Charles Koch Compares Trump To A Nazi

Hitler turned Germany from a broke country into an economic powerhouse within a small amount of time after taking office. The German quality of life improved due to innovation and technology. Trump will make America great again by bringing back nationalism. It's the only way that America can truly prosper.

Will we gas Jews too ?
Hopefully we'll deport them along with the wetbacks and 3rld world migrants.

How very interesting.

Even if they have citizenship ?
Why would wetbacks and invading migrants have citizenship?


We were talking Jews.

You brought up the others.
Yes, revoke their citizenship. Get em out of here!
The left is fair weathered haters...even a couple of weeks ago the Koch brothers were the evil right wing puppy they are the greatest thing since sliced bread

Apparently you don't understand the definition of "detest" either.

You can always trust a rightie to read the headline and skip the message.
Conservative billionaire Charles Koch called Donald Trump’s support of a registry for Muslims “reminiscent of Nazi Germany” in an interview that aired on Sunday.

Koch said Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the country is “antithetical to our approach,” but he has a real problem with Trump’s support of using a database to track Muslims in the country.

“That’s reminiscent of Nazi Germany. I mean that’s monstrous, as I said at the time,” the Koch Industries CEO told ABC News.

More: Charles Koch Compares Donald Trump To A Nazi

Amen! I detest the Koch brothers - but they're certainly right about Trump.

They don't like Ted Cruz, either. I've been thinking they are secretly throwing money at Kasich, otherwise his campaign is a vacuum somewhere in outer space. But since they are very, very good at doing things secretly, we will never know.
Conservative billionaire Charles Koch called Donald Trump’s support of a registry for Muslims “reminiscent of Nazi Germany” in an interview that aired on Sunday.

Koch said Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the country is “antithetical to our approach,” but he has a real problem with Trump’s support of using a database to track Muslims in the country.

“That’s reminiscent of Nazi Germany. I mean that’s monstrous, as I said at the time,” the Koch Industries CEO told ABC News.

More: Charles Koch Compares Donald Trump To A Nazi

Amen! I detest the Koch brothers - but they're certainly right about Trump.

Who gives a shit, it's not like Trumps compromising national security or lying to congress.
Democrat financier George Soros is a Nazi.....strange.....

Aw, the ole NaziCon deflection technique. Duh, we're talking about NaziCon Charles Koch calling Adolf Trump a Nazi. He certainly should know one when he sees one. Just like Michael Sam should know an asshole when he sees one.
Democrat financier George Soros is a Nazi.....strange.....

Aw, the ole NaziCon deflection technique. Duh, we're talking about NaziCon Charles Koch calling Adolf Trump a Nazi. He certainly should know one when he sees one. Just like Michael Sam should know an asshole when he sees one.
I am talking about a real Nazi, who is a democrat, and who you celebrate.....

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