Charges filed in shooting of Kansas City teen who rang wrong doorbell

The Missouri man who shot a teenager who rang the wrong doorbell while trying to pick up his younger brothers was charged Monday with two felony counts, officials said.

A white man in his 80s, Andrew Lester, has been charged with two crimes in the April 13 shooting of Ralph Yarl, 16, who is Black: assault in the first degree and armed criminal action, Clay County Prosecuting Attorney Zachary Thompson said Monday.

He is 84, according to police documents. Earlier, authorities had given Lester’s age as 85.

An arrest warrant was issued for Lester, who is not in custody, Thompson said, adding that he didn't know where Lester was.

Lester's bond was set at $200,000, Thompson said.

You can thank the Democrats for this! This is exactly what they want....all of us at each other, trying to kill each other, so it will be easier for them to take over. They've created this hate and animosity through their vile propagandas, and backing those who go out and destroy, such as BLM and QAnon.

As long as there are Democrats, RINOS, and other anti-American politicians........American citizens will be under deadly attack from them.
Good, the guy was unsuitable to own a gun, lock the idiot up until he dies, the 2nd armed the senile old guy.
Wait, we're talking about a guy who shoots someone for ringing a doorbell...and progs are the cowards? Bitch, please.

Yeah, yeah...real men don't need guns to solve their imaginary problems.
No, real men aren't afraid of tools... though I'm sure you're a big fan of any meat hammer.
It's a defining characteristic of lefty males.

According to your Circular Logic for Morons, I guess we have no need for armies or police anymore either.

GFY progpussy
Hardly. It's all the media as a whole. The media has been the biggest racial divider in this country for the last 20 years.
Sorry. I don't see that. The media doesn't cause cops to go out and shoot unarmed black men in the back, or take "stand your ground" to the extreme.
It is a function of the proliferation of guns and the growing "Wild West" mentality of resolving issues through the use of such.
Alt-right media has been practicing racial division since Obama got elected. Take the actions of a small % of blacks...and apply it to all blacks. Broad brush..complete. :)
THAT'S how you propagate fear.
No, real men aren't afraid of tools... though I'm sure you're a big fan of any meat hammer.
It's a defining characteristic of lefty males.

Just because you have a tool isn't an excuse to not use your brain. In a lot of cases, conflict and the outcomes from it can be mediated just by thinking things through and communicating.

If George Zimmerman had just taken the 911 dispatcher's advice and not followed Trayvon Martin around the neighborhood, Martin would be alive and Zimmerman wouldn't be facing a lifetime of debt. He was acting within the law - barely. But it was still not the smartest move on the chessboard and now he's living with the consequences, as are others.

According to your Circular Logic for Morons, I guess we have no need for armies or police anymore either.

You're just a binary moron, aren't you? Never argued against police or standing armies, but whether it's a standing army, an officer of the law, or a good guy with a gun: a little bit of thought can go a long way. Force should be used last, not first. And if you can't be calm enough not to shit your pants before assessing a threat, then by all means, stay the fuck out of law enforcement and the military, and keep your guns in your closet.

GFY progpussy

Okay, tough guy, lol
Just because you have a tool isn't an excuse to not use your brain. In a lot of cases, conflict and the outcomes from it can be mediated just by thinking things through and communicating.

If George Zimmerman had just taken the 911 dispatcher's advice and not followed Trayvon Martin around the neighborhood, Martin would be alive and Zimmerman wouldn't be facing a lifetime of debt. He was acting within the law - barely. But it was still not the smartest move on the chessboard and now he's living with the consequences, as are others.

You're just a binary moron, aren't you? Never argued against police or standing armies, but whether it's a standing army, an officer of the law, or a good guy with a gun: a little bit of thought can go a long way. Force should be used last, not first. And if you can't be calm enough not to shit your pants before assessing a threat, then by all means, stay the fuck out of law enforcement and the military, and keep your guns in your closet.

