'Charleston Chad' Asks: Badass Internet Racist?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Charleston Chad asks me:

"what is it psychologically that makes you think it's badass to be an internet racist?"

I don't know about "badass," Charleston, but it does feel pretty good to say things I can't quite say around the watercooler. I see that there are pretty obvious differences between racial and ethnic groups. I read stacks of stuff confirming that in fact, there are. And yet in "official society," in the MSM, etc., we're not supposed to acknowledge this. We're not even supposed to THINK about it.

Example. Today, I'm listening to NPR report on the fact that in the District of Columbia, blacks are three times more likely to be obese than whites.

Cause? According to NPR, racism.

Yeah, really.

Now, come on, people. Is it just possible that the cause of blacks being fat is... blacks overeating and not exercising? And that whites aren't actually at fault here? Hello?

No, guess not. So, as I grip the wheel of the Civic and curse my coffee cup, I feel... disempowered, you might say. Here and elsewhere, I can right that injustice, if you will.

Certainly, there have been one or two occasions when I've lost my temper or spoken out of turn. But not often. I typically make an effort to stick to facts and sound reasoning and back up what I say with information or links, etc.

If what you're trying to insinuate is that I wouldn't say what I say here to the black guy at my office or my former Jewish boss, you're right. I wouldn't. I'm a polite person most of the time. But I hardly think that cuts too deeply against the truth or sincerity of what I'm saying. Actually, it kind of bolsters it. The truth is that these are serious issues, and I think our failure as a society to address them openly and honestly is really fucking things up in America. Surely you'd agree that open and honest communication is a virtue.

I hope I've answered your question.

And maybe you could entertain us with a brief discourse on what psychology is involved with denying racial differences.
Your full of shit as usual. You hate because it makes you feel good. You do not however have the balls to do so in a place that might endanger you physically , financially or any other way. You do it anonomously on the internet.

You would, if the races were actually separated, start bad mouthing certain white races, explaining how this or that one was inferior in some way. It is how you think, it empowers you and lets you feel better then those you bad mouth.
You do not however have the balls to do so in a place that might endanger you physically , financially or any other way. You do it anonomously on the internet.

Not true, actually. At one rally, I had WHITES threatening to kill me! Not to worry: state police were on hand. Just not right away.

But even if you were to concede that, you wouldn't change your position. If I were really David Duke, you would dismiss me. Or if I were totally anonymous, same thing.

So who cares? Why not focus on the truth of what I'm saying? People seem to be really fascinated with my motivations or who I am as a person, but rarely with the entirely verifiable things I say. That's so... I don't know... female. Sorry, ladies. I guess that was sexist.

So what about it? Am I lying? Are races equal? Will black Africans put a man in space in the next 10 years, or will racist whites concoct a secret conspiracy to keep them down and squelch their nascent space program?
Not true, actually. At one rally, I had WHITES threatening to kill me! Not to worry: state police were on hand. Just not right away.

But even if you were to concede that, you wouldn't change your position. If I were really David Duke, you would dismiss me. Or if I were totally anonymous, same thing.

So who cares? Why not focus on the truth of what I'm saying? People seem to be really fascinated with my motivations or who I am as a person, but rarely with the entirely verifiable things I say. That's so... I don't know... female. Sorry, ladies. I guess that was sexist.

So what about it? Am I lying? Are races equal? Will black Africans put a man in space in the next 10 years, or will racist whites concoct a secret conspiracy to keep them down and squelch their nascent space program?

Simply amazing, your ignorance is so striking coming from someone that seems at times so smart. Your attempt to twist and turn may win you points with your supremacy buddies but it carries no weight with me.

I do worry about undecideds reading your propaganda though. Remind me when the last European manned flight was launched ( other than sending them up in OUR space craft).

African Countries have neither the money or the desire to explore space. Most are so screwed up from having been put together by white map makers that they barely get along with each other.

