Charles Krauthammer Explains Problem With Ground Zero Mosque Perfectly

Question: have any of you people hyperventilating over the issue spent much time in Manhattan? Because it sure doesn't sound like it.
Do you know what the Money Supply is, you Inbred Mouth Breather? What happens when the money supply contracts by 30% (as did happen from 1929 through 1932)? What happens when the money supply is significantly increased (as did happen from 1935 onward)?


Linky no worky

It works for me - must be that you are too economically illiterate to understand the content, and the site has performed a tissue rejection.

It worked for me too.
[I dunno. From the article it sounds as if the original building was a simple, smallish building and now they want to build the dominant building at the WTC site. As far as my opinion goes, I don't think a church of any sort should be the dominant building at ground zero.

Also, I'm 99.99% sure the mosque, which is two blocks away, will be completely out of view of the WTC memorial as there is another, larger building on the block between the two sites.

IMNSHO the mosque is totally unconnected to ground zero while the GOC is on the same plot of land.

It's not at the WTC site - it's been relocated two blocks away because the Port Authority wanted its original site for 130 parking spaces.
Question: have any of you people hyperventilating over the issue spent much time in Manhattan? Because it sure doesn't sound like it.

I'm avoiding NYC due to the bedbug infestation.
[I dunno. From the article it sounds as if the original building was a simple, smallish building and now they want to build the dominant building at the WTC site. As far as my opinion goes, I don't think a church of any sort should be the dominant building at ground zero.

Also, I'm 99.99% sure the mosque, which is two blocks away, will be completely out of view of the WTC memorial as there is another, larger building on the block between the two sites.

IMNSHO the mosque is totally unconnected to ground zero while the GOC is on the same plot of land.

It's not at the WTC site - it's been relocated two blocks away because the Port Authority wanted its original site for 130 parking spaces.
:eek: I notice the mosque is even further away. :eek: And invisible from Ground Zero. :eek: I sense a plot!
Just because I'm not interested in being inflicted with bedbugs now doesn't mean I haven't been to NYC or the WTC site. Not is NYC the only place in the world with tall buildings.
that's nice. but what does charlie suggest we do with the constitution?

i suppose it would make nice wallpaper.

(btw, i disagree with his premise. it would make sense for the mosque to be built elsewhere for other reasons).

i don't understand what purpose all the whinging serves.

Please point out where in the Constitution that it says people have the right to build mosques, churches or synagogues anywhere they wish.

I'll wait, Jillian. You're being disengenuous. I just can't believe you honestly believe that the constitution protects the right to build.
Well, it actually does protect property rights - too bad our government tramples over them constantly (Kelo anyone?) and only takes a stand for the Mosque.
Well, it actually does protect property rights - too bad our government tramples over them constantly (Kelo anyone?) and only takes a stand for the Mosque.
They aren't allowing a mosque at ground zero no matter how much you repeat the lie.
Maybe this will help the conversation




As you can see the proposed 13 story ceneter will be taller than the building (the 10 story one one to the right of the destroyed building in the middle of the last picture, the mosque/center will be built right behind it). With the mosque being the at the top of the building it will be in clear view of ground zero.
You know, I do not care if they built a mosque near ground zero

But if they build an radical Islamic terrorists training camp, then I'll raise some hell!
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As you can see the proposed 13 story ceneter will be taller than the building (the 10 story one one to the right of the destroyed building in the middle of the last picture, the mosque/center will be built right behind it). With the mosque being the at the top of the building it will be in clear view of ground zero.
I think your pics are a little off...there are two city blocks between the locations.

Google Maps
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As you can see the proposed 13 story ceneter will be taller than the building (the 10 story one one to the right of the destroyed building in the middle of the last picture, the mosque/center will be built right behind it). With the mosque being the at the top of the building it will be in clear view of ground zero.
I think your pics are a little off...there are two city blocks between the locations.

Google Maps

Ravi see the little red building on the right sticking up behind the other 2 buildings? That is 14 stories. You can see the little rectangle of it from the overhead view in the 2nd picture, the same block where the mosque is proposed.

You will be able to see it at the 13 story height from ground zero.

If its hard to figure out which is which I'll try and use MS paint to put circles on it and upload the pictures tonight.
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Maybe this will help the conversation




As you can see the proposed 13 story ceneter will be taller than the building (the 10 story one one to the right of the destroyed building in the middle of the last picture, the mosque/center will be built right behind it). With the mosque being the at the top of the building it will be in clear view of ground zero.
I think your pics are a little off...there are two city blocks between the locations.

Google Maps

Ravi see the little red building on the right sticking up behind the other 2 buildings? That is 14 stories. You can see the little rectangle of it from the overhead view in the 2nd picture, the same block where the mosque is proposed.

You will be able to see it at the 13 story height from ground zero.

If its hard to figure out which is which I'll try and use MS paint to put circles on it and upload the pictures tonight.
mmmkay...I think you are looking in the wrong place.
I think your pics are a little off...there are two city blocks between the locations.

Google Maps

Ravi see the little red building on the right sticking up behind the other 2 buildings? That is 14 stories. You can see the little rectangle of it from the overhead view in the 2nd picture, the same block where the mosque is proposed.

You will be able to see it at the 13 story height from ground zero.

If its hard to figure out which is which I'll try and use MS paint to put circles on it and upload the pictures tonight.
mmmkay...I think you are looking in the wrong place.

No look at the blue top of the left building, the destroyed building in the middle, and the black faced building (older pic has red over broken windows, newer is all black). That is the right spot.
Plan for Ground Zero memorial from 2008, viewed looking east - Park 51 will be two blocks north (to the left), completely screened by dozens of tall buildings, including the 1,776-foot tall Freedom Tower, the base of which is depicted in the lower left.

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