Okay, tough guy, lol
but yet you instead of using your brain go ahead and use your computer,,
Once again, I'll bring the actual facts to an emotionally charged thread;

Excerpts of the prosecutor’s probable cause statement posted online reveal that Lester told police he picked up his gun after hearing the doorbell ring while laying down. He opened an interior door and saw a “black male approximately six feet tall” pulling on the exterior door of his house. Believing it was a break-in attempt, he fired twice after opening the door.
Lynch, who is Lester’s neighbor, was getting ready for bed when he heard the teenager scream that he had been shot. The 42-year-old father of three, had seen Ralph banging on the door of Lester’s home through his kitchen window; he was trying to figure out what was going on next door after he heard shouting.

At the very least, Ralph was signaling his intentions to come inside the house, and per the shooter was actively trying to get inside. Maybe that's true, maybe not. But if so it's certainly an easy behavior to misconstrue as an attempted burglary or worse.

And forget the gun for a moment, what if Lester had opened the door and started swinging with an ax, or a machete, or even a large hammer or wrench. Any one of those things could have inflicted harm to an unsuspecting victim.

I believe that it was unfortunate that this young man went to the wrong address. Certainly not something he deserved to get shot over. I think it's equally unfortunate that the older gentleman reacted how he did. But to turn this incident into yet another 'guns are bad because guns' debate is just lazy.

Lastly, why are there no protests going on in Alabama? Four teens were slaughtered for even LESS reason than Mr. Yarl here. I wonder what the difference is...
No, this is a consequence of a nation where guns are freely available and where alt-right media does a wonderful job of stirring up racial division by denigrating and demeaning blacks as a whole. And you wonder why when a black face comes to white ma and pa kettle's door, they're immediately afraid. ^Shrug^.

It's only going to get worse.
Could it be from the BLM rallies when innocent truckers, citizens, and business owners were attacked? these incidents fall squarely on the democrats that encouraged that 6 months of violence
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Once again, I'll bring the actual facts to an emotionally charged thread;

Excerpts of the prosecutor’s probable cause statement posted online reveal that Lester told police he picked up his gun after hearing the doorbell ring while laying down. He opened an interior door and saw a “black male approximately six feet tall” pulling on the exterior door of his house. Believing it was a break-in attempt, he fired twice after opening the door.
Lynch, who is Lester’s neighbor, was getting ready for bed when he heard the teenager scream that he had been shot. The 42-year-old father of three, had seen Ralph banging on the door of Lester’s home through his kitchen window; he was trying to figure out what was going on next door after he heard shouting.

At the very least, Ralph was signaling his intentions to come inside the house, and per the shooter was actively trying to get inside. Maybe that's true, maybe not. But if so it's certainly an easy behavior to misconstrue as an attempted burglary or worse.

And forget the gun for a moment, what if Lester had opened the door and started swinging with an ax, or a machete, or even a large hammer or wrench. Any one of those things could have inflicted harm to an unsuspecting victim.

I believe that it was unfortunate that this young man went to the wrong address. Certainly not something he deserved to get shot over. I think it's equally unfortunate that the older gentleman reacted how he did. But to turn this incident into yet another 'guns are bad because guns' debate is just lazy.

Lastly, why are there no protests going on in Alabama? Four teens were slaughtered for even LESS reason than Mr. Yarl here. I wonder what the difference is...
this is just another example of a black life only mattering because it was taken by a white man,,
Actually, it pretty much did -- certainly is today.

Remember, Rittenhouse is a hero to them.

Another prime example of what I'm talking about. Rittenhouse is infatuated with guns and it ended up getting him in a shitload of legal trouble. Sure he got acquitted (legally the right call, IMO) but he could have avoided the stress of facing decades behind bars and untold $ in legal fees if he had just stayed the fuck home and played Call of Duty instead. Having an AR-15 on his person made him a target (just like the guy who got killed in Austin); it also changed how he approached the entire situation. Any responsible adult would have known this was not a good idea, but he did it anyway because he assumed the law was on his side, which it turned out to be in this case.
Chalk it up to "never let a tragedy go to waste if you can make a political point". There are people who should not be able to purchase firearms due to cognitive disorder problems. Sadly, the president is probably one of them and he has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
Seek help for your BDS. I hate to burst your little snot bubble but Trump isn`t coming back....ever.

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