Charges Dropped Against Phony Journalist Who Doctored Planned Parenthood Videos

HOLY fuck, where did the 127 million dollars come from for this "non-profit" organization? They get (snicker) "donations" for access to fetal material...donation = MONEY. You are the one that is dense. They play the gray area and the oversight of it is minimal at best. AGAIN I will show you a link and this is from 1999. Read, learn, grow, evolve....pull your head out of your ass.

Harvesting Fetal Body Parts

Money does not automatically equal PROFIT, dipshit. Charities and non-profit organizations receive donations, yet it is not PROFIT. How the fuck did you get to be so goddamn stupid? Business 101 idiot.

Hey, dumb ass, they are getting money for a product that they did not produce. What was the cost for allowing access to the fetus? What outlay of expenses did they incur? So.... once again I KICK that ass of yours........(snicker)

Dale, I don't really know how to put this any other way....but you are the dumbest person on the face of this planet.

The money goes towards handling, packing and transportation. It is NOT profit dollars.

The only ass you're kicking around here is your own. Your own words kick your own ass better than anyone else ever could. You dig your own hole, every time, without fail, no matter what the topic. What an absolute clusterfuck you are.

Did you post on DA?

You got your ass kicked. and there is no other way to spin it...try as you may. Fetal tissue is big business and PP is getting in on the action and taking their cut Deny it all you want and you can piss and moan that the whistle blowers are not going to get jail time for exposing it....but it simply shows you to be one sorry POS. I am glad that I don't have to share the same airspace with you. You and those that think like you sicken me.

No, it is not "big business," you ignorant redneck dunce. It IS useful for scientific research and stem cell research. But the tissue is not sold for a profit -- that is illegal. Nothing is being spun here, there is no need to as the facts speak for themselves.

So again, take your fucking lies and shove them up your ass. Lying scum.

But the tissue is not sold for a profit --

But the tissue is not sold for a profit --


Got evidence that it was, redneck? No?

That's what I thought. Go back to smoking your meth, redneck.

Ask and you shall receive

New Documents Prove Planned Parenthood Illegally Profited From Selling Aborted Baby Parts |

New documents produced by a Congressional committee show the Planned Parenthood abortion business profited from the sales of aborted baby parts. The documents provide more evidence that a Center for Medical Progress video already put forward that the abortion company is violating federal law prohibiting the profiting from the sales of body parts from aborted children.

Shame on Texas. :mad-61:

Let me fix your title....

False Charges against undercover investigator who exposed Planned Parenthood for selling dead baby parts for Profit...........

There.....that fixed it for you......
But the tissue is not sold for a profit --


Got evidence that it was, redneck? No?

That's what I thought. Go back to smoking your meth, redneck.

Ask and you shall receive

New Documents Prove Planned Parenthood Illegally Profited From Selling Aborted Baby Parts |

New documents produced by a Congressional committee show the Planned Parenthood abortion business profited from the sales of aborted baby parts. The documents provide more evidence that a Center for Medical Progress video already put forward that the abortion company is violating federal law prohibiting the profiting from the sales of body parts from aborted children.

lol, "lifenews" is not a reliable source, and they're citing the already doctored videos as 'proof.' We've already moved way past this and it's common knowledge that those vids were doctored.

Nice try, redneck, but you fail again, as you always have done throughout your entire life.
You keep repeating "doctored" when they let you watch the video guys...the internet is not your use to be able to kill babies and sell their parts for you have been caught.......
But the tissue is not sold for a profit --


Got evidence that it was, redneck? No?

That's what I thought. Go back to smoking your meth, redneck.

Ask and you shall receive

New Documents Prove Planned Parenthood Illegally Profited From Selling Aborted Baby Parts |

New documents produced by a Congressional committee show the Planned Parenthood abortion business profited from the sales of aborted baby parts. The documents provide more evidence that a Center for Medical Progress video already put forward that the abortion company is violating federal law prohibiting the profiting from the sales of body parts from aborted children.

lol, "lifenews" is not a reliable source, and they're citing the already doctored videos as 'proof.' We've already moved way past this and it's common knowledge that those vids were doctored.

Nice try, redneck, but you fail again, as you always have done throughout your entire life.
They are unreliable because you say so? got to harder then that sport.

Sales of Baby Body Parts Shows Abortion Industry More Concerned With Profits Than Women |

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn has taken a lot of heat for leading the investigation of the abortion industry and the trafficking of aborted baby body parts.

But Blackburn is persevering and uncovering a growing pile of evidence exposing the profit-driven motives of the abortion industry.

In a new interview with The Daily Signal, Blackburn said she is concerned that both pregnant women and their unborn babies are being used as a “profit center” for abortion facilities and tissue procurement groups.

Blackburn chairs the Select Panel on Infant Lives, a special U.S. Congressional committee established to investigate the abortion industry and groups that handle aborted baby body parts.

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