Please provide us with the Italian, French, English, German, etc etc, space programs that have successfully launched men into space. Remind me when our shuttle is grounded who we turn to for the international space station help? Or are Europeans not white enough for you?
Charleston Chad asks me:

"what is it psychologically that makes you think it's badass to be an internet racist?"

I don't know about "badass," Charleston, but it does feel pretty good to say things I can't quite say around the watercooler. I see that there are pretty obvious differences between racial and ethnic groups. I read stacks of stuff confirming that in fact, there are. And yet in "official society," in the MSM, etc., we're not supposed to acknowledge this. We're not even supposed to THINK about it.

Example. Today, I'm listening to NPR report on the fact that in the District of Columbia, blacks are three times more likely to be obese than whites.

Cause? According to NPR, racism.

Yeah, really.

Now, come on, people. Is it just possible that the cause of blacks being fat is... blacks overeating and not exercising? And that whites aren't actually at fault here? Hello?

No, guess not. So, as I grip the wheel of the Civic and curse my coffee cup, I feel... disempowered, you might say. Here and elsewhere, I can right that injustice, if you will.

Certainly, there have been one or two occasions when I've lost my temper or spoken out of turn. But not often. I typically make an effort to stick to facts and sound reasoning and back up what I say with information or links, etc.

If what you're trying to insinuate is that I wouldn't say what I say here to the black guy at my office or my former Jewish boss, you're right. I wouldn't. I'm a polite person most of the time. But I hardly think that cuts too deeply against the truth or sincerity of what I'm saying. Actually, it kind of bolsters it. The truth is that these are serious issues, and I think our failure as a society to address them openly and honestly is really fucking things up in America. Surely you'd agree that open and honest communication is a virtue.

I hope I've answered your question.

And maybe you could entertain us with a brief discourse on what psychology is involved with denying racial differences.

So basically your to afraid to tell them to their face because you know they will beat the everloving shit out of you? If your going to be man enough to say it on here be man enough to say it in person.
So basically your to afraid to tell them to their face because you know they will beat the everloving shit out of you? If your going to be man enough to say it on here be man enough to say it in person.

Oh, for God's sake... under what circumstance, NM? "Excuse me, Tyrone? Can I come into your office for a minute? I'd like to tell you that I agree with Dr. Watson." And I might mention that if you're going to wonder about me being beaten up by a black person for saying what I believe, wouldn't that be engaging in a stereotype about blacks and violence? And could I just further mention that my concession re: roughly the same was the founding point for this thread? Is anyone out there getting this? Oy!

RGS said:
African Countries have neither the money or the desire to explore space. Most are so screwed up from having been put together by white map makers that they barely get along with each other.

Please provide us with the Italian, French, English, German, etc etc, space programs that have successfully launched men into space. Remind me when our shuttle is grounded who we turn to for the international space station help? Or are Europeans not white enough for you?

So, the lack of any African space program is because they're... just not interested? What else aren't they interested in? Running water? Food? Man, oh, man. All those billions we've spent on aid to Africans could have been saved if they'd just been a little more curious about things? And were it not for those evil white map makers, black Africans today would be neck-and-neck with the Swedes for clean, calm and orderly living replete with Volvos and Nokia phones? I'll be.

The "Italian, English, German" space program IS the U.S. space program because that's where the genes came from.

I know I'm the racist guy and all, but am I really going to have to debate whether white societies are more technologically advanced than black societies?
I would have thought that here is a good place to test ideas out, regardless of their flavour. If an idea or proposition can't stand up to scrutiny here then you hold it (in non-cyberlife) at your continuing mental peril - and I'm addressing everyone, not just WJ.
Not true, actually. At one rally, I had WHITES threatening to kill me! Not to worry: state police were on hand. Just not right away.

But even if you were to concede that, you wouldn't change your position. If I were really David Duke, you would dismiss me. Or if I were totally anonymous, same thing.

