admitted to the same crime.

Your outrage is one sided. Not surprising because you are partisan hack. I never said or even implied "He started it". Why? Because im not defending Radell. It's obvious he should resign. I am just pointing out your faux outrage at demanding he resign for doing the same exact crime that the President you elected twice freely admitted to comitting and then saying we are the hypocrites.

If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down.

First of all, we conservatives can spell his name correctly, and secondly, you must not have seen my post where I called for Trey Radel to step down and then go to jail for breaking the law.

You should learn not to generalize. :eusa_hand:

May you make a good day....
Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

So you are calling for President Obama's resignation? After all he has freely admittted doing the same exact crime. Somehow I don't believe you.
What Obama did or did not do is not a question here. What is at question is "Should a congressman who has been caught and convicted of illegal activity (purchasing and using illegal drugs) resign? It is a simple question.

I agree. You are complete avoiding the question because you realize you are holding a double standard.

Your question is asked has been answered multiple times. It's about time you start answering the questions of others. Or are you hypocrite on that front too?
I guess in the fairy tale logic of Liberals this would be the case........................

Do the crime...................

Do the time.................

I could care less their political background on this.................
AVOIDENCE: You did not answer whether you would condemn the person. Should a congressman who was caught and convicted of using illegal drugs resign? And yes, yes, I know you would condemn a Democrat for doing the same thing, but can you condemn a republican?

Are you Insane.................

I did that very thing with my post..................

And still you stick to your pointless op.

He cant admit you or anyone has answered his questions. He would have to admit his premise was false. That would mean he was wrong. he isn't going to do that.

But he has absolutely no problem defending Obama for the same crime he wants Radell condemned for. Apparently, when Radell commits the crime of possession it's a huge character flaw. When Obama does it, it's no big deal.

The difference? One is Republican the other is Democrat.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

You mean you disagree with his punishment for getting caught buying crack is a paid vacation? Congress works only 125 days a year anyway so how will anyone tell he's on vacation?

There's a plus side to this though ... Drying out at the rehab country club will give him time to write more really unfair laws to force the poor, women, children, blacks, vets out on the street to starve while he gets off Scott free and continues to get his $125thousand a year.

Its not just that these jerks preach their family values. Its that they actively work to harm families.

Screw "... and justice for all ..." and "... all men are created equal ... ". If he were some black guy, he'd be in a jail cell.

Left or right, R or D, he should be in jail.

No he wouldn't. Repeating the same bullcrap lie is not going to make it true. A first time offender for a simple possession charge almost always gets probation and no jail time.
First of all, we conservatives can spell his name correctly, and secondly, you must not have seen my post where I called for Trey Radel to step down and then go to jail for breaking the law.

You should learn not to generalize. :eusa_hand:

May you make a good day....

I dont think he cares where you called for it. Just as he is completely ignoring people who have said he should step down. In fact, he is quoting responses that say exactly that and claiming they are avoiding his question.
Republicans are always speaking of family values, morality, and character. Now we have a republican congressman, trey radell, busted on cocaine possession and cocaine use. If radell had been a Democrat the conservatives would be calling for his resignation at the top of their lungs. It will be interesting to see if any of the cons on this board call for him to step down. It will be my guess that the conservatives on this board will be more than happy to give him a pass on his drug use. After all, according to them it is only Democrats who would behave in that manner. So come-on all you upstanding conservatives surprise me and show your outrage and call for radell to step down. Failure to do so would be hypocritical.

As soon as the Democrats call for the resignation of Obama for stealing the 2012 election by knowingly lying and making false promises, which affect the entire nation, Republicans WILL call for the recall of Congressman Radell, whose indiscretion affects only his constituents.

Don't forget using his brownshirt Gestapo, the IRS, to threaten, intimidate, obstruct, and otherwise impede the opposition attempts to coordinate.
Justification and side-stepping all over the place. Sidle, sidle, sidle...... LMAO

Yes but it's all the Democrats have.

You know and I know, and the whole board knows, at least those who are intellectually honest, that it is the conservatives who are doing the justifying and sidling in this thread. Very hypocritical. :lol:

He may know, I know, lots of others know that it's hypocrites on both sides. You, on the other hand, seem to want to insist that only conservatives do what you charge. Makes you an intellectually dishonest hypocrite.

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