Charges filed in shooting of Kansas City teen who rang wrong doorbell

He's in his 80s. May have bought his gun when he was in his 20s. May be taking doctor prescribed meds which caused him to panic when a total stranger was knocking on his door.

In the future ... it may be best when going to retrieve your brothers to give them a call from the street and say, "I'm parked outside" instead of getting lost and walking around the neighborhood knocking on strangers' doors.
Blaming the victim. I see you.
If guns don't save lives and prevent crime, why do the cops carry them?
I never said they didn't, I said they are also used to murder and rape and rob innocent people and that every other developed nation has a lot less murder because they have a lot fewer guns. In other words the risk to children being massacred is greater than your individual need for a firearm.
Chalk it up to "never let a tragedy go to waste if you can make a political point". There are people who should not be able to purchase firearms due to cognitive disorder problems. Sadly, the president is probably one of them and he has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
The same democrat party.
Nope....just like the GOP is not the same as it was in even the 1950s when this was their platform:

1. Provide federal assistance to low-income communities;

2. Protect Social Security;

3. Provide asylum for refugees;

4. Extend minimum wage;

5. Improve unemployment benefit system so it covers more people;

6. Strengthen labor laws so workers can more easily join a union;

7. Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.
Maybe? What do you base this "maybe" on?
The fact that the Media often lies or only tells half truths. None of us know 100% of the whole story. We don't know if the man has been harassed in the past. We don't know if the dude knocking on the door was a sweet and innocent or if he was up to something else. So "maybe" is an appropriate word when questioning the "official" story.
The fact that the Media often lies or only tells half truths. None of us know 100% of the whole story. We don't know if the man has been harassed in the past. We don't know if the dude knocking on the door was a sweet and innocent or if he was up to something else. So "maybe" is an appropriate word when questioning the "official" story.
So, you've got nothing but your own prejudices. Gotcha.

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