So who cares? Why not focus on the truth of what I'm saying? People seem to be really fascinated with my motivations or who I am as a person, but rarely with the entirely verifiable things I say. That's so... I don't know... female. Sorry, ladies. I guess that was sexist.

So what about it? Am I lying? Are races equal? Will black Africans put a man in space in the next 10 years, or will racist whites concoct a secret conspiracy to keep them down and squelch their nascent space program?

What kind of rally was it? One where you and your friends hide behind white sheets over your head burning crosses lead by people like David Duke and Bob Matthews?
I would have thought that here is a good place to test ideas out, regardless of their flavour. If an idea or proposition can't stand up to scrutiny here then you hold it (in non-cyberlife) at your continuing mental peril - and I'm addressing everyone, not just WJ.

I am feed up with his racist garbage. Comparing African Nations to developed white nations is ignorant at best. Because they are not as advanced as us does not equate to them being dumber then us naturally. There are a slew of reasons those nations do not function like European nations. And not just because racists say blacks are dumb shits.

Or do you buy into that also?

No man has been put in space by white men except in Russia and the US, that does not mean the other white nations are to stupid to do it, now does it? That is basicly what he just claimed. Then back tracked claiming the US represents all Europe.

Are white nations more technologically advanced? Sure they are. Doesn't then equate to non white races are stupid.

He claims he has posted scientific evidence that whites are superior to blacks in several catagories, intelligence being one. He has done no such thing. He has posted links to a couple scientists that have made those claims. That doesn't make the claims true.
Dig that, RGS.

Your full of shit as usual. You hate because it makes you feel good. You do not however have the balls to do so in a place that might endanger you physically , financially or any other way. You do it anonomously on the internet.

You would, if the races were actually separated, start bad mouthing certain white races, explaining how this or that one was inferior in some way. It is how you think, it empowers you and lets you feel better then those you bad mouth.

I'm gonna start taking back all that ol' shit I been saying about you.:evil:
I am feed up with his racist garbage. Comparing African Nations to developed white nations is ignorant at best. Because they are not as advanced as us does not equate to them being dumber then us naturally. There are a slew of reasons those nations do not function like European nations. And not just because racists say blacks are dumb shits.

Or do you buy into that also?

No man has been put in space by white men except in Russia and the US, that does not mean the other white nations are to stupid to do it, now does it? That is basicly what he just claimed. Then back tracked claiming the US represents all Europe.

Are white nations more technologically advanced? Sure they are. Doesn't then equate to non white races are stupid.

He claims he has posted scientific evidence that whites are superior to blacks in several catagories, intelligence being one. He has done no such thing. He has posted links to a couple scientists that have made those claims. That doesn't make the claims true.

Actually from what I read the Russian, French, Japanese, Italians, English and a few other countries are all part of the International Space Station.
Holy shit, rgs!!!!!! Did you say all that shit? If so, then all that shit I have been hearing about you must be correct. I dunno, ol' vet. Tell me it ain't so!!!!!!!!
I am feed up with his racist garbage. Comparing African Nations to developed white nations is ignorant at best. Because they are not as advanced as us does not equate to them being dumber then us naturally. There are a slew of reasons those nations do not function like European nations. And not just because racists say blacks are dumb shits.

Or do you buy into that also?

No man has been put in space by white men except in Russia and the US, that does not mean the other white nations are to stupid to do it, now does it? That is basicly what he just claimed. Then back tracked claiming the US represents all Europe.

Are white nations more technologically advanced? Sure they are. Doesn't then equate to non white races are stupid.

He claims he has posted scientific evidence that whites are superior to blacks in several catagories, intelligence being one. He has done no such thing. He has posted links to a couple scientists that have made those claims. That doesn't make the claims true.

No I don't buy into the racial superiority argument for many reasons. But if I can I'll explain why with a little anecdote. In our federal parliament several years ago one of our parliamentarians suggested that aboriginal people here were "backward" because they didn't invent the wheel. No, but they invented woomeras and boomerangs (I know they're not unique to Australia but 40,000 years ago aboriginal people weren't exactly importing stuff from China) and they could live in what to Europeans appeared to be deserts. The parliamentarian didn't get it of course, the old saw about necessity being the mother of invention. Since Australia didn't have horses but had kangaroos, why would anyone want a bloody wheel? :lol:
So basically your to afraid to tell them to their face because you know they will beat the everloving shit out of you? If your going to be man enough to say it on here be man enough to say it in person.

That's kind of lame. I'd like to see you come on to one of my jobsites and vocalize your stance on illegal immigrants.

It has nothing to do with being man enough to say in to someone's face and LOT to do with them not being man enough to take the criticism and rebut it. Racial criticism is usually silenced via beatdown.
Well, thanks for answering my question. I think the fact that you created your own thread to explain yourself reveals a great deal about your reasoning for being the stereotypical internet racist. It all comes down to you getting the attention you desire. You know that there is no logic behind the claim that certain races are superior, b/c genetically there are no recognizable differences, other than skin color. I think you're just like nevadamedic and RSR, in that you really don't believe everything you preach, but you like how it sounds and don't want to question your own beliefs for fear that you might reveal flaws in logic. You cannot defend your view further than spamming threads with MelGibson bullshit and the likes. I've seen you post your hatred of the races many times, but I guess I missed those threads where you justified your claims.
I would have thought that here is a good place to test ideas out, regardless of their flavour. If an idea or proposition can't stand up to scrutiny here then you hold it (in non-cyberlife) at your continuing mental peril - and I'm addressing everyone, not just WJ.

I agree, sort of. I don't do this, however I can see the merits. I think WJ is very intelligent, actually I think his 'bigotry' is more intellectual than practiced. I wouldn't be surprised that he works with many people of color and gets along with them fine. In fact, I'd be surprised if he didn't find some of them above many of the whites he works with, intellectually, and acknowledge such, thought not in 'that way.' On the other hand, I believe he does believe there should be separation between the races, for all the reasons he's espoused here.
Well, thanks for answering my question. I think the fact that you created your own thread to explain yourself reveals a great deal about your reasoning for being the stereotypical internet racist. It all comes down to you getting the attention you desire. You know that there is no logic behind the claim that certain races are superior, b/c genetically there are no recognizable differences, other than skin color. I think you're just like nevadamedic and RSR, in that you really don't believe everything you preach, but you like how it sounds and don't want to question your own beliefs for fear that you might reveal flaws in logic. You cannot defend your view further than spamming threads with MelGibson bullshit and the likes. I've seen you post your hatred of the races many times, but I guess I missed those threads where you justified your claims.

I disagree with your assumed motive for starting the thread. The thread was started to answer YOUR question. He expressed his views, and whether or not you agree with him, you got a better argument than "just cuz."
That's kind of lame. I'd like to see you come on to one of my jobsites and vocalize your stance on illegal immigrants.

It has nothing to do with being man enough to say in to someone's face and LOT to do with them not being man enough to take the criticism and rebut it. Racial criticism is usually silenced via beatdown.

I would have no problem doing that. So what, id get my ass kicked big deal. Who can't take a little pain.
Well, thanks for answering my question. I think the fact that you created your own thread to explain yourself reveals a great deal about your reasoning for being the stereotypical internet racist. It all comes down to you getting the attention you desire. You know that there is no logic behind the claim that certain races are superior, b/c genetically there are no recognizable differences, other than skin color. I think you're just like nevadamedic and RSR, in that you really don't believe everything you preach, but you like how it sounds and don't want to question your own beliefs for fear that you might reveal flaws in logic. You cannot defend your view further than spamming threads with MelGibson bullshit and the likes. I've seen you post your hatred of the races many times, but I guess I missed those threads where you justified your claims.

I am not a damn racist don't bring me into this shithead.

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